OOC and Q&A Thread

  • Wake

    August 30, 2017 at 8:00 pm

    Question: Should we set our characters here, as a post in the main group or do we just rp as ourselves or something???

  • Dedohr, God of Freedom

    August 31, 2017 at 2:33 am

    Sorry I’m only getting back to you now.

    This forum is mostly for Q&A things or if anyone wants to discuss something outside of RPing.

    However, if you are talking about making a Bio for your character, you can post it up here if you would like.

    To be honest, Bios aren’t a requirement in this Group, though if you want to flesh our your character and their personality a bit more, go right ahead and make one.

    Otherwise, just think of a character (or go get one from somewhere else) and start RPing in on the Main Page.

    To give an example, I got my character Dedohr, from a random God name generator. I liked it, and rolled with it.

  • Dedohr, God of Freedom

    August 31, 2017 at 2:50 am

    Also, if you ever want to do some 1 on 1 RP, feel free to start up a new Forum dedicated to it!

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