Here 1st (Characters)

  • Here 1st (Characters)

    Posted by Andi Wolf on April 25, 2017 at 1:14 am

    You are allowed to turn into a human if you are a creature(monster)



    Creature: (Human, Titan, Cyclops, etc…)

    Powers: (Optional)

    Place: (Where you were placed in the Underworld Tartarus, Elysian Fields)

    Human look: (If you choose to turn into one)

    Creature look: (If you are one)



    Extra: (Optional)

    Helexia replied 7 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Andi Wolf

    April 25, 2017 at 1:27 am

    Name: Dipló Epikefalís (calls himself Cody)

    Age: Over 900 years old, looks to be 16

    Creature: Large two headed dog

    Powers: None

    Place: Tartarus

    Human Look: Light grey hair that is almost white, golden eyes, has one head with wolf ears, also had a tail, and wolf K9s.

    Creature Look: Two headed wolf like creature with a snake for a tail. Fur is grey, lighter around the scruffs. Snake tail has spikes around its hood and long sharp fangs. The dog heads have red eyes while the snake has gold.

    Personality: Bitter towards people(mainly demigods), but will eventually warm up to those who are kind to him. Is loving and kind if you are able to get on his good side.

    Bio: Is the son or Orthrus and Chimera. He had grown up watching his father take care of a herd of red cattle, never really wanted to be around his mother. Though the day he saw his father get murdered by Heracles was the day Dipló turned against humanity especially demigods. He started to kill people that could not tell him where Heracles was or those who tried to protect the man. Once he found Heracles he tried to take revenge, but did not succeed. He was soon killed by the demigod and sent to Tartarus where he was reborn. Sadly he was not able to reunite with his father for her was set back to his duty of guarding cattle.

    Extra: He is bi. Since he has two heads he does have two different personalities. So he does swing both ways.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Andi Wolf.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Andi Wolf.
  • Angelique

    April 30, 2017 at 1:59 am

    Name: Elissabeth (Lissa)

    Age: 15

    Creature: Rogue Nymph (She was a Nymph, but helped the enemies of demigods.)

    Powers: Telekinesis

    Place: Tartarus

    Human look: Long, waist length brown hair. Blue eyes, pale skin. Lissa seems to always wear a skirt and shirt combination.

    Creature Look: None.

    Personality: Lissa is really shy, but hates demigods. When she see’s one, she tries to kill one.

    Bio: Lissa was very young when demigods entered her sacred area and nearly destroyed it. She killed them, and any demigod she saw, she tried to kill, until her area was completely destroyed, then she was sent to Tartarus.

    Extra: Lissa will not talk to anything that has human blood. She is quiet until you tick her off.

  • Wake

    April 30, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    Name: Zhangxi Jian

    Age: 17, died about half a year ago.

    Powers: None

    Place: Elysian Fields

    Human Appearance: Nearly 6 feet tall and somewhat muscular with broad shoulders. He has thin, sharp dark eyes and short black hair. He has a kind face and soft yet masculine features, and is fairly attractive. His smiles are usually small, soft, and genuine, causing him to become pretty popular with girls (and guys kek) Usually wears dark jeans and likes to wear a black and red bike jacket. He’s also fluent in English, but has a heavy accent.

    Creature: N/A

    Powers: Nothing magical, but trained in MMA and Boxing. Uncomfortable with using weapons, especially firearms on principle.

    Personality: A generally nice guy to an almost cliche level, when he was alive, this caused him to be popular among the people in his school, the loved by all archetype. Doesn’t really come across as pushy and doesn’t get mad easily. He also has a history of being selfless. However, all of this makes him kind of boring. Despite having many friends, he isn’t extremely close with any of them.

    Bio: Grew up in the Liaoning Provence of China, just outside the Provence of Shenyang. It was a pretty bad neighborhood and when he was in school, joining a gang was in vogue. Because of his inherent popularity, he wound up being caught up in a hostility between a number of them, despite having no interest in being involved. This eventually lead to his death, deemed heroic enough for him to wind up in the Elysian Fields.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Wake.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by  Wake.
  • Chris the wise

    May 1, 2017 at 12:35 am

    Name: Ligo Thávma
    Age: never cared to remember
    Creature: Harpy
    Powers: flight, known for carrying off grown men
    Place: Tartarus, normally carries wicked people here
    Creature look: She appears as an amalgamation of a bird and a woman, expansive wings of grey match the feathers around her thighs leading down to large yellow legs tipped with vicious talons. Large blue eyes adorn her face while her body is covered by a tabard like garment, hooked up under the wing.
    Personality: Tries to get on and understand what people are like, despite her job of snatching evil people she is oddly sympathtic to the plights of others.
    Bio: Classically, the word Harpy means snatcher, defining Ligo’s job, taking her between Tartarus and the worlds of the living, punishing evil hearts or snatching them away into the neitherworld. Though she is proud of her work her heart wavers at a good sob story, but not enough for her to forget her duty, but with the clashing of afterlifes she has been thrown into doubt and confusion. She holds a facination for other creatures, particularly humans.

  • Helexia

    June 19, 2017 at 10:18 pm

    Name: Neno Beshimel


    Creature: Demon

    Powers: curses and contracts

    Place: Tartarus

    Human Look:She prefers not to use it but her eyes look like regular human eyes and they keep their blue color. Her tail and horns dispensary and the inside of her mouth is a regular color instead of magenta and her teeth are more normal, her hair also turns dark brown.

    Creature Look:Light purple hair with magenta horns and tail along with big strange blue eyes. The inside of her mouth of her mouth is magenta and she has sharp teeth.

    Personality: Neno is a careful when it comes to plants and interesting things wanting to take good care of them. Other than that she can care less for things she has no interest with. She likes to wear weird looking outfits as long as they are spacious with strange scripture on it. Once she gets close with someone she care a lot for them and will do anything in her power to keep them safe and happy. She also tends to have lots of evil thoughts and plans and keep them to herself or talks a lot about morbid and evil actions.

    Bio:She cannot remember much of her human life except her interest in flowers but knowing that she is a demon she is sure that she must have done something horrible to have gone through such a fate.

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