
  • RolePlay

  • Whatsyourface

    September 22, 2014 at 5:14 am

    “The power would be for all peaceful citizens to use. Do not worry. I have a plan to draw additional power from the waste in the sewers, and eventually the ocean itself perhaps. All I need is power and time.” He said. “Go finish the facility. If these “hounds” wish to attack. Then I will hold the line alone if I have to.”

    He pulled out a crowdbar and then raised his crowbar. “ATTENTION. WILL ALL COMBAT ORIENTED MODELS WILLING TO DEFEND THIS PLANT STEP FORWARD!” A few police come forward. “Everyone else. HIDE. CLEAR THE STREET. TAKE COVER!” People start scattering, and Apollo begins to strategize. Making a wall of police at the entrance. Lining them up in positions in the alleys and high points to pick people off. Most of them were armed with a pistols. He warns to watch people jumping in front the rooftops. And some with snipers he puts on the roof. Apollo gets a shotgun and holds a crow bar as he simply waits seemingly alone. With police behind him.

  • Godal the Father of Death

    September 23, 2014 at 2:29 am

    Shadow stood on top of the door leaning back on the wall staring at Apollo and the police bot. His blue gi blew in the wind making the cloth hitting the hard metal wall. Metal against metal in this world where that is the only “life” there is he thought as he took out his notebook. He took out a pen and open the notebook, “So since we are just standing around, how bout you guys tell me what you know about mankind history? I’m making a record of it so they won’t be forgotten.” His eyes under the shade of his glass looking up at the rusty red of the sky.

  • Whatsyourface

    September 23, 2014 at 3:40 am

    “I have a quote. By Luigi Parendello. His quote was “The history of mankind, was history of ideas….” Apollo says looking up at shadow. “That is what mankind was.”

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