
  • Posted by DolimiccanDragon on November 30, 2013 at 12:14 am

    Post your OC’s here, with this form:


    I forgot mine, oops! Prepare for reading.

    Character: I Am Gamer (Gamer for short)

    Race: Human that can take the form of a Lucario

    Gender: Male

    Age: 14

    Appearance: In human form, Gamer usually wears a blue shirt, brown jeans, a wristlet with an embedded Lucarionite and Sonic’s shoes with a Red Star instead of a yellow buckle. He has brown hair, brown eyes and cream-colored skin. In his Sonic World Forme, he looks just like a normal Lucario, but with his wristlet and shoes. In Triple-Type Mode, the cobalt areas become white, the black areas become red and the cream area becomes cobalt.

    Side: Good

    Weaknesses: 10 minutes after selecting a weapon, Gamer’s special gun, explained later, removes the weapon’s programming. When this happens, he must manually select the weapon again, and during this period he is vulnerable. Also, his normal Forme is human, so all those weaknesses apply. In his Sonic World Forme, he is vulnerable to the normal Steel/Fighting weaknesses, including Fire, Fighting, and Ground. After de-Mega-Evolving, he is a bit weaker and attacks do double damage. This not only applies to all the enemy’s attacks, but of Gamer’s Reversal attack as well.

    Weapons: Gamer’s gun is able to copy any video game power in the universe. Metal Blade? Got it. Dummy rings? Yep. Portals? Already thought of that. This might be OP, if not for the fact that it removes the weapon’s programming after 10 minutes. I explained this in the Weaknesses area already. It is unknown how he obtained it, it was possibly made in a secret lab. He is also able to create a bone out of Aura Energy for his Bone Rush attack.

    Abilities: Gamer, out of a fit of boredom one day, combined a Red Star from Super Mario Galaxy and a Speed Shoes box from Sonic, allowing him to run at exactly the speed of sound (this also helps with the moves Double Team and ExtremeSpeed as a Lucario), and fly at that speed as well. That’s not as fast as Sonic’s speed, but fast enough. In his Sonic World Forme, he can also use Aura-based attacks like Force Palm and Aura Sphere. Another attack he can use is Rollout, thanks to the power of the Sonic world. He also has a Mega Lucario transformation, as well as Hyper Lucario when combined with his universe’s chaos gems, the Mega Emeralds, as well. He is able to phase between dimensions at will. One lucky thing about this is that he is able to fuse with himself from other dimensions. Recently, he became a part of the “Triple-Type Project,” a project aiming to create a Pokemon with three types. Thanks to the Fire Flower that was given to him, he can change colors and launch Fire-type attacks. This proves to be useful for the recent (as of December 3rd) member Vipin.

    Other: Decided to become a traveling Pokemon Professor, so he can now spawn Poke Balls with Pokemon inside them.

    DolimiccanDragon replied 11 years, 3 months ago 8 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • RavenCool the Wolf

    November 30, 2013 at 7:11 pm

    Character: RavenCool the Wolf
    Race: Mobian grey wolf
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Power(s): Ice and lesser fire
    Appearance: A grey wolf that is 5 foot 6 inches tall. She wears dark blue leggings with red flames on them, a t-shirt with something gaming related on it, and red and blue armor. Her muzzle and inside of ears are white, and her main fur is a smoky grey color.
    Side: Chaotic Good (too much D&D!)
    Weaknesses: any sort of high heat, scared of the dark, can’t stand high pitched sounds, is too loyal sometimes for her own good.
    Other: She’s my avatar picture. She was based off a death knight my dad let me make on his WoW that had the name RavenCool.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    November 30, 2013 at 7:17 pm

    Accepted. Welcome to Trainers and Hedgehogs!

  • DolimiccanDragon

    November 30, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    That’s your cue to post in the main RP thread

  • Misuki Hamamoto~

    December 1, 2013 at 3:18 am

    Character: Misuki Hamamoto

    Race: Human

    Gender: Female

    Age: 15

    Power(s): At the age of twelve, she came into contact with extreme levels of radiation after a nuclear power plant failed. After intensive care and examination from specialists, they concluded that she wasn’t harmed. However, she soon found that this wasn’t true. She has the ability to breathe fire and not be affected, but this side of her only comes out when she is extremely angry.

    Appearance: In everyday situations, she lives her life with flaming red hair and vibrant green eyes, skin a pale white. Her hair reaches to her lower back, and is kept in a high ponytail whenever she works. She usually wears a t-shirt of random things, concealed over a yellow sweater that’s full of buttons. Also, she wears dark skinny jeans often, and her feet are protected by black boots that reach to below her knee.

    Side: Neutral (she doesn’t have a reason to join either yet)

    Weaknesses: She has an obvious fear of bugs, snakes, darkness, and a phobia of crowded areas. Her weapons can also work as weakness – her anger is what triggers the fire and she always finds herself fatigued after talking her way through events.

    Weapon(s): Her weapons are her ability to manipulate people to do her bidding and the use of fire.

    Other: She’s very flimsy with a sword and occasionally mutters to herself. Her favorite Pokemon is a Kirlia and she dreams of being a perfect Pokemon breeder.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 2, 2013 at 1:41 pm


  • Sonic the Hedgehog

    December 2, 2013 at 7:55 pm

    Character: Sonic
    Race: Hedgehog
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown, possibly 16 or 17
    Power(s): Boost, Spindash, Quick Step, Drift, parkour, Homing Attack, double jump, Wisps
    Appearance: Blue hedgehog that wears gloves red shoes with white stripes and yellow buckles. You know what Sonic looks like.
    Side: Good
    Weaknesses: Spikes, water
    Weapons: None really, unless you count Caliburn
    Other: This Sonic is a mix of Generations Sonic and Lost World Sonic. Also this is Gamer’s alternate account.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 2, 2013 at 7:56 pm

    Accepted, since I own the Sonic account


    December 3, 2013 at 11:23 pm

    Character: Day

    Race: Human

    Gender: Male.

