The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
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Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
*Liv woke up with a head ack even though she did not get drunk last night, She stumbled on of bed and did her tiny braid, slipped on her boots, and got a fish and started cooking it in the fire pit in side all the wile rubbing her eyes*
I walk around the village searching for new arrow’s. The last person that made my arrows are now leaving to village. I find a carpenter’s place and I walk up to the door and knock waiting for a answer.
*Liv was eating her fish at the counter at the time*”Come in”, he said from the counter still waking up.
I push the door open and look around the place then I notice the girl. “Am I getting my own bow!?” Astrid asked coming in behind me. “That depends if she can craft one for you.”
“What do you folk need?”, she asked finishing her fish and discarding it in a little bin behind the counter, semi full of wood dust an shavings.
“I need arrow’s for my bow, then I also need a bow and some arrow’s for her.” I pat Astrid on the head.
*Liv nodded*”It will take time to make a bow for her…tomarow I will have it ready, I have arrows in stock though”, she said before standing up and moving to the other en of the counter, Liv crouched down and moved a couple things before emerging with a dozen arrows, she went back to her stool and set the bundle of arrows down on the counter between them.”30 for the arrows”, she said smiling.
“Okay.” I step over to the counter and pay, collecting my arrows. “You’ll get your bow tomorrow Astrid.” I tell her as we both walk out.
“Have a grand day”, Liv said waving to them, then took the coin and placed it in her purse then rummaged through the counter again, she emerged with a piece of paper, she turned around and sat on another stool at her craft table, she spread it and examined the parchment, Liv nodded then moved out of the house through the back door were their was a couple felled trees, she noted to repay Eyiolfr next time she saw him for the trees. Liv pulled a axe loose form one tree trunk and stared cuting a rectangle out of the log, once she was done she wiped her forehead of the sweat and called the rectangle from the tree a foot away before cutting it into strips once she was done she aimed the axe and threw it back at the felled tree, it imbedded itself a foot away for the original cut, Liv sighed with defeat and picked up the strips of wood, they clattered together as she carried them through the house and onto the porch were she set them down and went back inside emerging with a bucket of water, she started curving the wood by first making it soft with the water, she would sit on her stool on the porch pressing down on the strip of wood in the water, making sure it was the shape she wanted under the waters surface*
-i stand up as i yawn and stretch then i start to walk around the village-
I walk around the village and buy some fruits.
*The wood strips now bent Liv leans on them wile they dry once they are all dry, Liv takes her knife and starts smoothing out the wood on the bended strips*
-i walk and look around the village holding one of the swords in my arms-
*Liv looks up from shaving the bow strips and sees the one really tall guy walking around now with a mask on, she shrugged and continued to smooth out the strips*
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