Rules and Tools for character creation as well as plot.

  • Rules and Tools for character creation as well as plot.

    Posted by Bell on February 7, 2014 at 4:27 am

    Basic outlines for rp (( Maxie, you never did post. I stole your chance xDD Anyway ill take this down if you want me to later. kk? It’s just people *coughIcough* were starting to complain… ))
    -This is an OC Role play!
    -No God moding. (Bell: THATS MY JOB! Max: …no Bell. Not even you.)
    -Make sure your character is not a over-powered dekk (*Coughgamercough*).

    Please post character in the following format:
    Skills (Pick </= two please):
    Weapon of Choice:

    Sharktits replied 10 years, 11 months ago 12 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • I

    February 7, 2014 at 6:51 am

    Name: Refused to say. Although it appears people prefer to call him I.
    Age: also refused to say.
    Appearance: A white silhouette of a well dressed man.
    Skills: Fairly good at camo or disguise if given the right materials. Also a damn good cook.
    Weapon of choice: Anything that can cause fires. Lighters, Matches, Flamethrowers, You name it. Unless he can’t use it to burn a hat.

  • ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒

    February 7, 2014 at 1:33 pm

    Lionel Trip
    133(young in elf)
    an elf in all elven features (pale skin blue eyes etc.) except unnatural blue hair that’s medium sized wears normal clothes
    healing and damaging magic user
    Snake blade (like ivy)

  • Tartarus

    February 7, 2014 at 3:45 pm

    Name: Marion Merlot

    Age: 38

    Appearance: Ideal showgirl figure; tiny waist, large breasts, long
    legs. With long wavy hair dyed blonde. Wears a lot of make up to make herself look perfect, and dresses like a wealthy peacock with sultry silk dresses, many diamonds, and high heels.

    Skills: charm/seduction, surprisingly intuitive investigator

    Weapon of Choice: Whip

  • Max

    February 7, 2014 at 9:22 pm

    Bell that is fine, and sorry I had to get off pretty much right after I created the group. Any ways, Bell get your info on here! *narrows eyes*. Well I might as well introduce myself again.
    My name is max, your instructor. My age is irrelevant, but if you must know I am 16. If you think that is to young to teach you, then you are quite dumb right now. My twin swords are my main weapons for close range righting. My daggers a focused on long distance fighting though. *Looks at you with narrowed blue eyes* Any questions?

  • Tartarus

    February 7, 2014 at 9:56 pm

    Wait just a second
    The information for this group said earlier this was a police force not a boot camp. I was under the impression we’d be fighting crime here, not getting “instructed”

  • Max

    February 7, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    Woops sorry i guess I wasn’t informative enough. Yes this is a police force. Though if you look up in the Desu (description). You can perfectly see that it says instructor in it. Which means that someone is going to instruct you. And by someone I mean Me. Does that explain it better? And by the way don’t worry we’ll get in the action sooner or later. *grins mischievously*

  • Tartarus

    February 7, 2014 at 10:13 pm

    Oh, well either I misread that this morning or you updated it. But this is not what I signed up for. Count me out.

  • Max

    February 7, 2014 at 10:23 pm

    I think I’m going to update it now though, I don’t really like the sound of the instructor thing now that I think about it. it’s just going to be about the mission and shtuffs now I shall update it now.

  • Tartarus

    February 7, 2014 at 10:42 pm

    oh cool! alright false alarm guys; you poor people still gotta deal with little ol me

  • Ara Haan

    February 8, 2014 at 12:40 am

    Name: Ara Haan / Eun Miho

    Age: 17 / Unknown

    Appearance: She has long black hair, the ends of it reaching her lower back even as it is kept pinned into a high ponytail. Her skin is creme colored, eyes an orange-like brown. She has an average body, not very curvy though her breasts are reasonably larger for her age (more or less a DD), and she stands at an average height (though her longer legs make her appear taller). / The only difference for Eun, is the fact that she possesses nine, white fox tails to accompany her snow white hair. Her eyes are also scarlet, matching tattoos of three identical claw like marks on each cheek of her face.

