Wasteland Roleplay
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Active 9 years ago
Welcome in the Year 2467. It has been more than 400 years since North Korea launch there nuclear... View more
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Group Description
Welcome in the Year 2467. It has been more than 400 years since North Korea launch there nuclear arsenal on the United State destroying multiple city including New York, leading into World War 3, and eventually destroying the Earth, and the civilization as we know it. Those who survived the war face constant danger from every corner, by raiders, cannibals, and nature, where the radiation mutated many animals, making even a prey into a bloodlust predator. You are one of the survivors of the wasteland, and the choice of your life is yours. Your choices, and decision may lead you to your salvation, or even your doom. Good luck with your new life in the waste, and remember: trust no one.
RolePlay room
“ok then, want another soda?”
Zed buys the lone girl another soda
“what what would Mister…Rage have?” -
“Nothing, thank you. And please, call me Rage.”
“Yeah, thanks for the sodas, er, Zed.” She often forgot to be courteous, though the lack of people to show courtesy to was definitely a factor.
“ok then, Rage”
Zed takes a hit from his N2O inhaler
“how bout you tell me your story and i’ll tell you mine” -
“There’s not much to say since my family was killed. Me and dad got on on luck. We were looking for food.” She stared into her cup. “Well, when dad died, he went how he would’ve wanted. No guns or animals. Just quietly got sick, didn’t wake up one morning.”
“I-I’m sorry, atleast it was how he wanted”
Zed takes a final shot
“my story is a little more… complicated. I was the child of two survivalists, Mom and Dad where real hippies, trade this for that, piece and love, all that bullshit. Well I didn’t like the idea of that, the peace and love shit, this is the wasteland not fucking Woodstock of 2063. I got involved with hardcore drugs, and anarchy, made my own Bandit group. it was a good life.” -
She nodded, listening intently, until he mentioned bandits. Her posture tensed up and her gaze chilled drastically. “You’re a bandit?” Her voice was calm like dry ice waiting to burn.
“Ex bandit, was the leader in fact, till it got out of hand, it went from just a group of friends fighting the government to a pack of animals, when they killed a whole village of survivors I had had enough, I told them it wasn’t what I wanted, so we disbanded, been years since I talked to em”
She let her shoulders relax, though some ice stayed in her light brown eyes. “Right, so now it’s just you and Black?” Another drink of her soda and her glare faded.
“Indeed, met him in a junkyard a few months after the gang disbanded and we’ve been together ever since”
Zed lets out a deep yawn
“well looks like its past both our bedtimes kiddo” -
Deep in the city, a bandit camp is spotted in the middle, and a man with a trench coat, and a gas mask is entering the camp. He soon as he is in the gate, on of the bandit stop him, and ask ” What’s your name ?”, but the man said nothing, so the bandit ask again ” Oh your a tuff guy huh?”, and pointed his rifle on his face. Seconds before pulling the trigger the man equip his pistol, aim it on his head, and pulled the trigger, killing the bandit who try to kill him. The other bandit in the gate notice his comrade got shot in the head, and tries to call for back up, but with no avail, for even before calling for back up, the mysterious man took the dead man’s rifle, and shoot the other bandit in the head. But with all those commotion, the other bandits are bound to notice it, and will try to investigate, but the man has a plan.
“Yeah, we want to head out early. It was good meeting you,” she said with a nod. “Maybe we can talk again.” She stood up and inconspicously checked the weight of her bag to make sure everything was accounted for.
Zed wakes up in the middle of the night from a bad flashback dream
He could hear faint gunshots in the distance assuming it was a bandit raid
Black was sound asleep but his ears perked up hearing his master rustle -
In another room, J.C. slept silently, undreaming, ready to pounce should she need to. She had Rage watch over the room while she rested, though she would take the next watch.
At the break of dawn Zed gets out of bed and takes a shot of whiskey
“Where to next boy” Zed asks Black -
The girl had already been awake for several hours when her companion finally awoke. She gave him a short greeting before grabbing her bag. Once they were ready, the duo stepped out of the room and headed for the bar and lobby area to eat their breakfast and return the key.
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