The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
Public Group
Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
Torrad nodded as he talked to the man, “Ah, I see.” Nolegs begins to bark, looking up in the trees at something up there. Torrad looks at her, “What is it girl?” He follows her gaze and sees the faint shape of…well, something. “Aye! A monkey!! They really do exist!” He looks at it and just stares. “Huh…thought they were only legend…”
*Liv woke up, again, she wasn’t sleeping well with the summer raids coming up she couldn’t help it, it was a truly exiting matter wether one it going or not, Liv decided to train oh the stick dummy she made, she picked up one of the training swords and unhooked her shield, once she had these, she let her imagination take over and she started whacking and slamming the dummy in an effort to train her self and make herself drowsy from being tiered*
Torrad shrugs as it doesn’t even move, “Am I just seeing things? Is that what it is?” He looks back at the man in front of him, “So…I think I’m nearly done, got to gather up the wood…” He smiles at the hunter, “Oh, if you tell Anna you know me, she may give you a discount on things…maybe.” He laughs a hearty laugh. Nolegs looks back at the hunter and barks, wagging her tail and panting with her tongue.
*falling back on her but, Liv breaded heavily, her arms felt like led, from swinging and hacking at the dummy, she replaced the sword and shield to there right full places. Liv grimaced she was to tiered to go to sleep.”Dammit!”, she said frustrated. she went over to a pitcher and a cup of water she drank the water in the cup and put on her boots, she put her hair in a messy pony tail and headed out the back door. she trudged all the way to the forest. looking down and her hands in her arm pits she didn’t notice the tree infant of her, she knocked into it falling back with surprise. she gasped and flailed her arms in the cold night air. she landed on a rock with a thud*”hu-ahh!”, she said hitting the ground.”errr”, growning she rolled over on her side away from the rock.
Nolegs looks over and barks for a brief moment, running over and sniffing a young woman, “Nolegs!” Torrad shouts, following the dog a short distance, then looking down at the woman, “Well! Looks like that didn’t work out for you.” He chuckles and holds out a hand, his axe still on his shoulder. Nolegs sniffs her a bit more…
*Liv groaned when the dog sniffed her, she looked over her shoulder and saw a dog and a man, she grabbed hold of the mans hand*”Um yeah”, Liv said a little confused.
Torrad pulls the young woman to her feet, having a firm grip on her hand, shaking it after she was up, “Torrad Melkolfson, at yer service, m’lady.” He looks down at the dog who attempts to lick her hands, “That’s Nolegs. She seems to like you.” He lets out a hearty chuckle.
*Liv smiled*”I am Liv Alfson”, she said before extending her hand to No Legs letting him sniff and lick her hand. her other hand was placed across her stomach, she clutched her side for it aced from falling on the rock. Liv herd Eyiolfr’s voice and looked up form No Legs.”Hi Eyiolfr, couldn’t sleep”.
“we are low on meat so i came out here. did you fall or something?”
Torrad looks at the two and smiles, “Ah, so this is the Liv you spoke of, Eyiolfr!” He smiles at the two, “I would introduce you both to Anna as well, but she is back at my home, while I am gathering the wood.” Nolegs pants and looks up at Liv, not worried about her anymore. She looks back at Eyiolfr and wags her tail as well, enjoying the company.
Swarine remained quiet, her eyes slightly wide as she took a deep breath. Thanking whatever gods that were out there, she quietly moved her way towards the trunk. How dare they call her a monkey! Although… They were fascinating creatures…. She shook her head and continued to watch. Maybe something good would come out of this trip…
“I think i know of the Anna you speech of, is she the trade woman?”, she asked remembering the time she traded with her.
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