Just going to jot down the two ideas going through my head here and decide on one later.
Not telling everything about an idea just in case I pick it, though.
(Opinions r v much appreciated uou)
1) The first idea I got with help from a friend. It’s a steampunk kind of world, but there are creatures and things that aren’t real and whatnot. :0 You’d have a city in the sky with flying platforms and all sorts of airships. The people that live there are more on the wealthy side, and the city would live off of trade and the things they got from the surface. On the surface would be the poorer people, working on farms and things. There would be a cool plot with machines and adventures and secret things and nobles and fun stuff.
2) The other idea takes place in.. i don’t want to say post-apocalyptic, but the world is in ruin for the most part so I guess kind of??? post-apocalyptic. There wasn’t an apocalypse or anything, though. You’ve got either 2 or 3 still functioning countries (i still have to think a lot about this one) that are stuck fighting over land and money and who gets what and how much. I’d probably try to get into more political stuff (though i’d have to do some research on some things and all) Outside the cities is almost barren wasteland, aside from places where people have formed little camps and things and started to grow food and build a life again. There would be different “gangs” outside, who lived mostly off of stealing, killing, etc. I still have to think about the whole plot and world and all so this idea is somewhat unfinished.
If anyone has a preference for one or helpful ideas i’ll give you one dolla for saying something.