Hey, we should put chars in here 🙂

  • Hey, we should put chars in here 🙂

    Posted by adriannedarxsidekick on September 16, 2015 at 9:33 pm

    So like, idk how to start this, so here is my char…

    Name: Adrianne Prowess

    Description: Adrianne is a Shadow kid. She, like all the other shadows, has the power to shimmer to other places, change form, and instantly heal from almost any kind of wound. She is stronger than a human, faster than a human, and has a sixth sense in which she can see anything living no matter how near or far.

    She has long dark hair, and cold pale skin. A light system of freckles are on the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks, and her eye color is usually gold-but this doesn’t always stay the same. Her eye color will change depending on how she feels, and in the same way, she uses Shadow sense to see the true emotions of humans as colors as well. She usually wears a dark blue sweater with black fingerless gloves, dark blue converse that go up almost to her knees, and black skinny jeans that are all crumpled at the bottom. Her top is a rich red tank that fades into dark purple towards the bottom.

    Adri looks mostly human besides her claws and sharp teeth. So, depending on what she’s doing, she may just have her hands in her pockets and a very quiet voice. Being a Shadow is somewhat of a disease. The soul struggles to have control over the body, and people most times are reduced to feral animal like beasts that are hard to kill, and hardwired to be nasty. It originated in Chicago, and was thought to be under control.

    Exportedfish55 replied 9 years, 4 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Kit Apparently

    September 21, 2015 at 10:37 pm


    because I’m lazy

    Kit is a shapeshifter and a trained assassin. she does not have people skills and would honestly sooner kill you than speak to you. She loves sweets, though, like any fae, and she can’t enter human dwellings without permission. She usually has blue hair and bright seafoam green eyes, as well as fangs and a set of gossamer wings. She has a scar across the bridge of her nose. her favorite weapon is a large scythe, but her best weapon are her faerie blades. Yeah, watch out for those. :/

  • Jazzy

    September 21, 2015 at 11:00 pm

    Name: Hisser

    Description: You never see Hisser’s true form as a human, you will always see him as a…Big alien Gorilla wolf. He’s has all black fur and his teeth glow a bright turquoise. He has rows and rows of teeth. He only shifts human in his house or when he needs to be a human. But as a human he has pitch black hair and these blue-grey eyes.

    Hisser’s personality is….odd. It changes, but most of the time he is quiet but deadly. So, watch out. And you don’t wanna be caught up with him in a bad mood. He is also very strong; JUST DON’T MESS WITH HIM! End of story.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    September 22, 2015 at 12:47 am

    Name: Don Patch

    Description: A character from the popular anime/manga Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. His wiki page is at bobobo.wikia.com/wiki/Don_Patch

    Don Patch’s reason for being in this RP is that he and other characters from popular culture lived in the magical world, invisible to non-media characters, but as the worlds started merging, the fictional characters started to become visible.

  • cass coltheart

    September 22, 2015 at 12:49 am

    Name :Catharlane


    Appearance: 7ft, very thin, gangly, short black hair, usually blue eyes. Pale skin. knee high leather boots, a black t-shirt, a leather trenchoat held shut by belt buckles rather than buttons. Red cargo pants.

    Catharlane is known as an archon, or principle. A being which completly embodies something. He is the archon of oblivion, nothingness. He does not sleep,eat,drink or even speak. He only ever communicates through body language, and only when absolutely necessary. The only reason he appears human is so that he can serve his purpose better, by hiding in plain view. His power manifests in two ways. A longsword, sheathed inside his coat, and destructive shockwaves. Both of these remove whatever they touch from existence.

    His body can be destroyed like a regular human, however.

  • adriannedarxsidekick

    September 22, 2015 at 8:41 pm

    Name: Jayna Nevendre

    Description: Jayna is a clever little human that gets in trouble, but never really asked for it. It often falls into her lap, because in this twisted world, there are places like where she lives that there are no laws. She used to live with an all human society, one in which magic and all things like it were shunned.

    An outbreak of Nightmares took away her father, and when her mother tried to use magic to cure him, she was found and imprisoned. With no other guardians, Jay was on her own. So, she took her pick-pocketing skills with her to the street. At one point or another, she wandered into this town about four years later. At this point, she has learned plenty more skills, and is fairly comfortable. She works at a train station, managing odds and ends, but she lives in these ratty old streets so that she cannot be bothered by law enforcement. She wears jeans, work clothes in general-and has mouse brown hair that tumbles into her almost black eyes.

