Fairy & Pixie Pond

  • Hikari Asukahime Inoue (TangerineBurstWarriorSugarFairy)

    January 27, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    *enters the area of the fairy & pixie pond where she uses her fairy abilities to reduce herself to a small size and encase herself in a flower for several hours. She rejuvenates her body and mind. She strengthens her soul as she prepares herself for the battles ahead. She had happily partied with family and it only made her will to protect them even stronger. Her thoughts would become focused on her love of those that had given her back all she loved and she would make damn sure that she was up to be their sword and shield at all cost. The flower slowly opened and as it did she was also slowly restored to a more human-like size.* My will be done!

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