Real RP
“well ima go see if that Dove followed us or not..If i don’t come back I’m dead”, she said laughing at the last part before she took her skate board and left her bag and Oryan at home Tori did take her mask though, It was a black bear growling, Tori placed it on her face and sped out. she slid down an alley a little ways from her house before out of no where something grabbed her and slammed her against the alley wall really hard. she coughed up a little blood from the impact in her mask a little. then something pocked her in the arm, she ripped her arm from the unseen persons grasp and and stood seeing a shadowy figure with a syringe half empty smirking at her.”shoot”, she muttered under her breath. and tried to Release her Kagune but it only went a half way so she had little wings instead of her usual sized ones.”Double shoot”, she muttered and side stepped back. form the figure putting up her arms to fight.”Interesting”, the figure snickered before activation his sword like queinicue. (i think i spelled it wrong lol)
Pulling on his mask, a half mask of a scorpion with the pincers around the outer edges of his mouth, over his face, he follows (He is known to the Doves as scorpion because of his mask and tail)
*Tori jumped onto her skate board and sodded every where, it looked like she was out of controle but in fact she knew exactly what she was doing, she circled the dove dodging his attacks semi easy. The Dove all a sudden upper cutter her, she slammed into the alley wall again she had gotten to cocky. The Dove lunged forward and injected the last of the liquid that was in the syringe, her wings faded.
Thomas sees Tori go into an allyway, and sees the dove follow her. He sees an empty syringe on the ground, which was obviously the Dove’s, but he couldnt have used it… Ghouls skin cant be poked by needles… He poked his hand, and was suprised when it drew blood. He raced quickly to the allyway to tell tori.
*Tori growled and kicked off the alley wall to punch the Dove, she hit him across the face making his mouth bleed badly. she landed and rammed the Dove into the alley wall before lungeing at him, the Dove got out of the way before grabbing her wrist and twisting it behind her back. he slammed her against the alley wall, she yelled out in pain as he continued to twist her wrist*
Seeing the dove pinning her against the wall, Thomas leapt forward and windmill kicked the dove in the spine
*with the sudden impact the Dove jerked to the floor also breaking Tori’s wrist in the process, she gasped at the snapping noise and yelled out in pain when she moved her arm, it swayed useless and hurt like hell. She took the opportunity and kicked the dove into the the alley wall really hard and growled, the Dove spat out blood and reached for his quinique*(uh Tori’s known to the CCG as flutter bear)
“Oh crap, Im so sorry… Lets get home.” violently kicking the Dove in the face, Thomas breaks his neck before he can reach is quinique.
“H-he injected somthing in me..” She said moving her other hand to her neck where the bruises were healing slowly along with her wrist.
“I saw, how did he find a needle that could pierce our skin? We are literally bulletproof.”
“I don’t know… What’s why he took me by suprise with the needle,” she insisted.
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