Real RP
Thomas jumped onto a chair, flipped onto an awning, pulled himself onto a roof, and began to rooftop parkour.
*Tori made a sharp turn at the street crossing just as the dove rounded the corner, he looked around suspiciously and asked people if they had seen someone run off in a rush. A couple people only pointed no one saw the kids faces, the dove nodded then went out in persuit of the direction they went. Tori zoomed into the skate park, she set Oryan and her bag down near a tree on the out skirts of the ramps, half pipes, and cement pools. She started to blend in with the skaters although breathing hard and tiered she did little trucks on the pipes. The dove had lost them*
Hunter walked down the sidewalk with the rest of the crowd. If only he could eat one of these humans right now. They do look quite tasty. He shrugged. At least he’ll get to eat later. He could also go get himself some coffee. He saw the usual coffee place not far from here and started walking there. He could smell some ghouls running about, but decided to play with them later.
*After a while of practicing Tori moved of to her bag and Oryan. She set her skate board down next to them and took out a water bottle from her bag and drank, she birdied some water into Oryans mouth and put it back. She took out a book and started reading, Oryan sat on her laid of her lap and took a nap,”I hope Tom is alright, wasn’t sure if the Dove only lost me… He probably lost him theirs no way the Dove would climb the building just to get a maybe ghoul right?”, she thought then shook her head a little disconcerted. (I think I use the word right idk lol)
A shot rang out, and my leg collapsed. I hear a dove climb up, and ask “Hey kid, why were you on the roof. I reply ” I was just doing parkour… Oww, my leg!” He begins to open his briefcase, and it turns into a large sword. I begin to limp quickly to the edge, and then jump. I run to the park as fast as I can with my leg, and then I literally run into tori. “Tori… Run. He shot me, I need to find help, get someone please…”
*Tori closed her book and put it in her bag along with Oryan*”Alright let’s go to my parents place they should know what to do”, she said quickly grabbing Tom and slinging him over her shoulder. She poped up her Skate baord and bragged her bag, she jogged out of the skate park before the Skaters noticed the blood leaking from Toms leg. Tori went to an alley way we’re she glanced behind her, she move into the darkness of the alley way and released her Kagune, (her wings look like flygons from Pokemon only red) she set her skate board down and sped off at a very fast pace making near death sharp turns on the way. When they arrive at her house, she takes out the key and opens the door. Her dad was taking a nap on the couch, he woke up and shot out of the couch noticing her Kagune was out*”What’s happened!?”, he asked moving over to them.”Tom got shot in the leg bye a Dove..”, she said grimly, her Kagune faded. Her dad took Tom and laid with on the couch and got the first aid and when to work. Tori glanced out side before shutting the door and helped out a little*
“Yeah yeah don’t mention it”, Tori’s dad said waving a hand and put away the first aid. Tori parted the blinds and looked out not sure if the Dove had followed them or was trying to keep up, Tori’s dad came out.”So just playin with gangs or Doves?”, He asked crossing his arms, he towered over both of them.”Uh A Dove”, Tori said moving away from the blinds.”I’m hungry”, she groaned.
*Tori took her hearing aids out and plugged them into the wall to charge, she helped Tom up and let him to the kitchen where her dad took out 2 packs of flesh and handed it to them. Tori went to the living room and started eating *
Thomas takes out a bun, and puts the flesh on it. Seeing glances from tori, he says “What, you didn’t know, we can eat yeast rolls, yeast is actually sometimes in the air. I make burgers out of it. Cooked flesh can be eaten too, but not too often, or its toxic.”
“And how long have you known this?!”, Tori asked curiously turning around wile wiping some blood from her mouth, she had finished.
“Bout a month and a half. Cant go to golden corral with friends and eat nothing…”
“Dad we need to get feet bread”, she said Putin in her Hearing aids. Her dad looked at her confused.”Nuh honey I think Tom said yeast”, he said taking out his phone and marking it down.”Ohhhh”, She said nodding.
“Yep, its actually not half bad.” Thomas limps over to the couch, and starts petting Oryan.
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