The School Of Binding (Witches and Wizards)
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Active 7 years ago
This is a stage in a witch and wizard’s life where they come to a decision of not only what course... View more
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Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)
Andi Wolf replied 8 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 625 Replies
Goldmyth looks around and makes some spikes come out of the ground around her, “Better, some creepy boys might try to makeout with me or something.”
*Liv shrugged*”it well be a fare feight dat way,” She said holding her dirk up a little.
*Aaron yowled at them before he jumped away from them and bolted away*
Piper let the fire die from her hands, and pressed them to her collarbone. “Oh, god. It wasn’t even a monster.” She pointed after the panther’s retreating figure. “A familiar.” She sighed, a bit from relief, “…but there goes one of our chances of a familiar to be. I haven’t seen that one before, though…” She shook her head. “Whatever. Let’s get out of here.”
“Aye,” Liv sheathed her dirk and shook her finger extinguishing the flame, she jogged in the direction of the fire works.
Lilianne trudges through the grass up to the school, looking more annoyed than anything else. Leave it to her damn mother to not wake her up for school. Faint thoughts were coming from all directions. Great. Now I get to deal with thoughts all day. She scoffs to herself, letting out a huff and pushing up the doors with a shove. The only thing left was the room numbers and names, no people anywhere, so she just stood for a moment and tried to find her name. “No name for me here… weird.”
Ignis flew desperately through the trees, trying to find the school he was supposed to show up to. Leaves smacked at his face and beak as he flitted about, getting himself totally lost in the woods. “Oh, Ignis, you’ve done it again!” He shakes his head to clear his thoughts, running into the clearing where a couple of students were. They looked friendly, right?
*Liv didn’t notice the bird and kept jogging with piper behind her, they got back to the mass of people staring at the firework show eventually. Liv turn back to Piper*”A’m sairy fer dragin ye oot there, i get like dat sometimes oot of meh curiosity.”
“You know what? Screw it.” Lilianne dumps her stuff in the corner, trudging back outside to the fireworks show and wincing from all the damn happy voices. “Would it kill people to shut up for one minute?” She mutters, not wanting to join the group.
Ignis lands in a tree, watching the fireworks in a fright. Flaming pellets of colour… Why do humans enjoy this? He muses, tweeting softly. He didn’t really know what he was suppose to do.
*Aaron Yowled at the sky, and covered himself with vines grass and leaves trying to block out the fire in the sky*
“It’s…okay…” She huffed, breathing hard when they finally got back to the safety of being on the right side of the lake. “I’ll have you pay me back later…when we’ll go back there for real.” Piper winked at the other girl, her dark eyes twinkling with mischief. “Gah! Ew, a gnat in my lense.” She rubbed her eye, pulling her glasses off to wipe the small bug out.
Aurora kept her ears pressed down, muttering as she slinked away from the crowd. “Too loud.” She grumbled as she padded away, coming across a girl who seemed separate from the crowd and quite…huffy.
“I didnae (didn’t) actually want’a gang (go) in dear.” (lol she is a scaredy cat now)
“Oh, come on. You’re just a bit scared for the night, but maybe in a day…a week…a month…you’ll be interested.” She grinned, watching the finale of fireworks explode in the air. They seemed to be going on for a while, and checking her cellphone…which didn’t have service…showed that it was 10:30. “Didn’t they say curfew was at 11?”
Piper noticed the eye rubbing of her companion. “Aight then, mate, we should go find our other roommate…I never did catch her name. But it would be bad to leave her alone in a big event like this, right? Even with the teachers here.” She began scanning the crowd for her golden haired friend…or would it be acquaintance?
Goldmyth was walking around out of the crowd of students, she was making rocks come out of the ground and making them go back in.
*Liv saw her other room mate and went over to her*”ay, want’a gang back? it be close ti curfew.”
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