Actual Roleplay

  • I

    April 30, 2015 at 4:05 am

    I, Noticing that Alex was probably scared/agitated in some way, did his best efforts to calm him down. He said things along the lines of “You okay?” or “Don’t worry!” but instantly berated himself for it. How would Alex even hear him?

  • JadeynTheAwesome

    April 30, 2015 at 11:41 am

    Alex, seeing I out of the corner of his eye, he smiles towards him to know that his efforts were noticed, even though Alex wasn’t completely sure if he actually was trying to help calm him down, he just assumes. Alex nearly forget what’s making him so upset…he’s just kind of tired. “S…Sorry guys, I’m f…fine don’t worry.”

  • I

    May 5, 2015 at 5:45 am

    ((Ahhh…. Yikes… you posted on the homepage again. It’s alright, it’s alright, but a small inconvenience. Only small!))

    Wow, they were hugging again. That was probably gonna be thing in this little group. I went off to go grab some more branches and shit for the fire. Well, just branches. Maybe paper if he found any. Of course he let them know he was gonna wander off again. “So i’m gonna go get some more stuff for the fire.”

  • JadeynTheAwesome

    May 5, 2015 at 10:10 pm

    Alex looks at Lucy then smiles a bit, ” Yes, um I….do feel better.” However he did manage to make out what he thinks were the words “get”, “stuff”, and “fire”. Alex assumes he means firewood possibly? His golden eyes look to the fire already going, noting that it was indeed diminishing slowly but surely. Maybe he could help make something…he does know how to cook…but it’s winter, they’d be lucky to find any sort or meat…well, they’ll find something, he’s sure of it. He turns to Lucy, “Do you um…know if the….will come to …find us? The scientists…that i…is.”

  • Komeadaconda

    May 6, 2015 at 11:17 am

    Lucy hadnt really thought about that. The realization nearly frightened her, but she had to remain calm.

    “Well, I’m sure if we could escape others could escape and if they even are looking I doubt we’re top priority…but it’d be smart to keep hidden anyways.”

    Then realizing she was talking to the invisable deaf man she facepalms and signs our a shortened version, mostly because using the alphabet made things so much longer.

    P R O B A B L Y

    B U T

    W E R E

    J U S T

    K I D S

    I M

    S U R E

    O T H E R S

    A R E

    M O R E

    I M P O R T A N T

    W E

    S T I L L

    S H O U L D

    B E

    H I D D E N

    T H O U G H.

    Once her seemingly too long message was clear she glance at the fire. Fire…is amazing she can see it crystal clear reminding her it’s dangerous….but she also could see how beautifully alive it is. Always waiting for more food to grow. She felt like fire. She felt like she was… Slowly dying but before it was too late a spark of hope would make her glow, does that make her an ember then? She turns back to Alex before she gets too lost in thought behind the beautiful heat and flame.

  • I

    May 6, 2015 at 9:25 pm

    A while later I returned with some branches, cautiously throwing some into the fire. “So, what’d i miss?” he said.

  • JadeynTheAwesome

    May 8, 2015 at 6:12 pm

    Alex nods in response, but then realizes that she cant see even a silhouette of him, so he responds simply with ¨Alright.¨ Alex sees I re-approaching the area, then he turns from Lucy partly, to also partly face I, waving at him with an enthusiastic wave. He doesn’t know if I said anything or if he did if it was important news of some sort, but his expression doesn’t seem too urgent or panicked, so he’ll just start a conversation and hope he’s not ignoring something. ¨S…so, find anythin..g….um, interesting? Or no?¨

  • I

    May 9, 2015 at 1:59 pm

    “Just some branches, nothing much.” Said I, sitting there in front of the fire. “So what happened while i was gone?”

  • Komeadaconda

    May 11, 2015 at 10:47 am

    Lucy shrugs at I, “Just talking really, no important information…c an I help with the fire??” Lucy grins looking at the outline of what must have been branches. Hopefully their absense would go unnoticed…it’d be horrid if this was see able…wait “We need to make sure our smoke doesn’t get too dark, that’d a giveaway for us, and when it’s dark we need somewhere to sleep…so any shelter ideas?” She signed that part out as quickly as she could.

    M A K E

    S U R E

    S M O K E

    I S N  T

    T O O

    D A R K

    A N D

    W E

    N E E D

    S H E L T E R.

  • JadeynTheAwesome

    May 21, 2015 at 4:36 pm

    Alex’s eyes focus on Lucy’s quickly moving hands, able to keep up, having mastered the alphabet after teaching himself, memorizing, and practicing for days on end.

    M A K E S

    S E N S E

    Alex then speaks up, “B…but where…do we sleep…sh-should we…uh…leave soon…and f…find somewhere?”

  • I

    June 2, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    I picked up a few branches, but noticed Lucy had already taken some. He brushed it off telling himself she was a bit eager to help. He decided to give her the go-ahead anyways. “Not sure, but I think it might be safe to stay here for a bit more.” He said in response to Alex. “Don’t quote me on that.” He said soon after, hoping to add a bit of humor into their situation.

  • JadeynTheAwesome

    June 3, 2015 at 12:06 am

    Alex nods, catching the words “safe” and “here”…or…maybe he read I’s lips wrong and it was “where”? Either way it seems like they were staying here for now. His eyebrows furrowed…he can’t just sit here. He has to help! He doesn’t want to be a burden.

    “L…Let me help too!” Alex exclaimed, voice shaking a bit, but covered up with the brightest smile you’d think a person could give, his eyes sparkling along with them. He holds back a few tremors, not completely though, as he shook slightly. He went quickly for me firewood as well, he really doesn’t want to be deadweight.

  • I

    June 4, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    I nodded to Alex, realizing that talking to him wasn’t the best way to go, but did his best to communicate not too let the smoke get dark.

  • JadeynTheAwesome

    June 5, 2015 at 7:30 pm

    Alex tentatively adds a few medium sized sicks to the fire, not wanting to mess it up and accidentally add too much, making the smoke darker, which he knows isn’t desired. Wait that’s what they were doing, right? Adding more to make it bigger? Is it adding more that makes the smoke darker? He…doesn’t really know this kind of stuff very well. He’s just trying not to do too little or too much, not wanting o be a burden but also not wanting to let his own naivety trip him up.

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