Characters (2nd)

  • Characters (2nd)

    Posted by Andi Wolf on September 6, 2017 at 4:34 am

    You can be from either world it doesn’t matter to me. Though if you are from the Folk world please don’t over power your character. THANK YOU!



    WRY: (What are you? Human or Folk) (If folk what kind)


    Looks: (Please use a picture is possible, if you can’t that’s fine)

    Background: (Optional)

    Extra: (Optional)

    Chris the wise replied 7 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Andi Wolf

    September 6, 2017 at 5:06 am

    Name: Severin

    Age: 18

    Wry: Folk, Fae

    Personalty: Mysterious, quiet, and usually keeps to himself and stays away from everyone, even the folk people.

    Looks: (Picture)

    Background: Not a lot is known about Severin. He had randomly appeared the day everything went wrong.

  • Wake

    September 7, 2017 at 1:26 am

    Name: Tyr

    Age: 15

    WRY: Folk, Changeling.

    Personality: Most noticeably, he’s insanely timid and shy, less so in owl form. He’s extremely easy to get scared an often times when he’s afraid, he winds up crying. He’s socially awkward, however finds it difficult to live without others. He’s not very strong at all, physically or mentally, however he makes up for that with intelligence.

    Looks: Short at only 4’10”, white hair with some grey-brown locks and large yellow eyes. He’s never without his thick, circular glasses, he can barely see a foot in front of himself without them. His usual style is a argyle sweater-vest with a collared shirt under it and black slacks. Although he’s a changeling, he can only shift into a snowy owl.

    Background: Tyr was born to a group of changelings, however as the runt of the litter, he was left in the woods to die. A kindly woods nymph named Seydr took pity on him and picked him up, somewhat sympathizing with him due to being outcast by the other nymphs for his interest in humans. Together, Tyr and Seydr lived isolated in a small cottage on the outskirts of a village and on the edge of the forest. Seydr raised Tyr to be clever, constantly reading to him, teaching him math and history, writing essays and even playing piano, thus Tyr wound up talented in most subjects, save for the ones that would actually be useful to Folk, thus after his 15th birthday, he made Tyr leave home to make him learn to survive by himself an handle himself around other Folk.

    Extra: He loves cold weather, especially when it snows and his favorite subjects are history and classics.

  • Chris the wise

    September 16, 2017 at 9:23 pm

    Name: Aurelian

    Age: 25

    WRY: Human

    Personality: Eternally curious, he has been known to pursue knowledge beyond the point of safety when something catches his interest. Otherwise he is kind and gentle, always asking before probing too deeply.

    Looks: Aerlian wears large round spectacles under messy brown hair, a usually constant smile on his face. He wears a long coat and gloves over a simple shirt and a belt with multiple pouches containing investigatory tools.

    Background: As a child Aurelian lived with his grandmother who told him stories of the Folk, how she would go to the forest, how she would watch them, and one she fell for. The stories stuck with the boy and once he grew into an adult he remained facinated by them, ignoring the rules to wander into the forest, much the the annoyance of the people around him. He minds not, seeking friends and others within the dappled realms.

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