The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
“As you wish.” Latin began to slither from her tongue, winding around her students and seemingly disconnecting them from the world completely as it should have isolated them. The candles began to flare up higher and higher, blurring the sight of the other across the circle The candle wax circling Goldmyth began to warm, shifting and flowering out around her even though it kept her contained still. “Goldmyth, you have been chosen for your worst fear.” English rang out from Ms. Vine’s lips in what felt like forever and she shifted her glasses. “Try not to panic, however, as these illusions cannot physically harm you…If you are to leave the circle before the fear is gone–warded away by your familiar–the bonding process will be broken and it will be apparent you two are not meant for the merging of auras.” With those words the lit candles’ fire straightened to fiery ropes and stretched over to Goldmyths’ circle of red, before it became a wall of fire blocking her path to the circle. And in front of that wall of fire manifested her worst fear…
There it was, a box. A white box. With music. Just, a repeating, “The London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. The London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady!” Goldmyth just stood there frozen, “Don’t move, just sing along, The London bridge is falling down.” Orsin looked around, “Goldmyth, just look away and sing with me. Now I got a new gig, lemme know if ya dig, anit going home, so I better go big.” Goldmyth looked away from it, “Just gotta glance…at CAM…2B…then you get a little surprise, It’s me.” Goldmyth stuttered. Orsin looked around and sighed, “I’m gonna be a mighty king, so enemies beware, well..awe screw it…Goldmyth, close your eyes and think of my hugging you, a big.” The box fades away, “warm,” The box fades away more, “Happy”, the box keeps on fading away.
“Well, when I’m lucky… was lucky, we would get to hunt. But when we couldn’t….jerky and grape soda… and… red bull. It helps keep my human brain a little more active for a little longer. Did you know we get stronger on the full moon? And bigger, too, in our wolf forms. I actually made it halfway through the whole thing, and I remember changing and thinking, ‘wow, this room is really small!’ I don’t think it will be a problem in that room though. It’s a decent size.” She unlocked her room with the ornate black skeleton key and grabbed a bag that was already full of foods and red bull. “My brother did the same as you, so you’re in luck for spicy food.” She walked over to a closet and chucked a pillow playfully at him. The pillow was followed by a light quilt landing on his head. “Pffft.” She grabbed a few more blankets and her actual collar. The one she had given to Miss Vine had been her brother’s, she had pulled it off his body when she buried him. Hers was silver, less beat up, and had a set of tags next to the pouch of herbs.
“I’m small enough to pass as a husky, normally.” she explained as the tag jingled. “Okay, shall we go back?”
Ms. Vine’s green eyes flicked back and forth across the circle. Goldmyth appeared to be horrified at something that the headmistress could not see but the bear appeared to be calming her down…With a rap song? The woman was trying very hard to keep her face grim and serious but the lyrics were quite entertaining. She schooled her features, however, when the firepath began to fade away, and would leave two ropes of fire leading into the main circle for Goldmyth to continue in when her fear was completely gone.
“Hunt? Really lucky…” Fang felt like something was wrong, but asking would be rude, right? “Yeah, we get stronger and bigger for the ‘big hunt’. Or at least that’s what my grandfather always told me, that back in the old days if food was hard to come by on the full-moon we’d get bigger to be able to have a least a good meal every month.” He scratched the side of his head. “He’s probably 100% wrong, but my dad and his siblings were always allowed to hunt…so unfair.” He moved into her room, and couldn’t keep his gold eyes from flicking around a bit. “Nice room, singular, but has a touch of…you…” That was weird a ‘touch of you’? Nice going, Fangy boy. “I mean, your aura lingers in here. You know, witches can see auras but wolves can sense them as well.” He quickly threw in, trying to change the subject, but when he was answered with a pillow to the face he felt a bit better. “Alright, alright,” He tucked the pillow under his arm only to have a quilt draped over his head. When he tugged the thick blanket off his eyes were shining brightly like he might start a playful fight until they rested on the collar. “Man…I really want a collar like that, herbs strung along it…” He shook his head, tousling his dark hair. “Well, yeah, lets go.”
