Moon Magick

  • *Lala, LunaLeviachan and SugarMoon had taken some time to sit on the rooftop of the academy. Many students had already left for spring break but the family continued to work with the clan and students and staff who would remain at the academy . This time, the mother, daughter and grandchild watched the sky as they waited for the pink full moon to wash over their light skinned bodies and help them manifest prosperous times ahead for themselves and for their loved ones and those they were tasked to protect.* Lala looked at Leviachan and SugarMoon. Remember this is a time of growth and rebirth for us and a time of renewal and clarity for many of our fellow beings. @leviachan @sugar

  • Solana Nova Yonaka MaruchieSakata * MidnightSunSugarMage

    November 13, 2024 at 2:38 am

    *The twins would remember the plenty of times her mother spoke of the moon and its phases. So much so, that they both decided to take a course about moon magic* @Zarinabeliala

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