The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
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Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
*Since it was getting dark she didn’t see the figure very well at all, she shrugged. and walked over to were Torrad and NoLegs. but trips and falls on a rock.”Dang it!”, she yelled out raged at her feet. she quickly stood and pointed at her feet defiantly.
Swarine jumps and throws a dagger in return before throwing her hood up and continuing through the trees. If only she’d learn to NOT pretend to be a tree animal every time she went to a new village, then maybe she wouldn’t get shot at. Then again, she never learns from her mistakes.
Torrad nods and smiles at the girl, “Do not be afraid, my friend. I was planning on going back to my home as well… would you like for me to accompany you on the way back? Nolegs can stay here while I get my firewood.”
A dagger comes sailing down from the tree and lands an inch away from my foot “what the…” i say picking it up, i pocket it
Astrid’s face lights up. “Yes please!” I she smiles and bends down so her head is at the same level as the dog’s and she hugs the dog.
*Liv looked back at a thud of metal in earth, and saw a clocked figure running away, she shrugged and Ran after her jumping over mini logs*”Hay…Why… you through…the knife”, she said her boots beating the earth after the figure.
Swarine mentally slapped herself before picking up her speed and stopping on some strange tree. She yelped when the branch broke and she fell to the ground, cutting her leg open in the process. “Again?” She grumbled before standing up and launching ehrslef back into the trees.
*Liv broud jumped over the branch and proceeded to chase the figure*”Hay…Can…We talk”, she said totally no knowing why she was trying to negotiate with a person that was spying on her new found friends.
She stopped for a momen and turned her head before sitting on the branch and pulling a make-shift band-aid together using leaves and string she had brought with her. She remained quiet and listened to the one trying to talk to her.
Torrad smiles and walks back in the direction of where he was cutting the wood, “Nolegs! Protect!” He says, pointing at the girl.
Nolegs pants and nuzzles her head into the girl’s arms and chest, letting out a soft whimper of reassurance.
*Liv gasped and wheezed at sprinting for that long and that fast*”Why…You…through the…Knife”, she said leaning over gasping.
“Torrad, i should go see if i can get anything, see you later”
“Someone was shooting arrows at me… What’s you expect? I only retaliated,” She quietly replied before jumping down and removing her hood, allowing her dark red hair to spill across her shoulders,”And I got hurt in the process of escaping… Again… That’s never fun, you have to at least admit to that.” She examined her wound before looking back up at the trees,”Now if you’ll excuse me… I’ll be off.”
*Liv shrugged,”Man i wanted to test my fighting skill”, she though.*”gwiohefoidqw”, she mumbled and walked off back to her house, now really really tiered.
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