
  • Posted by lovexxit on November 26, 2014 at 9:57 pm

    Roleplay here ._.

    Time Skip it through night or etc like *time skip _hrs*

    Unknown Member replied 10 years ago 6 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • lovexxit

    November 26, 2014 at 10:29 pm

    Aaron tiptoed  through the store, carefully not bringing attention to herself, she was alone in the store except for the few lingering zombies. She grabbed her duffel tighter, she had her few weapons ready, a bow, many arrows, and a few knives for throwing. She looted the canned foods and the waterbottles, and ran out eyeing the vacant street closely. She then ran to the wasteland of trees where there are zombies and humans

    <b>Had to edit my text because I forgot 3rd person view, so sorry….</b>

  • Whatsyourface

    November 27, 2014 at 7:53 am

    A clean kill. It was another cold day in this overrun world and another overrun forest close to a town. Raptor claimed his kill as he took the arrow from the fawn’s neck and lifted it up to his mask to examine it’s limp lifeless body. He slings onto a clip of his backpack. Dinner is taken care of. Now, for other things. Primarily. Food. Secondary. A silencer.

    Raptor journey’s into the city, his crowbar out, as he sneaks past the occasional undead as he stops in an alley. Not knowing the city, he takes out his phone and turns it on. He looks about warily as scrolls through apps, and pulls up an app for an offline map of the city. He looks around for  a few minutes on his phone and eventually comes across a market on the map. He puts the phone away as he heads towards it.

    He reaches the grocery store. Pretty crowded with walkers, going to need to get rid of them. Quietly. He takes out his knife as he makes his way across the street. Keeping low. He gets spotted by one curious infected as he hides behind a car. Raptor waits for her to get closer before he springs up and quickly takes the thing to the ground, where he raises his knife and stabs it through the temple. He pulls the blade from her skull as he keeps moving.

    He enters the marketplace. Of course the place is looted beyond belief. Empty shelves as fair as the eye can see. Everyone sort of had the same idea to go raid the markets dry at the very beginning, and many survivors must have had the same idea. So he creeps through the isles of the store silently to go to the back room where the staff room is. He takes out a few lock picks and starts on the locked door quietly. 20 seconds later, voila. It’s open.

    Once inside the staff room he closes the door behind himself quietly and locks as he then goes to look through paper work. Looking for addresses to warehouses that supply the market actually.

  • lovexxit

    November 27, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    Aaron climbed a tree, there wasn’t a point of staying on the ground with zombies wandering around. She was at the top looking around the area, she saw a few zombies, but that’s it.

    She glanced back down, she climbed down deciding she might as well make it deep in the forest, climb another tree and stay there, she needed to get away from the town as possible, wouldn’t there be more zombies in town?

    She started walking as the sky darkened to night.

  • Johnathan Raven

    November 27, 2014 at 3:43 pm

    Laden with a bit of food and supplies I had looted from various buildings down the block, I begin to make my way out of a house as someone runs out of a store. I slowly back into the house, watching from a window as they go down a street, heading towards the forest. Curious, I decide to follow them, but I stick to the shadows, alleyways, backyards, whatever I could use to stay out of view, since there weren`t many zombies on the block to be worried about.



  • Johnathan Raven

    November 27, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    I would continue to follow the stranger, seeming to be alone, to the forest at a safe distance, moving along in the shadows cast by the evening sun. Although, it would be much easier for travel in the night.

    As the sky continued to darken, I thought it best to slide some worn night goggles out of my pack, sliding them under my hood and around my head, and after sliding out a pair of knives, I begin to follow yet again, watching my surroundings and ready for anything.

  • lovexxit

    November 27, 2014 at 5:14 pm

    Aaron looked up at the sky, the moon hung over her, she cursed to the amount of time she made, she only got supplies and made some distance between her and the city.

    she glanced around, it wasn’t safe to sleep on the ground, she looked at the trees.