“Well, if you can get your hands on a collar and convince Miss Vine, I know how to make them.” Rea commented, blushing. “I mean, I could- if you wanted me to….” She started out the door with all the stuff. “You coming?”
“Yeah, I would like that..Here,” He took some of the things out of her hands. “Got to make sure we can run okay.” The boy joked, referring to the up-coming ghosts ahead.
“Yeah. So, the door under the stairs? Or do you want to risk getting caught in the girl’s bathroom?” she asked, smiling. She was jittery and nervous, and the night was beginning to set in, the last hours before the full moon slipping quietly away, but for the first time in a while, she was happy. “I mean, I think we should stick together now that that freaky ghost knows we’re down there.”
“Under the stairs.” He said immediately, quite seriously, not wanting to walk in on one of the girls in the bathroom to be zapped with lightning or cursed forever. Problems of being in a witch school. “Uhh yeah, that’s the reason why I want to take the stairs.” He cleared his throat, “Most definitely.” Fang led the two wolves toward the staircase, ducking under quickly as to not draw attention to themselves. “The powder?” He looked over his shoulder to her, pointing toward the wall. Even after the revealing powder had been sprinkled on it the previous time there was still no distinct signs of anything unusual here, even if someone were to know the door was here.
“Right.” she said, grabbing it(the one thing she brought with from downstairs) and taking some of it. She threw it over the area, waiting for the door to appear. “So aura sensing. I thought only practicing witches and wizards gave off a lasting aura.”
“Auras are energy. Every creature has a an aura…however smaller or lesser creatures–mice, frogs, they have fainter and smaller auras. Since witches are more hyper aware of their auras they tend to strengthen it, making it last longer and be stronger.” He shrugged. “Also, you have witch blood in you right? That all in itself makes your aura a bit more stronger.” Though the door never appeared to be there, it seemed to shift into focus right before their eyes, that it had always been there but just in a way they couldn’t see it. It made Fang’s eyes hurt witnessing that phenomenon, so he squeezed them shut. “Witchy stuff…Huh. C’mon, the moon isn’t getting any lower.” He opened the door first and slid into the darkness, a sloped walk-way going downward.
Rea let out a nervous breath and padded along behind him. “I noticed this last time, but wow, it’s pitch black down here! Even with my night vision I can’t see a thing!” she whispered, staying close to Fang. “Let’s hurry back to the room.”
“Yeah. Unusual, huh?” He shook his head, stumbling along to let his fingers run across the brick wall alongside him, nearly falling into the gaping openings that would appear everyonce in a while underneath his fingertips. “Ah…There is our cavern.” He pointed ahead to the faint gold light emitting from a tunnel, however for the most part was swallowed up by darkness.
She smiled with relief as they headed towards the golden light. “Almost there,” she whispered. She took a step too large and bumped into his back. “O-oops.” Rea stuttered, blushing.
“A warm hug, from a golden bear, a big safe hug from a fancy bear, a dance from the happy bear.” Orsin said in a clam voice, the box fades away and the fire cleared a path to the circle. (YAY!)
“Crap, you okay?” He turned maneuvered himself to face her in the darkness, steadying her by the arms. “Careful down here, the roof is low and there might be potholes…” Concern was quite apparent in his voice and he shook his head, “Here. Give me your hand and follow where my feet go.” He moved all the stuff he had to his other arm and clasped his hand firmly around her. The werewolf was glad she couldn’t see his face in the darkness, as the expression came at the thought of how intimate this could be. “…We shouldn’t get separated down here with the ghosts.”
“Very well done, Orsin, it appears you have calmed her to the point that she controlled her fear to the point of vanishing. If only all fears could be dealt so easily, but in a way your fears will be easier to deal with someone bonded to you.” Ms. Vine looked down at her beloved Genie who’s golden fur glinted in the candlelight, her dark eyes taking in the sight of bonding process. Who knows how many times they’d watched this familiar scene? “Goldmyth Commers, if you would please step into the center of the circle and prepare yourself to comfort Orsin in his time of need?”
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