True Crossover Academy's Sports Court / Gym

  • Pako & Tokiko (YorozuyaSugarSouls) Sakata

    May 6, 2017 at 4:13 pm

    *cheers on the academy’s all star crossover sports teams*

  • Yoichi BattySugarDemon Hiruma

    November 8, 2017 at 5:58 am

    YAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *Yoichi was excited and ready to be a sadistic intensive training coach to all the students on campus.* Now that you’re break is over! We’ll begin with some intense training! You will all, no matter what sport you’re playing, going to do laps around the school 1000 times today and ever day we’ll go up 1000! You’re training begins. *he looks at his timer* Now! YA HA! *Shoots his machine gun around to startle anyone who might still be standing around.* Run rabbits run! YAAA HA!

  • Kiyoshi Sinbad Teppei Kondo (GuardianSugarDemon)

    November 8, 2017 at 6:10 am

    *Kiyoshi was just getting back to work when he hears Yoichi yelling his commands to the students and then his hairs stand on end when he hears the machine gun. He runs over to the field and looks at Yoichi* YOICHIII! You’re not supposed to bring that in here! You’re gonna scare off the students! What are you trying to do, kill them? !!!

  • Hei Tian Hua (MoonPeony黑月SugarFang)

    November 8, 2017 at 6:47 am

    That and the 1000 lap! Each lap is about a mile long and one can barley do 3 laps let alone 1000?!!! *Hei yell out from the bench where she was sitting and watch the boys do their activities*

  • *Tetsu notices Yoichi is fired up and taking over the intensive training.* Hmm, I better make myself invisible to him. *he sees Hei and walks over.* Hi sis! How have you been?

  • AkutoSosuke Zero Sagara Kondo (GrimSugarDemon)

    November 9, 2017 at 5:34 am

    *Stands next to Yoichi during training and feels the energy in his work out commands.* YEAAAAAAH! I’m feeling it Yoichi bro! If they don’t run! I’ll chase ’em!!!
    HAHAHA Let’s do this! *gets all fired up* Get running! Show your passion and enthusiasm!!!

  • *Notices Yoichi and Akuto Sosky fired up and she then sees that her husband Akuto Sosky exposes his demon form. Her veins pop and she growls a bit. She looks at them.* BAKA! Tone it down! You two are scaring all the students! Don’t you remember what Gin dad said at S-Clan! Tch! *She rolls up her sleeves.* Akuto Sosuke Sagara Kondo! You wait til I get my hands on you. *grabs a newspaper and chases after him.* Don’t run away! get back hereee!!

  • Yoichi BattySugarDemon Hiruma

    November 9, 2017 at 5:59 am

    YA HA HAHAHAHAHA !!! Now we’ll see some real action! Akuto Sosky now has an inspirational partner to run the laps. *Dodges a newspaper that Kaname throws a him while a student in front of him begs for mercy from his insane training methods.*

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    December 3, 2018 at 6:29 am

    Minna minna! Will you get serious! Wait! I didn’t mean you Yoichi! You’re too serious!!

  • Kyoko Otonashi-Godai (DulceSugarDemon)

    December 7, 2018 at 6:00 pm

    *ghost in the baseball field.* tee hee

  • Yoichi BattySugarDemon Hiruma

    December 13, 2018 at 6:07 am

    YA HAA! We’re totally serious! We’re going to play dodge football while the baseball team bats baseballs at us and the basketball team has to get across the other group and get the baskets into the hoops without getting pummeled! Let’s see how well everyone will avoid that!

    I just got Naruto into a football suit!  YA HA!!


  • Yoichi BattySugarDemon Hiruma

    December 13, 2018 at 6:18 am

    *He brings over Kuze and Ushio* I need each of you to stand on opposite sides of the field. Right in front of the basketball hoop. *he points to either side and sends them on their way. *His grin becomes wider* YA HAAAAAAAAAAA!

  • Yoichi BattySugarDemon Hiruma

    December 13, 2018 at 6:18 am
  • Hai! *Walks over to one side of the court, eyes filled with a furious determination.*

  • Hinomaru Ushio Kondo 👹 OnimaruGalactoseBestiarusz

    December 13, 2018 at 6:24 am

    Heh! You got it Yoichi! *waves to everyone and then takes his place on the opposite side of the field.*

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