
  • Characters

    Posted by Wake on October 10, 2016 at 9:12 pm

    Make include your characters role in the asylum, if you’re a patient, make sure to describe why you’re there \(^-^\

    Name: Okarin Aristo

    Role: Head doctor. Works directly with patients, but more commonly orders aorund the other doctors and psychologists. Generally works with medication and physical stuff more than the actual mental issues.

    Appearance: Tall and lanky, he has black hair usually sloppy brushed back away from his face. Generally has an unkempt appearance and usually wears a lab coat, more because he likes the feeling of it than out of necessity from his job. Almost always wears black dress pants. He generally has a highly unkempt appearance, more often that not going unshaven and having dark circles under his eyes.

    Personality: Outwardly, he can project the persona of a scatterbrained mad scientist and is a genuinely nice guy, the type of person that’s good to hang around as well as someone you would trust to follow orders from. Despite acting somewhat silly, when it comes to work, he always does his hardest and works earnestly, sometimes working late into the night to finish a job. Also, he is generally far smarter than he acts.

    (If you wanna add more categories then go for m8)

    Wake replied 8 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Andi Wolf

    October 10, 2016 at 10:35 pm

    Name: Cobalt Dare

    Role: Patient. Hears voices all the time and is said to be there for madness. Mumbles about how he should kill people and has sharpened his nails and teeth in order to harm others. He has attempted to kill someone from his old school but was stopped before he could do any real damage.

    Appearance: Has white hair and red eyes. He is small for his age but extremely strong when he wants to be. At the moment he is in a straight jacket but when he wasn’t he preferred to have on a black t-shirt and one of his many jackets. He would usually where skinny jeans with high-tops but likes to be barefoot a lot of the time.

    Personality: Was generally a nice kid before he moved. Thats when he started to hear the voices and act weird. Though every now and then his normal self can be seem but it doesn’t happen often. He is quiet most of the time unless he is laughing/screaming non-stop. (tends to loose his voice a lot from screaming or laughing.)





    ( What he looks like psychotic anime guy )

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  Andi Wolf.
  • Jazzy

    October 11, 2016 at 1:03 am

    Name: Akio Ken

    Role: Unfortunately a permanent patient at the hospital. Akio has been diagnosed with multiple illnesses/disorders, most raging to the extreme. He has Histrionic Personality Disorder, insanity, psychopathy, and Schizophrenia. All of which greatly affects him.

    Appearance: The male has long, straight black hair which reaches down to his thighs. He’s around 6 feet tall, he’s very fit for his current state, but he doesn’t have anything too over the top. If you look closely, he had silver strands of hair intertwined with his black hair, they’re natural. But they were they ever since he grew hair. His eyes are an extremely bright blue, they look almost outlined with black. Although, if you look closely, outlined around his pupil is a hazel color. His skin color is pale, it has lost its color throughout the years, it is something unexplainable. It’s at least not so pale it’s white, there’s still some color in it. His facial features are sharp, his eyes seem to have a natural wing to them. His nose is steep, but not totally pointed at the end. No matter what he does, he looks like he’s smiling some sort of way.

    Personality: Is fairly nice. Although, he has outbreaks out violence once in awhile. He’s a beggar and complains often. Akio’s personality has changed due to his disorders/illnesses. Such as with his Histrionic Personality Disorder. This disorder makes him shift emotions regularly, he becomes sensitive. He also doesn’t finish things, his tolerance is low and he gets frustrated with things easily. Akio almost always acts before thinking. He becomes worried and depressed when he isn’t the center of attention. He’s highly dramatic, and talks loudly, same with his actions. He doesn’t care for others often, only his doctors he sees almost every day. But, let’s put it this way, if he were to see one of the doctor’s being murdered, he wouldn’t help them at all. Akio is also very flirtatious and acts seductive around everyone he takes a liking too. With insanity, he may have long periods of time with sadness and irritability. He just seems off overall. His insanity is low, but still there. He has the regular symptoms of Schizophrenia, he will occasionally talk to the small voice inside his head. Same with psychopathy, he has the regular symptoms.

    Backstory: The reason he was put in this hospital is because he had killed his entire bloodline/family in one Christmas dinner. This wasn’t something he had planned out for weeks, he was sitting there with his family and suddenly had the urge to kill. There were knives everywhere and his dad did own a gun, but it would had made too much noise. Nobody knows how he did it, but they were all killed without the neighbors hearing. He had been scared to clean the house, or move any of the bodies (not to mention there were at least 25 people). So, he stayed in the house for days, until the neighbors called the cops out of suspicion, due to the rotting smell. Akio didn’t resist arrest though, he knew he did something wrong. Instead of being put into prison or put on death row, he was put into the hospital, there to stay until the day he dies.

  • Barrack Obama

    October 12, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    Name: Mary Gabriella


    Role: Nurse in the ward, usually checks up on patients, brings them food and medicine, and reports data about the patients to the doctors. Along with her official duties, she attempts to calm patients down or make them feel better if they’re upset about something. She’s no expert in human psychology though, so she won’t always be successful. She is also willing to do odd jobs around the ward as long as they don’t interfere with her main duties.

    Appearance: Straight, blond hair, long enough to barely touch her shoulders. She has gentle green eyes, small lips, and a nose that is of an average size. Her favorite color of lipstick is light pink, prompting her to wear it every day. No makeup besides her lipstick. Her uniform consists of a white nurse’s dress along with a nurses hat, the hat has a red cross on the front of it and she wears an armband containing the same symbol on her right arm. Her dress goes down a few inches below her knees. Upon her feet are a pair of black high heels. She has a curvy figure and large breasts, which sometimes attract some unwanted attention. She pays special attention to ensure that sure her clothing is neat and tidy.

    Personality: Happy and cheerful most of the time, likes to help people in any way she can, and is difficult to upset, making her very suited for being a nurse at the ward. She isn’t too bright but will try her best to learn all she can about her job, the people around her, and anything else that will be beneficial to herself and others (but may not succeed). If anyone finds her cheery attitude annoying or uncalled for she’ll switch to a more formal one for the duration of her time with said person. She is also unphased by the sight of blood, violence, injury, or death. It is unknown why this is, but it can be useful for a nurse to have this trait.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  Barrack Obama.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  Barrack Obama.
  • Wake

    October 13, 2016 at 12:35 am

    This is what Okarin looks like

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