The RP
-i nod as i sit beside your bed and i read myself a book quietly-
*Their was banging from the roof and thumps, Bo looked up nervously*
-i look around as well as i see bo is nervous and i grab my desert eagle .50 cal- “you want me to go check it out for you?”
*Their was more banging and thumping and scrabbling now then their was a voice that murmered*”are you sure it’s this house,” a second voice responded,”Of corse now come on,” then their was scrabbling again on the out side wall, Bo went and reached for her led pipe. Oryan growled softly at the 2 voices.
“please stay here i promise it will be alright.” -i take my two guns and i slowly creep up to the roof as i open the door slightly to the roof to spot two men with giant guns talking on the roof one of them has a bag and they both are dressed in black with masks on as i stay silent at the door seeing one guy lay the bag on the ground and continue talking to his partener-
*Bo nervously sat on the bed then a skinny guy with a knife came through the window and rolled in silently. He held the knife out and stood slowly with his black clothing and black mask, he put his finger to his mouth as if to say be quiet. Bo didn’t, she jumped up lop sidedly and got her led pipe in a whacking position, Oryan growled at him from the bed. The assassin like man sighed then lunged forward and went to tap Bo, she moved the pipe in the way and it got knocked out of her hands. She went to kick him in a desperate attempt to get him away, he caught her kick and pulled her leg so she fell back on the ground, she put her hands out and went to scream but then Oryan jumped from the bed and bit into the assassins shoulder drawing blood. Bo got her led pipe and got up clumsily and brought the swept the pipe at the man, he blocked it again and ignored Oryan. He silently grabbed her wrist and pulled Bo to him so he could finish the job, he put the knife to her neck but posed. At first he saw fear then exceptance, weird, he had never gotten that reaction usually just fear. he staired in her eyes intrigued, Bo staired back expecting to die any moment. He lowered the knife slightly,”Why arnt you screaming girl, why arnt you crying in fear,” He whispered horsely. In truth Bo was holding back her tears and fear, she tried to break her wrist free from the mans hold but he tightened it when she tried to get free. Oryan growled as if to say don’t forget about me fool!, He wriggled causing blood to leak from his shoulder and down his elbow. He shrugged Oryan off and kicked him away, Bo yelped going to run to Oryan but he held her and pressed the knife to her neck again.”So you like that dog,” he whispered,”Would be a shame if I were to kill it,” he said taking the knife from her neck.”No!” Bo said franticly and dropped her led pipe and punched him, it did nothing. He laughed, then his eye holes glowed. The man tightened his grip on Bo making her wrist hurt really bad. She grunted in pain and lower slightly trying to pull her wrist free.”Your leg is hurt and you can stick to walls,” He said cocking his head to one side.”H-How did y-you,”,”I have powers too,” he said and staired at her.”…Your coming with me,” he said then started to drag her,”N-not with out Oryan,” she stammered. The Assassin sighed, and picked the unconscious wolf pup up and gave it to Bo, she put him in her jacket and zipped it up.”I-I don’t want to go with you though…,” she said trying to get free but he just tightened his grip even more making her drop to her knee in pain.
*The man rushed out semi silently out the window with Bo, she struggled but only got pain shooting through her arm*
I open the door and see Bo get pulled out the window. “Bo!” I run after the man.
*The man takes a gun out with a silencer on it and starts shooting while running and dragging Bo along, she wasn’t making it easy for him, one time she made her feet stick to the ground but she let go when the man threatened with the gun. Another time when the man was about to loose Dakota Oryan nipped his hand that was on Bo’s and he let go in suprise. Bo had struggled up, the assassin sighed and shook his head*
I run over to Bo. I pick her up and hold her with one arm I use my other hand to point my mp5 at the man. My body is turned where Bo is in my reach but away from the man. “Who are you?”
“One of them guys that likes recruiting people for mini armys whether they like it or not,” he whispered horsely putting his gun up as well.
“I won’t let you take her without a fight.” I switch safety off.
*The assassin sighed*”Honestly she would have been a great addition,” He said waving his gun around carelessly, still looking at Dakota. Bo held her wrist, it hurt still.”…maybe i could take both of you…,” He whispered and paced slowly back and forth.
“And what makes you think we will come and work for your army?” I let go of Bo and I block her with my body incase he fires I hold my gun still aimed at him.
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