Valhalla: Gods and Monsters
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Public Group
Active 10 years ago
*a normal looking guy in a white t-shirt and jeans appears* Hello fallen guy welcome to the entrance... View more
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*a normal looking guy in a white t-shirt and jeans appears* Hello fallen guy welcome to the entrance gate to Valhalla a place of eternal rest… well not eternal rest, every once in a while you will have to participate in a ragnarok which may destroy the world but i’ll explain all later for now go choose your path. *he starts fading*oh and one more thing, don’t worry if you die, most of you are already dead. *he disappears and several doors with labels appear*
Door 2 Identity
Door 2 Identity
Posted by ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ on November 10, 2014 at 6:02 am*on the other side of this door is a class room with many desks each with papers on the top one says The Order of the Gods, and the other The Demon Blood Pact also in the classroom is a billboard which on it says, “choose one and fill out as much as possible, be honest,” also on each paper is a set slightly differing questions for each.
Gods sign up
Age before Death:
Did you die: Y or N
Backstory (if remembered):
Patron God (Who will you follow):
Abilities(must be related to god, must not be overly powered):
Combat Role (Tank, Scout, Medic, Infantry):
Non-Combat Role (Basically your occupation):
Weapon (must be related to role):
Age before Death:
Did you die? Y or N
Backstory (if remembered):
Favorite kind of Monster:
Something you’ve always wanted to do:
Abilities(don’t overdo it):
Weapon of Choice (can be any, don’t go overboard):
Do you desire to kill? Y or N
Mischief replied 10 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies -
4 Replies
Name: Multos Sine
Age before death: Pre-dates our universe.
Appearance: Varies
Human form “True” form Did you die: N
Backstory: A soul-less sentient AI who “trascended” it’s own soul and humanity. It is a scout who wanders who explores universe.
Personality: Calm and enigmatic. Often times, he is very polite. It seems to at times, lack “empathy” or “remorse” or “fear.”
Favorite kind of monster: The skinwalker, or yee naaldlooshii of Navajo mythology
Something you’ve always wanted to do: Devour an entire star.
The void- A small pocket dimension, a portal within it, located with the chest. Where all is stored.
Space-time manipulation- Can bend, curve, and fold the fabric of space time itself. This can be used to travel at 99% light speed and as a telekinesis to lift massive objects and deflect attacks. Can be used to crush things.
- Create the absence of space. Thus making a practically impenetrable shield which lets nothing through. However. This includes sound and light. Render it’s senses blind.
Fold space and use it as a projectile to disintegrate or scramble matter. - Void bubble. Warped alucbierre drive based ability. Transport yourself, or other objects in the bubble. Can be used to shift usually immovable things, used as a weapon to shift wormholes, energy, redirect attacks or destroy most anything
- Views time from a linear perspective. Immunity to chronal attacks such as freezing time.
- Localized time acceleration: Allows him to move with extreme speed and manuevrability without being blind.
- Wormhole- Merge spacetime together for FTL travel. Travel to other dimensions.
Hypermind- Quantum computer mind Quintillions of times more powerful than any human’s. Enhanced senses which allow it to see all around itself using sound and vibrations if there is air and solid matter present.
Electromagnetic projection, perception and manipulation- Can emit blasts or plasma if there is air/matter present or of any of the EM spectrum. From IR, to Microwave, to visible light lasers, to Gamma rays. Can also perceive the entire EM spectrum to see through things
- Void light- Light is voided, and the area is enshroudedn darkness.
- Void heat- Heat and kinetic energy is taken away, and this allows things to be frozen. Can be used to make constructs of pure ice.
- Absorb- Take voided things, such as energy and matter, and store them in yourself.
- Release- Energy within is released in the form of light or heat. Can be focused.
- Illusion- Can disort and manipulate light to create illusions. Can bend light around it’s own body to make itself invisible to sight.
- Can use magnetism to most effect charged particles and plasma.
Artificial physiology- Made up of programmable matter. Doesn’t need to eat, sleep or breath. Can shape shift and assume any form with the same mass as it’s original form. Vast “terrifying” strength. High resistance/immunity to energy based attacks. Can re-arrange it’s structure at the atomic level. Can render itself chemically inert/immune to acids. Can create weapons from its own body or make blades of molten plasma around it’s hands.
Weakness: Lack of the ability to utilize “the arcane” or things involving life force. As it has none.
The heart The heart. A living device, with many functions.
- Grants the ability for it to astral project.
- The heart is pure. It can be used to repel demons and malevolent entities.
Is immune to most magic and can make users besides Multos resistant to it.
Has a seemingly endless supply of mana (Which Multos itself cannot utilize directly. Unless he uses it to power an item As he cannot summon magic.) - Can spew out matter.
- Can be used to heal allies.
- Can store pure willing souls
- Can grant knowledge of certain things and can learn
- Nigh-Indestructible.
- Indomitable will- The heart cannot be forced to do anything it does not wish to do.
