Universal Inn
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Active 10 years ago
An inn emerges out of the darkness of the night. Upon entering,you discover that not only humans... View more
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The Inn
The Inn
Posted by Chibi_Fox on February 17, 2014 at 1:20 amFor your first post, can you include at least the starred bits of this registration forum.
Bio:♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ replied 10 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 21 Replies -
21 Replies
a mysterious cat with one robot arm, nine fox tails, orange fur, and phoenix wings wearing red shirt and navy blue jeans that covered the back of the beasts shoes jumps out of a seemingly way too small cardboard box and dashes toward the inn he starts walking when he enter the inn he goes up and checks in hmm what to reveal the beast thought he thought he might a well write a lot when he checked inn and wrote his info down
name: “max” (has names not names but will go by max)
age:??? (lost track many millennium ago)
species: phoenix catsune
then after checking in he sighed was multiverse traveler with his ship having a cardboard box disguise he had a purse with random stuff inside can alter gender but usually prefers male form and he has MPD which was annoying enough with 30 different ones Dark Green: hey what do we do now Black: well obviously what else would we do that was two of them now he sorts them by color for a lack of confusing others they usually have random adventures he didn’t have time to rest but his curiosity peaked so by decision (29-1) they went to check this inn out (or in he figured). -
Age: presumed to be 21
Species: Kitsune
Catherine looked around before finding an empty couch to sit on. She pulled her coat over her knees and tried to warm herself. She made room if anybody wanted to sit down next to her. Her blond ears could be seen but her tail, however could not. Where she came from had been in a polar vortex, considering it’s location. Usually the winters were warm, but the temperature had declined greatly. She enjoyed the warmth inside the inn, and dozed off for the night. -
*Name: Kaminari (Also goes by Lighting)
*Age: 15
*Species: Mobian hedgehog with some black arms DNA
*Appearance: let me get a link for it.
A hedgehog walked into the inn, just wanting a place to rest. “Hello?! Anyone here?!” -
Name: Fondue
Age: Teens (not telling)
Species: Anthro-nine-tailed-fox
Appearance: Basically a normal girl with white fox ears, nine large white fox tails, and white paws for feet. She wears no shoes, but she wears something like boots to protect her ankles. she wears white leather gloves, a long see-through white skirt, but cut off at one leg (one leg is showing), supper short black shorts, light elvin chain-mail (for girls) with an emerald on the chest, and a black cloak with a hood. She has her hood over her eyes usually, but her eyes are a light gray (like almost white), her pupils are cat-ish (the weirdest thing). And lastly she has a head band with a jewel, matching the elvish armor.
Bio: Despite her looks, she isn’t that special. No magical powers. She just wears the finest of armor to frighten enemies. The worst she could do without any weapons is bite someone with her canine teeth. She is easily angered, so growling will be involved. Without her tails poking out of her cloak, she could easily slick away from any situation.
Backstory: She only lived four years without ears and a tail. One day, a powerful mage come into her village and picked her up. He took her into town square and called a wild, immature, nine-tail fox. It was rare because it was albino. He showed the town his new made-up spell and combined me with he fox. My eyes got mixed with something else for some reason, making them a rare gray. Probably weird genetics. After that everyone clapped. My mom smiled and looked at him and said, ”Now change her back!” No luck. A month later my parents hated me. I was wild and broke expensive treasure. They left me at an Inn (not this one) and I lived there until I was about ten years old. At the time working at the Inn, no one liked me, so I had to cover up. After I set out, met brave warriors and such, going on adventures. I figured if I had died it wouldn’t matter. No one liked me so I had nothing to loose. I was one of the best, also considering the heros that I have encountered. I wonder Inn to Inn trying to find this very Inn. The one were I belonged. -
Fondue walked into the Inn, her tails high and proud, she sees many other creatures of all sorts. She checks in and then sits at the bar.
*Name: Taren Recurio
*Age: 14
*Species: Lucario/Gallade/human
*Appearance: In all forms, usually wears a black Lucarionite wristlet, green Speed Shoes with Red Star tech built in, and computerized glasses. In human form, a boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and blue shirt/jeans. Prefers his Lucario form. In Lucario form, has a small hair hanging off the top of his left ear, making his ears look like Kanaya Maryam’s horns. No significant difference between other Lucarios except for that and his flame power.
