The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
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Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
Swarine smiled and walked in,”I can’t help it. It’s a matter of being polite.”
“thats a good habit, its either walkin or bang on the door until some one answers here”, she said smiling and closed the door so the cold air didn’t get in.
She laughed and smiled before glancing out the window,”Say, I need your help with something. I checked with the cheif to see if I could build myself a little shop, and he said I could so… Here I am… I do need to figure out where I’m going to start building though…” Swarine sighed,”There are so many places… I’m thinking about settling down on a hill that overlooks the village, what do you think?” She asked, curiousity burning in her eyes.
“hmm, well do you want to have a shop house or a shop or a house, also your house needs to have a really good exterior if your going to live alone out side the village because you will be a more prone target for criminals to steal from and murder you also stupid male criminals think women are helpless so no matter how weak they are compared to the woman they are trying to mug, steal from, Exacter…I am not saying you shouldn’t i am must warning you, also what kind of shop do you want?”, she said leaning against the wall.
She arched an eyebrow and grinned,”Well… I’ll probably want a shop/house thing. You see, I sell kinda unimportant things like housewares and trinkets. Every once in a while I have food in stock. Nothing special.” She smiled sweetly,”Besides, any guy that tries to mug me will get his head cut off!”
“Your house location should be perfect then, also i would advise you not to kill anyone its technically illegal and is punished by death if the family finds out”, she said smiling.”But thats the rules here the rules maybe different elsewhere, also to be honest i almost kill some fellows my self”, she said cupping her hand over her mouth.
Swarine crossed her arms and pouted,”Well… That’s no fun.” She smiled and looked back outside,”Now I’m excited… If I start tonight and pull an all nighter, I could probably get the boss to provide me supplies and I could get started tomorrow…”
“Can i help you?, what does your boss need you to do?”, she asked.
Swarine shrugged,”Probably nothing. I’ve been working my tail off for the past few months.” She turned to outside again,”You can come if you want. I won’t force you to.”
She shrugged again and smiled,”I don’t really know. I’m not the kind of person to think about what I do. I just act.”
*Liv shrugged*”i have nothing better to do today it really really slow anyways”, she said stepping outside and locking the door behind her.
Swarine smiled and threw her hood up. She stuck her hand in her pocket and listened to the rhythmic sound of the snow crunching underneath their shoes. If she were to build a house on top of the hill (which she was planning to do), she would have to make sure she was stocked up on weapons, and to be sure to hide them in secret places,”Hey, Liv?” She glanced at her newfound friend,”Know any good weaponry shops around here?”
“hmm, the Black Smith is the best quality Weapons i am sure, the merchants and shop owners usually don’t have as good quality as the black smith”, she said, before slipping on a rock and almost falling over.”I SWEAR IT IS LIKE LOKI HAS CURSED ME!”, she muttered under her breath furious at her self.
Swarine laughed and nodded,”Thanks for telling me. I’ll be sure to go visit the Black Smith then…” She chuckled awkwardly,”Hopefully he doesn’t ask what I need all the weapons for…”
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