The RP
Harley stopped and looked at the dog cautiously. “I’m not here to hurt you, just looking for a place to survive, like you guys. I’m Harley.” Internally she wondered if she could pet the dog.
*Bo nodded and slowly went down to Oryan and hugged him tightly so he couldn’t charge and bite the person, she sat down and pulled him into her lap, his head laid on her left arm tiered, he turned him head and grawled lowly, still not trusting the lady much*”I-im Bo…dis is Oryan”, she said hugging him a little tighter when he tried to escape, he settled down and made a defeated whipper at how he was being denied of freedom to bite people.
‘Thirteen thats too young to be on their own.’ He thought before he noticed someone else arrive and aims his gun at them not hearing what she said. “Who are you?” he questioned.
Harley sighed and nodded, “Nice to meet you Bo, Oryan. And to answer your question, I’m Harley, you?” Harley sat down where she was, knowing they didn’t trust her, but she was fine with that. Internally she wondered what the gunner’s name was, they forgot to introduce themselves to each other.
*Bo herd zombies shuffling around out side then gun shots from above, then thuds, she shuddered and pressed her chin into Oryans fur, he turned and licked her face a couple times comfortingly,”Its just like in those zombie games but real”, she thought grimly*
“Alter.” He answered putting his gun away but keeping his knife out and looking at Bo. He walked over to her and kneeled in front of her. “Hey i know your probably scared but we should get going….and probably grab master Kai while we’re at it.” He said with a sigh before turning to Harley. “Hey you came from the mansion right.” he asked.
Harley nodded, “Yeah, the gunner, who I’m guessing is this Master Kai, sorta helped me.” Harley looked at the only kid there a bit worried, “I know, unfortunately, you can’t respond, but I will give you my word when I say I will protect you. No kid should have to die this way.” Harley stood up and brushed herself off, then took out her pistols, sighing when she remembered they had no bullets. “Um, Alter right? You think this Master Kai has any .9mm bullets he can spare?”
“If he doesn’t then im a squid.” He said standing up and looking a Bo. “And he’s the one that lives in the mansion.”
“ohh”, she said picking p her led pipe staff and letting go of Oryan, he hoped out of her lap and shook his fur happy to be free to go were ever again, she stood up nervously ready to go.
Harley smiled a bit and gave Alter a weird look, “Interesting saying you got there, I remember seeing Kai going to the roof, we should probably head there now.” Harley turned towards Bo, “You alright now?”
Derek reaches the city. He had been living in the country side, but has run low on food. Everyone in his family has been killed. When the zombies came, he barely escaped, thanks to his sword and knives. He hides in the alley ways, looking for food, killing a few zombies on the way
“Um I don’t think goin to the roof is a good idea”, she said timidly, she thought that maybe if they go up their they could get trapped.
((Harley you do know we are in a different building right?)) “I just came from the roof there’s nothing up there.” Alter said
i finish shooting all i can from the roof as i walk down to the entrance where i see the person i let in my house- “well hello im Kai.”
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