Vocaloid RP
Unknown Member
MemberJune 30, 2016 at 6:13 pmLen just went along with Kaito and the scarf thing. “Okay…I’ll be careful. And ig it does snow…” He rushed outside, dragging Kaito along with him. “That would be AWESOME! I don’t know why Rin likes summer…but winter to me is much more beautiful…with the snow on the ground and trees…it looks like the world has transformed…”
Kaito jogs to keep himself from being strangled, smiling softly at Len. Catching up to him, he puts his hand on Len’s head, “I didn’t think you could get any cuter…” He says in a soft, almost loving tone of voice, starting to pet Len’s hair, “But we should probably wait here for Haku.”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 30, 2016 at 7:08 pmLen pouted, a slight blush showing on his face (it happened if anyone called him cute. To him it’s one of the best complements in the world.) “I d-don’t r-really l-like being c-called c-cute. But yeah…I’ll wait out here for Haku with you.”
Kaito puts his arm around Len’s shoulders and leaned against the wall of the apartment building. He closed his eyes and smiled, “You don’t like cute… but it’s what you are…” He leaned his head against Len’s, “I’ll think of a new word for you.” he said, breath coming out in puffs of white smoke in the cold.
“You two are simply too adorable together.” Haku giggles while catching up to them. “I’m all ready to go.”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 30, 2016 at 9:02 pmLen turned to face Haku, his cheeks a slight shade of pink. “That’s good…Now let’s get going…come on Kaito!” He tugged at Kaito’s jacket (really hard) in an effort to get Kaito moving.
“H-hey!” Kaito says, surprised, letting himself be dragged along, “You don’t have to be salty…”
Unknown Member
MemberJune 30, 2016 at 9:15 pmLen let go of his grip on Kaito’s jacket and let out a huge sigh.”Fine…is…Haku still behind us?” He looked at Kaito, as if he would give him the answer he needed.
“Yeah, its not like we went very far anyway, may as well continue, just walk slow.” Kaito glanced down at Len, noticing he still hadn’t taken off his scarf, and smiled, saying nothing.
(beauty of playing Haku is that usually she’s silent enough so that I really don’t have to do too much, which is a good cover up for “player has a life”) Haku is following them, giggling at Len-kun’s blushing face.
Unknown Member
MemberJuly 1, 2016 at 10:42 amLen turned around to face Haku, his face bright red. “W-what’s so funny?” He said with a serious tone of voice. “A-am I making you laugh? What’s making you giggle?”
“Just your blushing face, Len-kun… It’s just so adorable!” Haku continues to giggle.
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