The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
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Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
Swarine pulled a map out of her backpack before spreading it out on a table. She pointed to the four fallen kingdoms,”I am from the Kingdom of Peace…” She strightened and blinked a few times before sighing,”Our ceremonies we only for three occasions. The Prince becoming the king, anyone in the royal family being married, or when death hit our home…” She took a step back and lightly smiled,”I only threw the dagger because you were shooting at me. Sorry bout that…”
*Liv nodded*”Thats very simple”, she said laughing on the inside at how they have like 10 ceremony festival things a year.
Swarine shrugged and replied,”We were a very simple society.”
Torrad continued his work on his farm, tilling the land and planting the new seeds Anna had left him, while Nolegs wandered along and made sure no passerby stole anything. Torrad keeps his axe sheathed on his back, still wearing the outfit from before.
Anna was in the market as she sold various foodstuffs from her hunts as well as excess from the farmstead that her and Torrad elected to sell off.
Swarine turns to Liv and lightly smiles,”You seem tired…” She glanced out the window and sighed,”It is beginning to get dark…” She slipped the map back into the bag and smiled,”I’ll be taking my leave now. I hope you two have a wonderful night.”
I pick up the deer and take it to my house, where i skin it and clean it, then i take the fur and sell it for a reasonable price, and return to my house, where i collapse onto the bed
Swarine sighed and walked out into the snow. Maybe she should just walk around the village for a while… She yawned. Or camp out on a branch until morning… That sounds more reasonable. She disappeared into the forest and jump into the trees, smiling to herself as she thought of home. She knew it wouldn’t be the same… She leaned against the tree trunk and sighed before closing her eyes and falling asleep.
*Liv had nodded off for a couple minutes and awoke with a start, she shook her head and locked the door, she walked over to the back room kicked off her boots, and undid her ponytail, she sidled into her bed and fell asleep*
~ Time Skip: Next Day ~
Swarine sighed and hung upside down from the tree branch. Mornings here were oddly quiet… She shrugged and jumped down, looking around the forest. Maybe she should go explore the forest… Or the village. She wasn’t sure which she would go explore first.
*Liv, awoke grogilly like every morning not one morning she had recalled being energetic. She walked up to a water bowl next to her bed and saw her reflection she had really mesy hair, she fixed it with her fingers and made her braid on the side of her head, tying it at the end with a white piece of cloth she always used. she then splashed her face with the water which helped a bit with waking up, she took a preserved fish from one of the bags she had in her tiny kitchen area and started cooking it, once it was cooked she eated(i forgot eight) it, she grabbed a piece of dried meat from a tiny bag and chewed on it wile she got her boots on. she unhooked her satchel and filled it with bands and pendants she had carved on her day off, she patted her knife to make sure it was there and set out of her shop/house for the sacred water pond she found that she believed gave the wood jewelry power, she trudged through the snowy woods with her hands in her arm pits watching the white clouds that would poof out of her mouth*
Swarine shrugged and pulled her cloak around her tighter. She’d explore the forest first. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone first thing in the morning. Shrugging, she pulled her hood down and pulled a small mirror out of her bag. She grimaced when she saw her hair in mass tangles, and she sighed before taking the braid down and brushing her insanely long hair out. Feeling too lazy to pull her hair back up in a braid or pony tail, she slung her bag back over her shoulder and began to wander through the forest. Her eyes scanned the area, taking in her surroundings, and deciphering any past secrets some of the trees and plants hold. She enjoyed the peace, yet at the same time, she felt as if she were slowly forgetting her old life within her kingdom. She would wake up to the townspeople trading and talking, and now.. She woke up to silence…
Torrad awoke that day beside his dog. He was in his house, and there was a flame, being tended by Anna. Torrad rose from his spot, rubbing his eyes a bit, the stretching outward, “Mmmrrgghh…Good morning, sister.” Anna looks back at him, smiling a bit, “Morning, Torrad.” Nolegs gets up and wanders outside, sitting out there for a while, as if to keep watch. Torrad takes a piece of meat, starting to cook it over the fire with a certain degree of cation and clarity. Anna got some water bowls ready, also filling up the flask she had gotten the day before.
After some time had passed, he cuts the meat with a nasty looking knife, serving it to Anna and himself. They both ate there, throwing the scraps to Nolegs. Torrad goes outside and tends to the farm again, but Anna goes to the woods this time, bow in hand, quiver and flask tied to her, and her squirrel trinket on a leather cord.
*Liv, walked along the Rocks cautiously, the path to the secret magic pound was very very secret, Now tracks were left behind Liv for the way was littered with rocks, she would leap and step on the rocks so none of her foot steps were seen in the soil also the rocks were fairly hidden by ferns and bushes so she wouldn’t get spotted easy, she continued to climb the rocks un the mountain,her breath mad large clouds of white as she jumped from rock to rock, she came to a cliff, she took hold of the rope that hung from the cliff and climbed, it was practically therapy for her fear of height because she cutioned the bottom of the cliff with leafs and moss. she reached the top and rolled away from the edge. she rested there for a while before continuing on her mini journey*
Shrugging the thought off, she continued through the forest, spotting faded footsteps and strange objects in the snow. Kneeling next to a strange object embedded in the snow, she wrapped her hand around the handle, noticing that she was handling a sword of some sort. She pulled it out of the ground,and gasped when she saw that it had her name written on it,”W-What?” Shaking her head, she dug futher into the snow, and arched an eyebrow when she pulled a sheath out.
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