Door 3-2 Demon Blood Pact

  • Door 3-2 Demon Blood Pact

    Posted by ♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒ on November 21, 2014 at 1:22 am

    You enter and see a sky of blood red, you are in a crowd subconsciously walking across a short and it looks like you are walking to. The city, however, still looks cool, with a vast amount of buildings varying in size and shape, and everything looking futuristic. Interestingly enough it looks like even if you walked down the same street twice most of the buildings would be different each time, no, rather it seemed that direction took no place and that you would have to walk aimlessly and eventually find your destination. There was also lots of fighting in the streets, not in anger but as sport. The thing that stood out most however, was the big screen in the middle of town, you’re not sure what it does.

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