Welcome To The School Of Bonding! (Chapter 1)

  • Candy Floss Dreams

    June 25, 2015 at 11:59 pm

    “Yo! Anybody know where the hell I’m supposed to go?” Lilianne calls in a last desperate measure, looking up at the ceiling and seeing a bird flit over her head. Weird.




    Ignis zooms through the halls, not really knowing where he was going but not wanting to get locked out. Tweeting softly, he just hangs around the ceiling.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 26, 2015 at 12:30 am

    A woman with curly hair past her shoulders moves from the headmistress’s office, wearing a pant suit with a white blouse. “Ah! Hello there,” She said, her accent having a bit of Italian mixed with what sounded French. She looked to be Italion, though, with large brown eyes. On a silver badge stuck to her suit was the name Ms. Claude. “You are lost, yes?” A dingo of a familiar padded alongside her, its coat shiny and well kept. “Excuse me as I take care of the Swift.”  She panted heavily, before turning sharply in order to catch up with the fast flying bird. “Oi! Swift! Please land so we may speak. I believe you are lost?”

  • Candy Floss Dreams

    June 26, 2015 at 12:33 am

    “Yeah… I am.” Lilianne says simply, not meeting the woman’s eyes. She definitely had an air of superiority, and her thoughts were the same. “I have no idea where I’m supposed to go… My mom didn’t wake me up.”



    “Oh!” Ignis tweeted, turning extremely fast and letting himself flap to the ground. “Yes, yes, I am lost, sorry.”

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 26, 2015 at 12:43 am

    The woman laughed medoically. “Oh, you know how we moms are. Busy and such.” She said her eyes going down a bit…although she looked like she was only in her late twenties. Surely she could  not know much about parenting. “Well, unfortunately you missed the welcoming party, and for that I apologize.” She beckoned the girl to follow, moving down a hall that had some golden torches flickering. “-Oh! The magic’s worn off. No worries.” She reached into her pantsuit pocket to throw some mystery dust in. The fire flared up green. “Simply take this,” She grabbed a slip of paper with a pencil, “write your name on it and throw it into the fire!” The woman smiled, before reaching out and rubbing the other girl’s shoulder. “Hey…young lady, whatever you went through it’s over now. You have a clean slate, use it well.”


    The dingo skidded to a stop. “Oh how I’ve forgotten how quickly Swift’s fly. Alright then, what is your name, little bird?”

  • Candy Floss Dreams

    June 26, 2015 at 1:42 am

    “I… I didn’t say anything that happened to me.” She grabs the slip of paper, using the excuse of needing a flat surface to break away from her touch and place the paper on the floor, writing her name neatly and throwing it in the fire. The woman was friendly, and definitely maternal, but she reminded Lilianne too much of the mother she’d never really had. Her brown curls flared slightly green in the flickering torch light.



    “It’s I-Ignis.” Ignis squeaks (tweets?), a bit intimidated by the dingo’s size compared to him.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 26, 2015 at 2:09 am

    “You didn’t need to.” She smiled, but let the topic drop, watching as the girl wrote her name down. <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>The paper busted out like a miniature faling star, the edges of the paper lit green. She snagged it from the air, blew it off before handing it to the student. “There’s your room number. You can get there by the shifting staircases or the floating elevator. Just punch the number in.” She pointed the opposite direction where flat glass like surface hung spunded in air with wings on either side, a silver bar up the front with handles like a scooter, and attached to it number pad.  “If you need anything else, feel free to find me in my office.” She turned to point to the sign over a windowed door. Ms. Claude. “Even if you simply need someone to talk to. Now, I had better find my familiar before she gets herself into trouble.” She rolled her eyes playfully, before giving a smile and waving at brown haired girl. “I hope to see you again, Lilianne,” She sashayed pass to turn down a different corridor.</span>


    “Ignis…that’s Latin…Very nice, very nice. Fire…or light.” She jerked her head to the side, “I‘m Delilah. Now, if we go this way…” She was about to take off before remembering the short-legged Swift. “Oh, would you like to ride on my back? It might be a bit more quick.”