    <i>”I’m no coward,”</i> she thought to herself, she glanced at the tree and began climbing it knowing either to climb up and have a chance of breaking a few bones, or stay down and have a chance of getting killed, she then settled on a branch high enough for protection and low enough not to give a heart attack of fear.

    She tied herself to the tree, she stared at the moon dazed.

    I will survive this she thought to herself but not forever.

    Death after all was inevitable.

  • Johnathan Raven

    November 27, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    I follow the stranger up to the point where they find a nice branch in a tree, from which I decide to place myself near. I wait, not exactly sure how long, until they seem to be asleep, then I decide to settle down near the bottom of it, behind a few bushes. I pull out a small hand-crank electric lamp from a small pouch, cranking it up a few times before setting it on the ground before me as I look up to the tree, wondering if it`s such a good idea to try and meet this stranger.

  • lovexxit

    November 27, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    Aaron wakes up abruptly and looks around  not looking down fearing that she will become fearful at the height she is up.

    She was dazed, the dream she had was about her  sister who died earlier, nothing big right?

    She breathes and lies up and stay up a while looking at the twinkling stars, the beautiful moon, and the dark dark blue sky. What has happened to a world with humans that used to love each other, the kids who used to play, to this horrid situation only about 45 living yet, and that isn’t counting the zombies.

    Okay, just Chillax, you can’t worry about stupid idiotic dreams or your sister – she’s gone, Aaron thought It’s about survival now, and you know that

    She knows that, at least she wants to, but she knew those words was a solution nothing like words of comfort.


  • Johnathan Raven

    November 28, 2014 at 1:56 am

    Upon hearing the person above me stir, I would wake from my light sleep. already, I had taken down a few unsuspecting zombies that decided to pass by, which lay beside me as I sit against the trunk of the tree. I wasn`t sure yet if I wanted to try to talk to this person, so I decided to stay quiet, but quietly crank my lamp up a bit.

  • lovexxit

    November 28, 2014 at 2:30 am

    *time skip to morning*

    (Aaron’s Point of View)

    I wake up from yet another nightmare.

    Im safe, I know I am safe, my sister just had an accident, a lot of people have accidents, I will not die from a zombie, I will die like everybody else – old age.

    I drop down seeing dead zombies at the bottom of the tree, I didn’t kill them, I wonder who did. I look around and then turn around seeing yet another human.

    I scream at the astonishment of finding a survivor.

    They wake up stirring a bit.

    i have time to think about it.

    Maybe this is good, I can team up and maybe die of old age.

    “Sorry I woke you up,” I say quietly looking at him.

    “Erm?” He groans, he blinks and sees the light and shades it from his face and then stops and looks at me.

  • Johnathan Raven

    November 28, 2014 at 2:49 am

    I would look up to the stranger, taking a good look at this person for once. She didnt look half bad. Not as bad as others out here at least, I thought to myself. “Ah, youre awake. Didnt expect you to be up before me, but… eh.” I would slowly get up, putting my hand crank lamp back into its pouch. I would extend a hand in a friendly gesture, “Johnathan.” Not much would be seen behind my hood, other than the night vision goggles I still had on.

  • Mischief

    November 28, 2014 at 3:18 am

    Lucianna had it easy, she trained her whole life to be one with the darkness and kill people with deadly precision, zombie apocalypse was…lonely, but not challenging to her

    She fortified herself on the control room on a shopping at the center of the city, the center of the city was crawling with zombies, and the shopping was no exception, she managed to smuggle herself inside the shopping a week after the apocalypse using her grapple hook to go directly to the second floor and start her “zombie cleaning” from there leaving the first floor alone for the defensive value of a hoard of zombies “guarding” the place, second was to bust in the control room and cut the usage of electricity letting allowing only one of the restaurant’s industrial freezers where she putted all the perishable food

    she is being living there for a whole month, electricity stopped the second week after the apocalypse, so she started scavenging for gas, she even let a message on the local gas station “if you want to exchange gas for food come to the mall from 16:00 to 17:00 i will put a rope on the window for you to climb on ;D” but no one came. Water stopped flowing a few days later, but she already had lots of water stored, just to be sure however she made rain water harvesters and a garden on the roof top of the shopping using tutorials from the internet