- Shift- Takes the form of a weapon or creature using summoned materials and mana within it.
- Empower- Allows user indomitable will and clear their mind of unwanted influences and effects.
- Telepathy- Forms a communication network between the minds.
- Repell- Omni-directional blast. Often occurs with unwanted users or forces attempting to touch it. Usually non-lethal.
- Void walk- Allows the user to walk on another plane of existence with their physical body, where they become Ethereal. They cannot be touched or interact with the other plane of existence. Their physical abilities are the same. Lasts for 10 seconds. 1 minute cooldown. (Multos can’t use)
- Warning- The heart will warn the user of danger, and if the user allows, take control of their body so as to attempt to evade said danger. (Doesn’t work with/warn Multos)
Do you desire to kill? N
- Create the absence of space. Thus making a practically impenetrable shield which lets nothing through. However. This includes sound and light. Render it’s senses blind.
Name: Nato
Age before Death: 28
Backstory From a long line of slayer Nato was a 4 generation of what would soon to be the most powerful bloodline in man. He fell to in a battle with the head of a family, Godal, after he declare we was the new protector of the world and wanted to take his place. Godal told him of a place where warriors can rest their sword by the flowers and when it is needed the raise it again before he die. Nato can’t remember his childhood or his brothers. Not even his wife and son he can remember. He gave Godal his pet wolf, Sid, before he past on.
Personality: Nato is a strong leader type with a undying passion for war. He enjoy battles and is rather good at it. Down fall his big ego can get in the way of his skill
Patron God (Who will you follow): Ares the Greek god of war
Abilities(must be related to god, must not be overly powered): He can control fire and has knowledge or all battle strategy. He is a master of two handed sword and a great fist fighter knowing some primitive MMA grapples. He can quickly predict enemies move and counter attack before he even noticed.
Combat Role (Tank, Scout, Medic, Infantry): Glass Cannon. Can take out armies in one swing but can’t take many hits.
Non-Combat Role (Basically your occupation): A blacksmith
Weapon (must be related to role): Great Sword
Name: Jade
Age before Death: 21
Did you die? Y
Backstory (if remembered): Jade and Amethyst we’re two thugs of a futuristic nation, warriors since they were little girls struggling to survive in a planet dominated by famine and overpopulation
Jade was the Brains, always thinking forward and making plans so her best friend “Amethyst” and the rest of the crew could return home alive
Personality: A Charismatic “Business Woman”, her biggest achievement was uniting all gang of her hometown and use them to create the first criminal syndicate on her world
Favorite kind of Monster: Cthulhu, the mix of a Giant Human, a Dragon and a Octopus, Cthulhu is member of a powerful alien master race that once controlled many worlds, Cthulhu is a being beyond all laws of nature and easily capable of destroy a human being from inside his mind
Something you’ve always wanted to do: Colonize\Conquer other planets
Abilities(don’t overdo it):
Green Mist – She exhales and have total control a substance called “The Green Mist” she can use it to jump higher, propel herself forward, she can change the density of the mist to almost rock solid to also use it for attack and defense, she can also use the mist to heal herself and her allies and teleport short distances withing itWeapon of Choice : A Knife and A Pistol
Do you desire to kill? N
Name: Amethyst
Age before Death: 24
Did you die: Y
Backstory (if remembered): : Jade and Amethyst we’re two thugs of a futuristic nation, warriors since they were little girls struggling to survive in a planet dominated by famine and overpopulation
Amethyst were the muscles, the first to enter the fight and the last to leave usually covered in blood and with some broken ribs, damn she was probably the one who started the fight in first place, she was the big sister of the gang, looking after and picking up on everyone specialty on Jade
Personality: Short fuse, Carefree and sometimes a Bully\Meanie her biggest achievement was being overall Badass and Dangerous to the bone, seriously the girl murdered her whole family when she was 12 and whipped out a enemy gang from existence when she was 15, she acts like she is in a eternal state of pissed off menstruation and you still want to know more about her:! KEEP THE HELL AWAY FROM HER, she is bad news all around!
Patron God (Who will you follow): Lyssa, Greek goddess of raging fury and madness
Abilities(must be related to god, must not be overly powered): She has unbreakable bones and can take huge amounts of damage before falling,
fighting gives her pleasure the more pain she receives or inflicts the merrier her fighting ability improves the longer the fighting gets,
She have super strength allowing her to carry the equivalent of a War Tank with both hands (may improve the longer the fighting gets)
unbreakable posture, even in a environment with low or no gravity if there she can remain unmovable if she can remain unmovable if she wants to
Well versed in both Boxe and Judo she is able to knock-out or immobilize people without too much of a fuss
Combat Role (Tank, Scout, Medic, Infantry): Tank\DPS
Non-Combat Role (Basically your occupation): Jade’s Gang First Lieutenant
Weapon (must be related to role): Two .50 modified Tommy Guns with high explosive and armor piercing rounds
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