    Age: Unknown. Suspected to be around 16

    Power(s): Ability to teleport, which is good for getting out of tight spots. Day can also go completely nuts with his ability to aim and operate any weapon perfectly. Physically fit to the extreme.

    Appearance: Kinda skinny and fit, ‘booouut 6’2″ and a great trainer with his partner Glory, AKA Beedrill.

    Side: Neutral.

    Weaknesses: Cocky, sometimes mouths off too much, and is a liability in a team. Also human weaknesses. (Note: When Homestuck is referenced, he transforms into a demon, and it is unknown how to snap him out. He usually teleports away before this happens, although it only happened once. -iamgamer215)

    Weapons: TASER gun, Long range tranq.

    Other: Comic relief strikes again.(Or does it?)

    Note: I hope you’re okay with updates to this guy.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 4, 2013 at 2:06 am

    Oh my gosh. ACCEPTED! This should be good!

  • LonelyLonLon

    December 4, 2013 at 3:37 am

    Okay if I join in?

    Character: Vipin

    Race: Human that can take the form of a Vulpix

    Gender: Male

    Age: Undefined, but his appearances make him look 15

    Power(s): As a human, he can create illusions and force them into the mind of an enemy, distracting them. He also has photographic memory. As a Vulpix, he has the moves “Captivate”, “Flamethrower”, “Fire Spin”, and “Confuse Ray”.

    Appearance: Rather short for his age, Vipin stands at approx. 5’4″. He has blond hair that is considered long. His attire is usually casual clothing.

    Side: Neutral, but sometimes, he finds himself leaning toward the bad side.

    Weaknesses: Due to his “shortness”, Vipin isn’t taken seriously 100% of the time. He doesn’t really voice his opinion, which makes him seem weak, and he only turns into a Vulpix when he gets anywhere near fire. Luckily, Gamer has Triple-Type mode, so when Vipin needs it, Gamer can launch an Ember next to him.

    Weapons: A bow and arrow, fully equipped with a animal hide quiver. He is quite the sharpshooter, actually.

    Other: He posses two Pokémon, Daring, a Staraptor, and a Cheeri, a Happiny – he never says no to a battle.

    (Note from Gamer: You are, by far, my favorite applicant, please post in the RP soon!)

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 4, 2013 at 3:50 am

    Accepted, another Forme-changer? This should be good 😀

  • Ash Ketchum

    December 4, 2013 at 4:32 am

    Character: Ash Ketchum
    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 10 (Anime-character-frozen)
    Power(s): Just your regular, everyday Trainer.
    Appearance: Red-and-white hat, white-and-blue shirt, blue jeans, green backpack with a Pikachu usually sitting on it. You know what Ash looks like.
    Side: Good
    Weaknesses: Normal human weaknesses
    Weapons: None really, unless you count Pokemon
    Other: This is iamgamer215’s THIRD account. Yay.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 4, 2013 at 4:33 am

    Accepted, since I made the account to go with this RP.

  • Blueraw Gamer

    December 4, 2013 at 12:51 pm

    Character: Jackryll Farout
    Race: Half-Angelic Beast Half-Human [Race exact name UNKNOWN]
    Gender: Male
    Age: 13 (in appearance, true age is UNKNOWN)
    Power(s): Ability to switch between Human, Semi-Angel and Beast, in case of Power Rush then most creatures and from beast or semi form to take any human appearence. Ability to teleport into close places, gather energy from diferent dimensions as moving between them so time will be slower and in normal dimension one will look fast. Mutate objects or life forms to make them fighters or any other kind of usefull tool. If survives an attack enough times there will be a slight chance of Achieving that power and knowing how to avoid it. Ability to manipulate one’s weak minded body and the invincibility if the soul pure or if someone close sentimentally is in danger of life.
    Appearance: Human- 1,76 meters tall, dark hair and brown eyes, in human form uses a cream scarf, red t-shirt, blue snickers, black pants, light brown jacket. Semi-Angel – Gray hair, white jacket, white scarf, t-shirt is ripped off completly and shoes become on baby blue fire, white wings, red gloves with the most resistant metal blade shaped and he starts to look a bit musculed (very musculed at the age of 16).
    Side: Depends on the ideas, ideas and personalities, usually the good guy.
    Weaknesses: Someone close to him dies, having a sentimental flashback or wings ripped out that will take time to heal, leave an open wound and limit his powers alot.
    History: I woke up in a small cottage in the year of 1572 and i had a dogtag on my chest, it read Jackryll Farout and then it simply vanished! Guards came barging in and they TRYED to kill me but i felt no guilt whatsoever and i… was hacked and slashed, decapitaded and trespassed but i just came back to life and at some point i lost my senses, i came back consious and everyone was dead, i was alone in a forest and lived there for about 2 years untill i found a corpse of a young woman that… made me collapse and i only wake up by a guy that called himself Gamer and… he looked just like a lucario with shoes! I knew i had amnesia by the time i tryed to remember anything before 1572, i almost flew back as a backfire of my mind repulsing the idea.
    Objective: Find out who he is, what he is and find a love and a place to live and go alongside his friends in times of need or in quests.

  • DolimiccanDragon

    December 4, 2013 at 12:56 pm

    Accepted, I like how you subtly mentioned the fact that we knew each other before you joined the RP

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