Name: Tori GrandDale
Age: 13
attributes/ Personality: 5’2, dirty blonde hair with light blue ends, freckles along nose and under eyes, purple eyes, tanish skin, fairly muscular, wears a bunch of string knot bracelets on right wrist, gray cargo pants, greek style sandals that reach to her ankle, black slightly baggy t shirt, navy blue baggy beany. light brown messengers bag where she keeps her books, she keeps to her self, she cant hear well out of her ears so she has hearing aids that she can turn up and off.
Bio: lives with her parents just out side the city, doesn’t go to school though. She rides on her skate board almost every were, she if pretty skilled at skate boarding. she also reads a bunch in trees she climbs, or flies to. she also has a wolf puppy that she stores in her bag sometimes.
Kagune: Ukaku Kagune ( wings)
other: has skate board
other: has a cream colored wolf pup named Oryan.