Those In Glass Houses
This roleplay is about the world thousands of years later-when the magical world has begun to grow on... View more
Hey, we should put chars in here 🙂
Hey, we should put chars in here 🙂
So like, idk how to start this, so here is my char…
Name: Adrianne Prowess
Description: Adrianne is a Shadow kid. She, like all the other shadows, has the power to shimmer to other places, change form, and instantly heal from almost any kind of wound. She is stronger than a human, faster than a human, and has a sixth sense in which she can see anything living no matter how near or far.
She has long dark hair, and cold pale skin. A light system of freckles are on the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks, and her eye color is usually gold-but this doesn’t always stay the same. Her eye color will change depending on how she feels, and in the same way, she uses Shadow sense to see the true emotions of humans as colors as well. She usually wears a dark blue sweater with black fingerless gloves, dark blue converse that go up almost to her knees, and black skinny jeans that are all crumpled at the bottom. Her top is a rich red tank that fades into dark purple towards the bottom.
Adri looks mostly human besides her claws and sharp teeth. So, depending on what she’s doing, she may just have her hands in her pockets and a very quiet voice. Being a Shadow is somewhat of a disease. The soul struggles to have control over the body, and people most times are reduced to feral animal like beasts that are hard to kill, and hardwired to be nasty. It originated in Chicago, and was thought to be under control.
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