The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
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Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
Swarine shrugged and pulled her hood up over her head,”I don’t care. I don’t want to be alone right now. I feel like something bad is about to happen.” She smiles at her before throwing a pile of snow at her,”Now, lighten up and release some of that energy you have built up!” She laughed when Liv glared at her and she jumped into the trees, hurrying to her house, and stopping when she realized someone was on the roof,”Hey… Is that the masked guy from earlier?”
*Haveing mass amounts of energy at the moment Liv leapt onto her porch railing and grabbed her roof and pulled her self up and over the top rolling away from the edge she jumped up and looked over to the masked basketball player*”Hay why you on my roof bud?”, she asked curiously, putting her hands on her hips panting.(yes Liv became a pro parkourer for 30 seconds)
Swarine laughed and poked the guy,”Hey. I wanna ask you something about the swords. They look so awesome!”
“they are hand made by me i make my own weapons they are heavy yes but they cut through bone like butter.”
*Liv crossed her arms an looked at the swords then leaned over to Swarine and cupped a hand over her mouth*”I think he is bluffing, do you think I can take him on because he is sunning on my roof”, she wispered, her energy not fading yet.
-i pick the giant swords up on my shoulders as i jump down and i look at the both of them not knowing i dont have my mask on revealing this face-
*Liv stared down at her roof and moved to the edge of the roof*”You left little tinks in my room bud”, she said frustrated.
-i look at you-“you gonna fight over it i coucld of destroyed your roof but i didnt.”
“Ahh, shbehajwbajanshsj”, she said waving it aside and jumping off the roof, she didn’t land very well and her legs stung on impact of the snowy ground.”Son of, fffffffffffff”, she said kicking the snow, she entered her House/shop muttering jiberish.
“I am dandy”, she said and muttered some more, the door was kept open because the front part of the house was the shop and the back was Liv’s living space.(Liv mutters and speeches gibberish when she is frustrated)
-i shrug as i look at you and then i turn placing the swords in the sheathe on my back and i start to walk off-
Swarine grinned and jumped down before hanging upside down from a tree,”All I have to say is wow.” She glanced at the one on her side before jumping down,”I would challenge you to a brawl… But I have some hunting down to do.” She glanced at Liv’s house before lightly smiling,”I guess I’ll be going. Take care, now.”
*Liv shambled to her stool all the wile mumbling, depressed she cant fight people like that*”waodboqwadpwa”, she said flicking a wood shaving off the counter.
Swarine sighed and walked inside Liv’s house, lightly smiling when she saw her sitting at the counter, looking quite defeated by him. “Liv? You OK?”
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