    Skills: A skilled martial artist, and a user of dark energy- Ara has a transformation for both. / Eun has advanced forms of what her other half possesses- Two transformations, each focusing on either her physical or magical attacks.

    Weapon of Choice: Mainly her trusty spear, though she will use her magical abilities depending on which transformation she chooses to fight with.

    ((Ara shares a body with the nine tailed demon Gumiho, much like Jekyll and Hyde. Eun is not her power, but her own self using Ara’s body as a vessel. She only will use either her spear techniques, or her energy orbs to fight with. I hope she’s not godmodding or anything? If either of them is needed, then Ara or Eun will be used. Two skills each. ))

  • Bell

    February 8, 2014 at 5:54 am

    Name: Bell Silber (( Pffft I too lazy to work on a good name xDD ))
    Age: 20
    Appearance: Dark hair with silver highlights. Grey eyes. Fair shin. Wears a black fitted tee with the words “Runs with Knives” in dark blue on the front. Comfortable pants with blade sheathes. A loose dark grey sweater covers other knives on her person.
    Skills: High agility and stamina. Ability to easily beat Max in combat both with knives and directly. (( Wove you Maxie~ <3 Max: You do know that i can edit your bio right? *grins* ))
    Weapon of Choice: Assassin Kit Note: Please include a couple of Sword Banes in this (( A girl does need some defense from all of you violent little boys with big sticks >3 ))

  • Crystal_Diamond

    February 9, 2014 at 2:14 am

    Name: No one really knows his name, since he never tells anyone, but Omepheus. Most people refer to him as X. You’ll see why.
    Age: around 25 (Dunno exactly)
    Appearance: He has white hair that’s pretty wavy, falling to his chin but coming up just short of it in the back. He has two blue horns that fall flat on his head, often hidden if he wants them to be. His wings are black with a red membrane. He most often is seen with a red shirt and black pants, to match his wings (mostly always hidden). His tail is pure red, with a triangle like point at the end. He has X shaped scars all over his body, the most significant and noticeable ones being on his left eye and right cheek. If you ever get to know him well enough for his trust, you’ll find out it’s self made, for every person he loved and thought he disappointed. His eyes are gold, slitted like a demons.
    Skills (Pick </= two please): (I don’t know if this one is a skill XD) Is able to get back up after pretty much anything and never give up, can pick up pretty much any blade and wield it without fail. (He can also control fire :P)
    Weapon of Choice: A dual-handed sword that he carried around at all times.

    And… DONE

  • BlueMoon

    February 9, 2014 at 10:19 pm

    Name: Juno O’Brien
    Age: 26
    Appearance: Average height and weight. She has light lavender hair with an asymmetrical bob (shorter in the back, longer in the front) with swooshy bangs (interpret that as you’d like :P). She has dark blue eyes and is quite freckly. She has quite a lot of tattoos. She wears casual clothes, whatever she deems comfortable that day.
    Skills: Forensic Science and Robotics
    Weapon of Choice: Her two robotic Canines, Hewie and Layla. They closely resemble German Shepards. Hewie is white and Layla is black. They can be used to collect and analyze evidence, sniff out bombs and drugs, and to attack perpetrators. They take commands specifically from Juno.

  • cedertree

    February 11, 2014 at 2:39 am

    Name: Aydin Ghanem
    Age: 25
    Appearance: Dark brown skin. Slightly smaller than average height. Very skinny. Dark medium length hair and very dark eyes.
    Skills (Pick </= two please): Intelligence, hyper observance
    Weapon of Choice: His mind

  • DolimiccanDragon

    February 11, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    Name: Taren Recurio
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Young boy with brown hair, brown eyes, strange shoes, and shirt with fire on it
    Skills (Pick </= two please): Supersonic flight, controls fire
    Weapon of Choice: Mac-10s which can combine into a slightly stronger Pogohammer

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