    As i said before Lucianna had it easy, she passes most of her time training her ninjutsu and taking care of the garden, from 16h to 17h she puts the rope on the window of she second floor and waits, from time to time she uses a notebook she found on the shopping to use the internet, most social media sites are dead, there are only a couple of image boards still standings, also a new social media site was born, the “Deadspace” were survivors post their stories from time to time, there she post tricks for quickly taking out a zombies without making noise, mostly easy to learn mixed arts techniques

    By now she has a pretty neat stock of gas, the freezer was well stocked, water was holding fine but no one came to the mall, am i the only person still alive on this city: she changed the message at the gas store many times “if you want to exchange gas for food , if you want to exchange ANYTHING for food or water if you are thirsty or hungry come to the mall from 16:00 to 17:00 i will put a rope on the window for you to climb on ;D” but no one came…it was still mourning but she decided to put the rope on the windown anyway, it was not like she had lot’s of things to do anyway, she practiced a few swings with the katana making small breaks to see if anybody was approaching

  • lovexxit

    November 28, 2014 at 4:00 am

    (Aaron’s Point of View)

    I shake his hand, “Aaron.”

    He yawns a bit looking around.

    “I almost always wake up early,” remembering his comment about expecting me not to wake up as early as him.

    “Well I didn’t know that stranger,” he mutters even knowing my name.

    “Well for survival purposes nothing out of respect towards you, alliances?” I ask.

  • Johnathan Raven

    November 28, 2014 at 4:07 am

    “Yeah, alright. Eh, gimme a sec.” I reach into my hood, sliding the goggles off as I pack them away. I would look around a bit, making sure there were no zombies before sliding away my knives, taking a more relaxed stance.

  • Whatsyourface

    November 28, 2014 at 7:10 am

    After Raptor found what he was looking for, he took closed the cabinets as he put it up and remembered the address. Then he went over to the kitchen to prepare some rabbit to eat. People left behind a lot of spices and seasonings for him to work with. He took to sanitizing his non-combat oriented knife, as that was the knife he used on infected. Would be a big mistake to use that knife.

    He started to prepare and skin the rabbit. This market was pretty clear. May as well grab some rabbit. Not too long later he had some rabbit for dinner, as he stayed in the market. Lot of infected out and about…

    ((The next morning))

    Raptor woke up in a barricaded room on a sofa. His mask was next to him and he picked up. Ready to go, and make his journey over to the warehouse. Outside however had a large crowd of the undead. A migrating horde numbering somewhere in potential Seventy to maybe even a hundred. He could take out infected in droves but he wouldn’t risk that. He went over to the rooftop, making his way there climbing up a pipe in an alley. Then he went over to look for something. An electrical cord leading to another building. Bingo.

    Raptor was dangling in the air holding a cord as hundreds of zombies were below him. Some looking up and reaching for what they saw as a tantalizing thing they couldn’t reach, to fill their mouths.  Raptor didn’t look down as he made his way across the rope. Going over to the building as he reached more the ledge.He escaped to the rooftops and evaded the threat of the zombies, heading towards his objective.

    As he goes through the streets, he stops at a gas station to see what’s inside. Raptor sees a note and leans forward, squinting under his mask to read. 1600 hours? That is around…four o clock. It is around. 4:45. Better find a rope….

    30 minutes later, after she pulled the rope up, raptor made his way up to the mall’s roof on his own. He puts his crowbar to a skylight and pries it open. He lowers his things down on a rope and then land on the second floor dropping from 20 feet. Rolling to break his fall. He slung his bag over his shoulder and looked for the girl. Cautious with his crowbar in hand as he searches the area. Not taking anything. He is looking for the person here.

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