The RP
The RP
Posted by Exportedfish55 on April 26, 2015 at 4:42 am-i sit on the roof of my mansion and i shoot the zombies that walk by not knowing what happened-
Malice replied 9 years, 9 months ago 10 Members · 282 Replies -
282 Replies
*Bo stabbed the last zombie near her and Oryan and backed into the vacated build just down the street from a humongous mansion apperantly, she baracaded her self and Oryan inside, she leaned against the baracaded door breathing heavy, Oryan whimpered and snuggled up next to her tiered. Bo set her bloodied staff aside and petted him tiered as well, scanning the lower room of the building wearily*
Alter was running from a pack of zombies on the roof of a store he jumped off and landed on the roof of another building with a loud ”Thump” when he landed. “Damn that sucked.” He said getting up. “Hope Kyra has a better time finding supplies then i am.” He said before drawing he 44. And combat kife and going to the stair case. “Please don’t have zombies here.” He said before making his way down the stairs.
*Hearing the thump, Bo emediatly grabs her staff an bolts up, holding it infront of her with the sharpened tip facing out ward, Oryan grawled as a figure rushed down the stairs*
Dante went down the stairs and saw someone when he got to the bottom and aimed his gun at them. “Try anything an ill shoot.” he said
“T-Try A-any T-thing an-and ill I’m-impail you”, she stammered scared, she started to shake a little. Oryan barked and grawled defensively though.
When he herd her voice he desided to take his shades off so he can see better and noticed that she was young. “How old are you girl.” He asked and kept his eyes out for anything else that could harm them.
Harley cursed under her breath as her clips ran out. Knowing that the zombies would catch up to her soon if she didn’t start running now, Harley turned around and sprinted away. Thank god she was a fast runner. Digging around her jacket, Harley pulled out a small handmade bomb and threw it behind her, hopefully that will slow them down a bit util she finds cover.
*Their was slight shuffling out side the barricaded door, Bo jumped and stared at it terrified. Oryan continued to growl at the man protectively*
-i start shooting releasing bullets in the air and at the zombies hoping i can draw some survivors to my house-
*Bo stood with Oryan clutching her staff looking around nervously*
Hearing the gunshots Harley was glad to hear the zombies being shot down. Harley noticed that the gunner was aiming from inside a mansion? Harley grinned as she picked up speed. Instead of going through the door like a normal person, Harley jumped up to a ledge and climbed until she reached the window of the gunner. “Thanks, you gonna let me in now?” Harley grinned, grateful for the help, though she did wonder where the growling and barking she heard outside was coming from….
-i nod as i move aside and i drop my giant guns and i pull out a AR .50 sniper and when you enter i take a mad dash to the top of the roof where i lay on the roof and aim down the streets picking the zombies off-
Harley watched Kai leave and instead opted for looking for the sound she thought she heard a dog, going downstairs and seeing a scared kid holding her big dog? A man was next to them as well, very much on guard. “Uh…Hello??” Harley had no idea how to go about this, unsure if the man scared the girl or she heard the zombies and whatnot. But just in case, Harley got closer to the trio.
*Oryan barked and grawled loudly at her, Bo was shaking slightly as she stared at the figure approaching*
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