Vocaloid RP
Vocaloid RP
Posted by Wake on June 23, 2016 at 5:49 pmKaito walks into the room, carrying a bunch of massive grocery bags in his arms.
Fanne Raolan replied 8 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 72 Replies -
72 Replies
Unknown Member
MemberJune 23, 2016 at 8:29 pmLen sits in the corner reading a book about video game tactics while eating a banana. He does not notice that Kaito came in with the groceries.
“Len! Check it out!!! I got those cute little ice cream thingies!” He pulled a box out of the bag, showing off the cutesy colorful packaging “They’re supposed to be shaped like little bears, so I bought all of them.”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 12:13 amLen takes the boxes and shoves them in the freezer. “Okay…they’re all yours” He looked around the room to see if there were any more bags. “Kaito…is that all you bought?”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 12:28 amLen walks over to the bookshelf to put his book back on the shelf. “Maybe I have one of those things later…but right now I don’t really want one.”
Kaito shoots a quick glare at Len, “I wasn’t offering. If you lay a hand on it, you might not wake up inn the morning,” Kaito says, reorganizing the boxes in the freezer, then, satisfied with his work, picks up a can of soda off the counter and sits on a chair. “So what have you done since I’ve been out?” He asks, all malice vanishing from his voice.
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 12:56 amLen slowly backed away from the freezer, partially shocked by Kaito’s tone of voice from a few seconds before. “Okay…I should have gotten my own then…” He sat down next to Kaito. “Umm… I watched a bit of anime, sang a bit of this Troll Song I found off the internet, and read that guide to gaming…nothing much to be honest. Did you see anyone we know when you went out shopping?”
Kaito smirks slightly, “No one I know ever goes to Akiha, at least not the specialty stores and maid cafe I frequent.” He reaches into his jacket, pulls out a game case from inside of his jacket, “Speaking of specialty stores and maids, I got a new eroge!” He holds the case close to his face, a wide smile and the slightest touch of blush in his cheeks, “Here, check it out.” He tosses the game to Len.
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 1:13 amLen catches it, and examines the cover. “Are you serious?! This is…the latest version out there I guess…but why would you get it? Is it even compatible with our gaming system?” Those were his excuses. He wasn’t sure if he was going to even want to play it… He hastily tossed the disc back to Kaito. “Ya know…right now I really want to go upstairs and play Project Diva X…”
“You’ve seen my pc right? She’s a beast, I’m sure she’ll be able to play it.” He examines the cover closer, “This girl kinda looks like Luka… Maybe that’s why I bought it.” he chuckles, pointing to one of the girls on the cover, “If you ignore the face at least.” he shoves the case into Lens face, teasing him for being uncomfortable.
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 1:35 amLen sighed, his face bright red. “Fine…I’ll play it with you.” He got out Kaito’s blue gaming laptop and set it on the table, plugging it in just in case the battery needed to be charged.
Kaito slapped Len on the back, “Ahh… My little Len is growing up… I’m so proud…” He sniffles, wiping a tear from his eye, he boots up his laptop, sliding the disk into the slot, “Rin is going to murder me for this but its totally worth it.”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 2:00 amLen impatiently waited for the game to load. “Wait…are you saying you used HER money to buy this game? You know she’s gonna try to get you with the road roller for this…right?! The last time I used her money she gave me a serious warning!” He shuddered as he remembered the time when he used her $10.00 to buy a new phone case.
“No, I mean she treats me as if she’s your mom, you never noticed?” he grimaced slightly, remembering, “Last time I took you to a maid cafe she slapped me…” Kaito allowed his head to fall on the laptops keyboard in despair, “…It really hurt.”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 11:29 amLen did remember that time. When they came back from the cafe, Rin demanded to know exactly what they did while they were out of the house. Once Rin had found out they went to the cafe, her hand came down as fast as lightning, and slapped Kaito in the back of his head. “You took my brother THERE?! I should have known!” Len also got slapped by his sister that day. Man, she could be real scary sometimes.
Len took in a deep breath to calm himself down. “Yeah, it did hurt throughout the rest of the day, didn’t it…”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 24, 2016 at 12:10 pm<p style=”text-align: left;”>He smirked.”At least we got to see a lot of cute girls there…that was the best part…” Kaito, he realized, still had his head on the keyboard. “You know you’re gonna break the keyboard that way, right?”</p>
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