____________________________________________________________________________________________I stood outside the inn, my Lucario fur rustling in the wind. My left paw ablaze to keep myself warm in this weather, I knocked on the door with his right. The door opened, and I walked in. After looking around, I decided to sit down unless something of interest happened in the next 5 sec-What the? Kaminari was there too, so I said, “Oh, hey, Lightning! What’s been going on since the Halberd incident?”
“Hey Taren, what’s up? Also I’ve been fine, just looking for a chaos emerald that’s all.” Kaminari said, wondering why he was called Lighting still to this day. The hedgehog looked around at all the other people. “Do you know any of the other people here, because I don’t.”
“I’ve seen that guy over there. Not much is known about him, but he is a wanderer. He goes by the name Strid-I mean Max. Sorry, had a little Lord of the Rings in my head.” I laughed at my accident.
He overheard the hedgehog and pokémon talk about him hey possible allies red: or murderers black:you think everyone is a murderer anyways dark green be happy, pink be funny purple purple: yeah black: shut up he then walked over to the duo with dark green eyes “Hello I overheard-,” however in mid speech hos eyes changed to purple “NAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAKNAK.” His eyes then turned golden “eh excuse me a sec,” and then he walked away
Fondue looked over when she heard the naking.
“O-oh, hi sir. I see you speak nak. I as well speak such a language!”
She said hesitantly and shyly.
“Nak nak nak nak? Nak nak nak nak nak.”
She was pretty sure that meant, ‘How’s your day? My name is Fondue’
She was nervous, this was the first time she had the opportunity to be normal, or at least meet a new friend. Fondue flipped her tails in excitement, trying to hide her nervousness. -
The beast chuckled to himself with black eyes “looks like your plan failed konton,” they soon shifted purple “shut up this is-” he stopped and looked at her tails another kitsune possibly a pureblood OK pinkie work your magic pink:alright my time to shine he continued to speak out loud with pink eyes “hello we’re psychon, or arronic, or max, or well it changes oh and your kitsune fun and now I’ll continue to nak, NAKNAKNAKNAKnaknaknaknaknaknak. Naknakanaknak.” A translation of that would be
‘WE’VE HAD AN OK DAY wait sorry for yelling, noticing how we scared you we’re actually all not too bad. Heck we could be friends,’ -
Fondue stared at the feline.
“Perhaps you have a multi-personality disorder? Or you’re just a bunch of souls in one cat. I can change my eye color as well, but it doesn’t do much to what I say or what I sound like. So uh, can you tell me which name goes to which eye color. It’s all a little too confusing calling all colors Max.”
This was all too much for her, yet she met, well she didn’t know how many she met. She assumed there where nine personalities, judging by the tails. Nine cats all at once. Nine new friends. Talk about a cat with nine lives. -
“Someone who would that’s a first ok if your so interested I’ll let LG explain,” his eyes turned a lime green and he appeared to now have a lab coat now “listen up because I won’t do this again I am Cdo I know anagram for doc, and ocd it should give you enough of an idea; ok there are 10 main ones the first and the 9 others, the rest outside of the 10 you don’t want to or need to know; for the main colors there’s red is aldi the trigger happy, pink psychon the laughing maniac lime green is me the medic, dark green is dot the happy, Blue is Carto the tarot master,Midnight blue is Iga the ninja, black blackjack the dark mage, gold is amako the samurai, and lastly is purple konton the chaotic manipulator… don’t ever talk to him; gray is the leader of this ragtag crew,” his eyes turned red after LG’S explaination “so are we done here black,” “well the explanation is completed but the conversation realistically is still going on.”
Fondue wrote all the names and colors on her wrist.
Red= Aldi
Pink= Psychon
Lime= Cdo
Dark Green= Dot
Blue= Carto
Midnight Blue= Iga
Black= Blackjack
Gold= Amako
Purple= Konton
Gray= Max
She looked at the cat.
”So your Aldi currently?” -
“Yeah and don’t forget it, now Carto do your thing,” his eyes turn blue as he pulls out a deck of cards seemingly 78 he then shuffles the cards using some sort of magic or psionics he the levitates the cards towards fondue and then he asks “choose any 3,”
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