  • Jazzy

    September 24, 2015 at 12:24 am

    Name: Cuddles

    Looks:  Ummm..press it…it’s hard to explain…really hard. JUST PRESS IT! He his blue and white though.

    Cuddles is an alien, like Hisser. And they are buddies! Well, Cuddles just follows Hisser around. Cuddles does not speak, He does he shift into a human (He would look like this). He sounds like this though. Cuddles is a really friendly fellow! He’s always up for a game of tag or just a simple chit-chat. He loves everyone and he doesn’t ever, ever, ever, fight. Never. He might screech, but that’s all. Cuddles also loves to follow people/things. He’s very curious and adventurous. Cuddles and Hisser have and odd friendship. Hisser hated, well, hates Cuddles. Hisser tried to kill Cuddles, but, Cuddles is pretty much indestructible. So, Hisser went on with it and Cuddles just follows him around.

    Cuddles gets his engery from plant and air. He does not need water, or food. Air is his main ‘food’ source. But, if he wants to act cute, he’ll eat a but-load of plants.

    How Cuddles ‘talks’. Well, just watch that video that I listed above, no, he’s not the people talking, just the odd alien sounds. He can’t even say a word. But some how, he links his ‘brain’ to Hisser’s ‘brain’ and Cuddles can talk with Hisser there (he would sound like Stephen Hawking XD). Cuddles is also very smart, and can use his four arms to make tools and other things. His ‘brain’ is located in his head, duh. But it’s not a brain. It’s just some thin lines connected, but, these act like brains. Yes, brains. Not just one…many.

    Any questions about Hisser or Cuddles, please ask me in a PM or just a 1×1 chat. As in a simple chat on here. Some people are on phones and tablets so they cannot access chat. Thanks~

  • Randomness On 2 Legs

    September 30, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    Name: Nikolas


    Age: 22

    Appearance: Human/Angel. About 5’11”, plae, ginger hair (has one of those viking cuts where it’s shaved off in the back and sides but the top is there. And then he had is braided all the way back), deep blue eyes, and he’s covered in freckles. Normally he wears a long, dark grey trench coat, black leather converse, a chain, black pants, and a white, un-tucked, long sleeve dress shirt. He’s not super muscular, but he’s fit.

    Bio: I was to lazy to come up with one.

    Powers: He can tear portals open through space and time, allowing him to slip into forbidden places. Unfortunately this is corrupting him and often makes him weaker than he normally is. Along with that, he has a large pair of angel like wings that go down to his feet and fair sword fighting skills.

    Extra: Is very loyal to his friends.

    Extra: Not quiet, but not talkative.

  • GoldPhoenix9

    October 3, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    Name: Sunshine Ellie

    Age: 15

    Appearance: Blonde wavy hair that goes down to about her shoulders, green blue eyes, Freckles along nose and under eyes, athletic build, jeans, sneakers, white t-shirt, basic mini bastard sword sheathed and locked with a pin on a chain necklace she always keeps.

    Powers: When she unsheathes the mini bastard sword necklace it turns life size and steal armor materializes on her, the armor consists of plates at the sides of the thighs, grieves, breast plate, bracers, a mail shirt, and a single shoulder plate on the right shoulder. She can also shoot harmful beams of light as people from her hand, or none harmful.

    Weaknesses: Potato chips, pitch black places, honor bound, celery (allergic).

    Bio: Got the necklace from an old antique shop, besides that she’s a typical kid.

    Personality: Relatively loud, bold, athletic, Loyal and honor bound.

  • Jazzy

    October 4, 2015 at 12:02 am

    Name: Cherry Bomb Jones

    Age: 12

    Appearance: Long red wavy (ish) hair, bright green eyes. Wears blue and white dresses a lot. Black flats with white knee socks. Wears a black bow in hair, has on black gloves.

    Powers: Well, you might as well cal her a witch. She sings a song about how you are going to die, pretty much a song, but the song should sound very sweet and nice. But, in a few hours, that death will happen to you. See, simple!

    Weaknesses: When she finds someone she likes, her powers just take her over, and she tries to kill the people she loves.

    Personality: Very sweet, dangerous, quiet, shy, brave.

  • Exportedfish55

    November 2, 2015 at 12:39 am

    Name: Kai Kingsman

    Age: 16

    Gender: male


    Powers: When I close my eyes and open near danger I have the power to kill in a single touch and I have a needle that goes through the toughest metal and travels as i whistle but it can also heal if i hold it and touch a wounded person.

    Weakness: when wounded the powers dont work as strong.

    personality:dark, mysterious, protective, strong

    extra: rich and well known.

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