Just a life-simulator rp so normal humans and stuff, beyond that, do what you want! Thank youu~ \(^-^\
Name: Kou Mitama
Age: 21
Occupation: Secretary
Appearance: His most outstanding physical feature is his black, slightly curly hair, and blue eyes, everything else is about average. He’s a little pale, but not outside the realm of normal. Usually wears a cheap but not bad looking suit that’s always well-pressed and clean, even when not at work. Always wears white gloves. His hands are always chafed and scared under the gloves.
Personality: Typically reserved. Although he doesn’t necessarily dislike people, he hates being around them, but can bear with it well enough that he can talk to people. This is because he has fairly severe misophobia, the fear of dirt and uncleanliness, bad enough that he’s more or less built his life around it. He only goes out at night because there are less people than daytime. Also has mild claustrophobia.
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