Story Arc

  • Helexia

    June 9, 2017 at 3:25 am

    Celest looked at Jaya questiabley “You demons are honestly strange, I don’t see how you’ve survived this long if all you do is fight and kill one another over nothing” she said fixing her tie a bit.

  • BluBlah

    June 9, 2017 at 3:42 am

    Jaya rolled his eyes at the angel, “Of course you wouldn’t sweetie, you’re part of an “endangered” species.” Jaya teased lightly not really meaning the words, “And most demons are actually not even violent for your info, too busy atoning for sins and all that jazz. And I do not kill for no reason,” Jaya says in mock offense, “I kill to sate myself.”

  • Wake

    June 9, 2017 at 4:13 am

    Caligula lifted his lighter up and lit his cigarette with a quick flick, “I haven’t killed anyone,” he said, blowing out a puff of smoke, “I know its rather abnormal for a demon to think this way, but personally I find killing distasteful.” He said, sitting back down on a the rock, “Although, I know I’m in the minority there and often times its demon nature not to change.” He mumbled mostly to himself with closed eyes, threading his fingers together and leaning his head on his hands.

  • BluBlah

    June 9, 2017 at 4:53 am

    Jaya looked at the surprisingly normal demon with a grin, “Not really a minority in that set, most keep the victims alive.” Jaya revealed a nasty truth that honestly people should have expected, killing them is an easy way out, well…. depending on how you kill them but whatever. “Though you are right about the changing part, long lives mean you don’t need to change at all so it takes forever if one does change.” Jaya shrugged at that point, what the human like demon said was correct after all.

    Noticing the odd habits Jaya kept the minor actions filed away in his head, “Got a little headache or something?”

  • Wake

    June 9, 2017 at 5:38 am

    Caligula shook his head and took a long drag from his cigarette, and tilted his head up, “No, just thinking.” he sighed, letting out a cloud of smoke, “The enormity of this task just dawned on me again,” he said, tapping the ash from his cigarette onto the ground, “It’ll likely take years before an angel could step foot in hell without being attacked.” He said, putting his cigarette back in his mouth and producing his notebook and pen once again, beginning to scrawl in it, murmuring inaudibly to himself.

  • Helexia

    June 9, 2017 at 2:16 pm

    Celest looked at the two “Wow you two must live some horrible lives up in hell, sucks to be you two” she said with a smile. “I’m curious though what type of powers do the two of you have? I’m sure you guys can do something or maybe not after all you all look worthless and absolutely weak! I on the other hand look absolutely amazing!” She said breaking out into laughter.

  • Wake

    June 9, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    Caligula smiled dryly and placed the pen down flat on his notebook, “As far as demons go, objectively I am pretty useless. I have no special powers and can’t do anything like hand-to-hand fighting, though I can lift a mean box if the need arises.” He leaned his cheek on his hand and directed an expression of wry amusement toward Celeste, “And you, mister angel, what are the powers that make you so amazing?”

  • Helexia

    June 9, 2017 at 8:35 pm

    Celest looked at Caligula “Wow that’s pretty weak, can’t really do much with that, I mean my powers are kinda weird I wouldn’t call them call them super amazing but I myself sure am” she said smiling proudly. “Well then, watch and be amazed maybe” she said as she summoned her staff which had a blinking eye with a halo at the end surrounded with wings and a ribbon tied below eye. She then grabbed a nearby rock that was somewhat large and threw it into the air and pointed the staff to it and transforming the rock into a somewhat large knife. Celest then grabs the knife once it is at close range, “Tadaa! I can transform things to what I want them to be!” Celest says playing with the knife.

  • Wake

    June 9, 2017 at 10:53 pm

    Caligula crossed his legs and leaned forward with a small smile, as if observing a child showing off a trick, “I see, must be rather handy.” he said and held his chin and gently scratched his beard, “Is that the sort of level most angels are on?” He asked, picking his pen up once again, “The information could be useful.”

  • Helexia

    June 9, 2017 at 11:05 pm

    “Hm..there are many angels with different abilities but that is all I shall say I’m not just gonna leak out information all willy nilly, after all not all information is supposed to be public” Celest says while she transform the knife back into a rock and drops it back onto the ground.

  • Wake

    June 9, 2017 at 11:54 pm

    Caligula tapped his pen against the paper and sighed, shutting the notebook, “I see, I suppose that’s the most frugal choice of action.” He tucked the pen in his breast pocket and pocketed his notebook as well, “Perhaps we should change the conversation.” He said, tightening his wrinkled tie although it didn’t do much to improve his disheveled appearance, “This is the country of Australia, correct?” He asked, standing up and casually stretching his back, “Last time I was on Earth, this continent was barely a colony… It would be useful to explore around, do you know if leaving here is allowed?” He asked, placing his hands in his jacket pockets.

  • BluBlah

    June 10, 2017 at 2:35 am

    Jaya had watched the two’s interaction amused and interested, there was something about this demon that was odd but this angel was odd as well though this information of transformation would be useful in the future.

    Somewhat delayed Jaya responded, sounding like he was not entirely focused as he looked around, “We can leave and check the surroundings, there may be others who were like you and a bit away from the group as well. I don’t know our exact limitations but as long as we abide by the spoken and unspoken rules we are fine I’m sure.” Jaya was watching an oddly large fluffy rabbit devour a large quantity of food quickly.

  • Helexia

    June 10, 2017 at 2:43 am

    “Hopefully we can find some more angels around here, it’ll be pretty weird if I’m the only one who’s actually doing this thing” Celest couldn’t help but wonder if there were any other angels beside her on the mission and if she really was the only one who actually volunteered for it. In the end she didn’t want to be the only angel surrounded by a bunch of demons.

  • BluBlah

    June 10, 2017 at 2:55 am

    “Yeah, I was looking forward to an angel with manners, but they’ll get here when they get here,” Jaya shrugged it off as he began approaching the rabbit, wondering how it tastes as he usually stays in the South America continent, they don’t have much rabbits where he was so he was curious.

  • Helexia

    June 10, 2017 at 3:01 am

    “If that’s what you’re looking forward to seeing in an angel then good luck with that most of them are more judgmental than me or even ruder, I can tell you that from experience alone.” Celest says while glaring at Jaya. She notices the rabbit and decides to pick up a nearby rock and throw it close to the rabbit causing it to run off. “ seems like it ran off” she says trying to hold back a smile, she mainly did the act to scare off the rabbit she really wasn’t in the mood to see something happen to it.

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