  • Candy Floss Dreams

    June 26, 2015 at 2:21 am

    I never told her my name. Lilianne shakes her head, punching in her room number and taking the tube up to the room. Practically throwing her stuff down and collapsing on the bed, she sighs and stares at the ceiling, trying to block out the faint voices tickling at the back of her mind, as always. New school, new life. All good. Sitting back up, she opens her guitar case, tuning the strings carefully.


    “It is.” Ignis agrees, nodding his head slightly. “My legs are pretty short, so yes, please.” He lands her back, tucking in his wings and settling in.

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 26, 2015 at 2:35 am

    “Okay…” She trotted forward, keeping her nose low to the ground sniffing out one of the floating scrolls still drifting around. Delilah rolled her shoulders a bit, staring the scroll down. It floated downward and toward them, the scroll unrolling. “Alright, Ignis, Ignis, Ignis…” She shook her head. “I’m farsighted..could you find your name and room number?”


    June 26, 2015 at 6:20 am

    Ace looked at the picture enclosed in the envelope that the acceptance letter came in and packed his bags and concentrated really hard on the picture “Transport!” he yelled and then ended up in the cellar of the school but he didn’t realize where he was “Hello?!” he yelled out hoping someone would find him and not think he was a thief or burglar or something like that “I think I’m lost. Is any one there?!”


    Monty slithered into the school and saw two other familiars down the hall “Am I in the right place?” he said slithering up behind them silently “If so then is there a warm place I can sleep?”

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 26, 2015 at 6:24 am

    *Aaron stayed away from the school because of the torches in the hallways, he hung out at the forests edge and eventually fell asleep*

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 26, 2015 at 5:18 pm

    The cellar seemed to be the most dank uncared part of the school. With people usually not venturing down there, the lights were clicked off so the area was for the most part submerged in darkness…Cargo boxes littered the halls filled to the brim with something that had multiple smells, like mixing perfumes. Of course, this probably would not be the person’s first concern when a blood curdling scream ripped through the cellar’s walls, a clear “Get The waaarlooock!” to be heard at which point this particular person may panic, frightened, and happen to stumble into a trap door up and to the right. Of course, this was all going by chance. Chance, chance…the person could always just stay all night..


    The Dingo shifted her feet. “Perfect timing, yes I can help you. What is your name? This floating scroll will have your full name with your room number alongside it…And yes, unless specially requested otherwise all of our rooms are warm here at the school.” Delilah continued to balance the short legged Swift that still hung on her back.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 26, 2015 at 5:59 pm

    *Liv woke up, she sat up and her hair was messy. She rubbed her eyes and blinked looking forward*

  • MaraTwasHere

    June 26, 2015 at 6:00 pm

    Light sltanted through the window blinds, hitting Piper’s eyes directly. With a groan and a flick of a wrist shadows crawled up along the edges of the window before cloaking it completely like a curtain. “..Better…much better..” She murmured with a smile in her sleep…That is until a shrill ringing tore her awake again, her slanted eyes opening as she bolted up. “Morning.” She shook her head, rubbed off the druel before running farther into the room…she never noticed, but their beds were a good distance a part. They could almost wall off each other’s bed’s there was enough room. She passed by the empty bed, running a hand through her tousled hair. “Guess  no one else is coming for that one. (Omg the foreshadowing)


    June 26, 2015 at 6:06 pm

    Ace freezes out of fear and then sees light coming from cracks in what looks like a trap door he runs to the door and burst through it and was blinded by the sunlight all he could think of doing was shutting the door behind him before the thing inside could get him. He shut the door and sat on it hopping that would be enough wight to hold it down.


    “My name is Monty” he said then yawning “What scroll?” with his eyes closed (he didn’t realize they were closed because he is so tired.)

  • GoldPhoenix9

    June 26, 2015 at 6:08 pm

    “Guid Mornin,” Liv grumbled and noticed the uniform bow thing. (Lol we still dont have classes situated X3)

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