Sugarview Medical Center’s Maternity Ward

  • *Yukii had to smile and tease Lilith as she had done to her auntie Ginko who had always proclaimed not to want kids.* Ojo! What do we have here!? *She grin, she leans over to look at the form.* I don’t believe my eyes! I can’t wait to examine you beautiful Lady Lilith! I’d say it’s about time you joined us in expanding the clan’s family! Oh no don’t hiss at me! I jest! *She giggles. She would then have the nurse finish filling the form for her and invites her to follow her so that they can do a physical and then get to that much needed sonogram.*

  • *Kaname was texting her mother Helena and letting her know she was looking forward to the weekend block party, she then got a text from her sis Yukii to head over to the maternity ward.* Oh? What could this be about! *When she got there she saw Yukii grinning and Lilith looking a bit annoyed. Kaname would smile.* Oh really! *She then went over to give her sis a look to let her know to stop teasing and then she helped Yukii run some blood tests and check Lilith’s vitals so that they could proceed with the sonogram. Once she was done, she came back to set everything up for Yukii. She then stood there to help as Yukii worked her magic.* Alright Lilith, just relax. You’re among family we’ll take good care of you.

  • *Yukii waited for Kaname to finish. Then Yukiko became serious to focus on her work. She waited for Kaname to apply the ultrasound gel on Lilith’s wound, then she would sit back and listen carefully while Kaname monitored a screen. She found there was definitely movement and there was hissing, this worried Yukii a bit because she knew about Lilith’s ancestry. She would then think for a moment and turn to her medicine cabinet to see if she had the right potion she had ordered for such an event. She turns to Lilith and smiles.* The good news is, it seems you’re having twins but they come with some hissing partners. So you’re in good health, seems you have been taking care of yourself but I will give you this special potion I had made to keep the hissing little ones from bitting during your pregnancy. This way the demonic beautiful babies when they feed, the little snakes will be full as well and have no need to take a bite out of you. I think you wont have a difficult pregnancy if you continue to stay healthy and take care of yourself. Congratulations to you and uncle Mephy! This is a joyous day! And the good thing is that you’ll be due soon! When the time comes we’ll be taking care of you! *She then looks over to Kaname to wrap things up.*

  • *Kaname was listening and made sure that Lilith could see the babies on the screen and she was still surprised when she saw the baby snakes on their heads. She thought those would develop later, she didn’t expect to see them so soon. As soon as Yukii spoke, she turned to Lilith and got her cleaned up and helped her dress up and out of bed. She called auntie Noloty in and handed her a folder with photographs of the babies from the ultrasound and inside would be revealed the gender but Lilith was to open it only if she wanted to know right away. * Have Lady Lilith open this if she wants to see it and find out the babies genders. She’s definitely having twins. *She then did a little dance and laughed.* Woo hoo! Our family grows! *She gets another text and heads over to another room where she had been called to assist.*

  • *Not speaking much, Lilith would do exactly what Yukiko and Kaname told her to do and took the potion, reading the instructions. She grins as she sees the babies on the screen then afterwards gets cleaned up and ready to go. She meets with Noloty at the reception area and before she leaving the hospital, she thanks both Yukiko and Kaname for their outstanding service* Arigato!

  • *As other nurses were coming in to clear the room for the next patient. Yukii would wave at Lilith and throw her kisses as she was so excited for this birth she couldn’t contain herself.* It’s our pleasure! *she coughs and say…* Auntie Lilith! *She then smiles and practically skips over to ther next doctor staff meeting.*

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    January 26, 2025 at 1:54 am

    *After walking with Jean through Sakura park, enjoying a nice talk and enjoying the view there for a while, they headed to the hospital to check up with Helena’s daughter, Yukiko. She had made sure to make an appointment for Jean to make sure she and the baby were healthy.* @darkphoenix @savvydemonflameyukii

  • Sirene ^GarrasSeductorasSugarFiend^

    January 26, 2025 at 1:58 am

    Nurse Aki: *She walks over and bows to Helena and Jean.* Welcome ladies! We’ve been expecting your arrival today. Dr. Yukiko will be right with you, she’s with another patient that required a little more tlc than expected. I will be taking Lady Jean’s vitals for now so that Yukiko can go over all these and then you can see her. I’m sure she won’t take too long. *She then carefully takes Jean’s blood pressure and other information to make sure everything was up to date and that she was in full health.*

  • Yukiko OkumuraSakata-Hiruma *SavvyViolaceousFlameSugarDemon*

    January 26, 2025 at 2:16 am

    *Yukiko arrives to see her mother and then sees Jean coming out of a room with Nurse Aki. It’s ok, she can stay in that room. I will examine her there. Thank you nurse Aki! Come mommy Helena, you can come in with us. *They all went into a room and Yukiko closed the door behind her. She told Nurse Aki to stay outside in case she needed her.* Your vitals are perfect! *She smiles.* That’s the good news and you’re in perfect shape too. So, let’s check on the baby and we’ll go on and gather more information from there.

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    January 26, 2025 at 2:18 am

    *Helena followed and sat down in a chair in the room waiting to see what Yukiko would find out from this exam. She was happy to hear that Jean was in good health as she expected. She knew her eyes hadn’t deceived her. She hoped they could get good news about the baby too.*

  • Sirene ^GarrasSeductorasSugarFiend^

    January 26, 2025 at 2:21 am

    Nurse Aki: *She followed Dr. Yukiko’s instructions and stood outside while working on information on a floating medical computer workstation that was outside the room. There she could compile and organize the patient’s information and verify the next visits with doctor and patient.*

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 26, 2025 at 2:59 am

    *Jean remained calm while she was being attended to. She would happily nod her head in agreement when Yukiko stated that she was in good shape, yet she wanted to make sure that her little girl is doing all right. She would patiently wait for Yukiko’s diagnosis*

  • Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata

    January 26, 2025 at 3:17 am

    *Helena was listening but also decided it would be a good idea to text cousin Noloty and let them know where they were at, she was sure Noloty would inform Rika and Lilith.* @promiscuous

  • Yukiko OkumuraSakata-Hiruma *SavvyViolaceousFlameSugarDemon*

    January 26, 2025 at 10:19 am

    *After the ultrasound, Yukiko was feeling rather relieved to learn the baby was absolutely healthy and her powers seemed mostly dormant at the moment. Yukiko then sits and speaks with Jean.* The baby is perfectly healthy as you can see in the ultrasound! She is surely to inheret the abilities you and Michael have. When you are ready, we can have the baby safely here at the hospital, however! *She adjusts her glasses.* We will need auntie Noloty, auntie Rika, and mommy Helena to create a very warm and loving barrier around the area where you will give birth because we want to make sure she doesn’t burst into a fit of uncontrollable anger while you’re giving birth. I think that with both aunties and with mommy, it will be ideal. Even if uncle Michael wants to be handy and add his energy to what we will be doing, it will make things even better. You wont need any extra medication since at the moment everything seems balanced and you’re in great health.

  • Jean Grey κοσμικόςSugarSpirit

    January 26, 2025 at 6:47 pm

    *Jean attentively listens to Yukiko’s words and at first, she smiles upon hearing that her baby is healthy however her facial expression would soon change to that of concern when she heard of what might happen during the birth of her child. She gently rubs her belly and can feel her green eyes have hues of fiery red for a few seconds then with a subtle smile, she nods her head agreeing with Yukiko’s statement* Of course, the rage of the Phoenix. *Jean’s smile then becomes more tender and looks at Yukiko* You’re such a great doctor. Arigato!

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