The Vikings
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Active 7 years ago
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live... View more
Public Group
Group Description
The year is 971, Scandinavia. A earl rules his tribe of farmers, shipbuilders, and warriors.You live in the service of the earl, you do what he says. If you do not, you will be punished. Every summer, warriors, men and women alike go on the annual raids, they do not fear death, for if they die, they shall be sent to Valhalla, legendary hall of the gods.
The RolePlay
A girl comes running through the town. “Ah Astrid!” I come running behind her. “You gotta catch me!” She yells playfully as she runs by a dog and trips she tumbles over and gets back up and continues to run. “Wait up!” I run up to her and grab her. “Back to the house Astrid, grandfather was worried sick.” I tell her. “Aww but it was so fun.” She says and walks back towards the house.
Torrad nods and smiles a wide grin, “That would be her! She has the way with words that I do not, so I let her do the trading while I take care of other things…like the firewood.”
Nolegs looks up at the trees and barks a few more times.
Swarine glared at the dog and tossed it a bone before going higher up. She watched from a farther distance, keeping to herself. There was no need for her to actually get involved right now. Although, the dog had shut up for the moment, she knew it would start clawing at the tree soon, wanting more bones or something… Maybe she’d be able to get away without being noticed.
Astrid was halfway from the house until she got distracted by a black rabbit. “Hey there rabbit.” She walks up to the rabbit but then it hops away into the woods she follows it for a while then becomes lost after it runs away into a log that goes under ground and opens up somewhere else. “Hello?” She looks around frightened of where she is, Astrid starts running off in a random direction.
“Yeah she can haggle well”, she said scratching the back of her head, remembering the time she drived down the price of some shields and carvings to more than half the price. Although it was her own fault for agreeing to drive the price down.
I glance up the tree to make sure our ‘monkey is still there, it is not, or at least not where i can see, i start to walk through the trees, looking for whatever it was
Torrad smiles at the young lady, “Hehe, I must apologize. Sometimes her words work out a bit too well…” He lets out a sigh, looking at Nolegs, who was now chewing on a bone, “What…where did you…” Nolegs looks up and sniffs the air, hobbling away and barking, “Nolegs! Ack…” He wanders after her, keeping her in sight, but also close enough to hear the group.
Nolegs runs up to the lost girl, slowing down and panting.
Swarine remained still and mentally sighed. She could sense more people heading in the direction of the group, but she couldn’t help but notice she was also being hunted… She prayed that she wouldn’t be shot… again. It took months for that last wound to heal. She quickly climbed onto the highest tree branch and watched the group from above.
“Dog!” Astrid pets the dog on the head laughing. “Hello!” Astrid waved to the person still petting the dog.
*Liv noticed that something was in the trees or something because Eyiolfr was inspecting them, Liv picked up a stick and threw it blindly in the trees*
Swarine quickly grabbed the branch she was standing on and jumped to the one below before the stick hit her in the head,”That was a close call,”She mumbled before sighing and sitting back up. Now she was within hearing range. One wrong move and she could be hurt… Pretty badly.
Nolegs pants and sniffs the girl, enjoying the sensation of being petted. Torrad walks up and smiles, his two-handed axe still resting on his shoulder, “Hello, young lady!” He smiles a bit, “I see you’ve met Nolegs.” He looks around a bit, “Erm, why are you out here at this hour?”
“Well I was first playing with my brother then I found this rabbit, I followed it but…” Astrid looks around. “I got lost now I don’t know how to get back.” She explains.
I finally see the ‘money” i shoot an arrow at it, but it misses
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