Group ideas and events

  • Lord English

    December 3, 2013 at 7:16 pm

    I know this may be a little early but its a story idea that popped into my head and I don’t care if others roll with it.

    Setting: ‘Modern world’ Apocolyptic

    Main reigning species: Lizard people

    Summary: Many years ago, instead of all the dinosaurs evolving into seperate species, they instead grew to dominance as lizard people because the ice ages never happened. Now that the Lizards have created a surplus in populous and an expansive research, the world begins to slowly cool and they need to adapt, make technology, or find other means of surviving.

    ^^’ what you think?

  • Phantose

    December 3, 2013 at 8:13 pm

    I like it. I’ll think of some more details for it today. Do you want it to be a more role playing oriented story where everyone works together or kind of a battle for resources sort of thing such as players aligning with a faction and faces off against other players for food, tech, and heat? And were you thinking magic, futuristic tech, or a mix?

    While I’m at it I might as well include my own idea.

    Setting: Virtual world

    Summary: The year is 5K and humanity wishes to escape from reality. They immerse themselves in a virtual world of fun, fantasy, and pleasure. You are one of those people, desperately trying to find meaning in your life. Yet this manufactured world of lies has many secrets. Will you be the one to find them?
    The game can take multiple turns and lead to some fun bits of combat and humor.

  • Asura

    December 3, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    isint that summary basically SAO?phantose?

  • Asura

    December 3, 2013 at 8:51 pm

    but instead of just abilities and swords i think of guns!and some kind of casting.or magic

  • Lord English

    December 3, 2013 at 8:54 pm

    On mine: Something a little on the edge of they have surpassed where humans are currently at so they would have a mix. The problem with the magic, though, is like anything, it needs a source. Like if you light something on fire via magic, it needs something to burn like normal fire. The technology would be great and futuristic but seeing as the world has been appropriate temperatures to this point, they wouldn’t have anything made to heat themselves with.

    On yours: What game type is it? Like the SAO type where the user wears a helmet and the neurons connect your thoughts directly into the interface? I do very much like the outline though and maybe add what is the full style (mmo, rpg, ect).

  • Phantose

    December 3, 2013 at 9:23 pm

    Mine: It’s not so much as sword art online as more of a virtual create your own paradise sort of deal. It does however take ideas from SAO, the Pendragon series volvox, and the online interface of accel world. The game is the alpha right now so I don’t know if it would be more combat rpg based or role playing discovery with minor combat.
    Yours: I have an idea for the magic and tech dilemma. You could have it be that the humans brought about their own undoing by using fire magic to heat the Earth so the ice ages didn’t happen. After the lizards rose to power, any form of elemental magic was made taboo so as to not give the humans an advantage over them. Since then, the only forms of legal magic are enchanting, seer, conjuration, restoration, and alchemy. Do to the advancement of these types of constructive magic, the lizards were able to advance their technology so that weapons and electronic devices could rely on magic, alchemy and restoration increased healthcare, and seers and conjurers used their powers to avoid any supernatural accidents.

  • Lord English

    December 4, 2013 at 3:12 am

    Yours: I see where you are going there, perhaps the balance would be adequate if it was rp based with minor combat and as the game progresses adds more elements.

    Mine: I really like that thought, but by series of evolution, humans don’t exsist. The reptilian chain became the dominant so the current ‘humans’ are actually reptiles of humanesque stature.

  • Phantose

    December 4, 2013 at 4:59 am

    Yours: That’s understandable.
    Mine: I might need a bit of help balancing out the system.

  • Phantose

    December 4, 2013 at 11:07 pm

    I have an idea for my game. What if instead of a serious approach, I make a parody of all storylines from Tron to SAO. I would still need some help with designing the stats since I’m used to creating very stat heavy games and would not know what to a more role playing type game.
    Terezi: How is your game coming along?


    December 11, 2013 at 7:33 am

    Random idea coming through.

    Maybe you could make a RP/game about someone trying to escape a place in his/her mind called… umm… the Dark Carnival or something. Names aren’t my thing, so you can come up with ’em.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 11, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    Here’s a name idea… Dark Cognitia! I got the idea from the word cognition, and I feel like it would go well with your “inside the character’s head” idea.

  • Matthew Overhill

    January 6, 2014 at 3:35 am

    Hello I’m new to skyrie.

    and this a book idea i have been working on and feel free to ask me questions on it i do like feed back.

    Settings: A Fantasy world

    Summary: A sixteen year old named william overhill and his two friends. they find out he is half Phoenix half human (He looks complete human). AND dude to a contract his human father made with his phoenix mother he has to see her if he turns out to be a pyromancer which he does and no he need to travel half way across the world. In the course of events he is attack by a group of people called the Grix who are trying to kill his friends and kidnap him.
    And as this goes on Williams two uncles and aunt are held up in a port city under siege. they are finding out the stuff that William is at the same time. so they take action against them and send Matthew the youngest of the three to find William and bring him to the other two.

  • Matthew Overhill

    January 6, 2014 at 3:43 am

    wait can i post book ideas?

  • Matthew Overhill

    January 11, 2014 at 3:50 am

    Why does no one respond.

  • Phantose

    January 11, 2014 at 4:34 am

    Sorry, I’ve been busy over break. Your book sounds awesome.

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