
  • lovexxit

    November 28, 2014 at 12:48 pm

    I glanced at him has he took off some goggles and turned and looked, and then he slouched a little taking in more of a comfortable position.

    “Mmm okay, where should we go?” I ask, glancing at the blue sky with the puffy white clouds.

    “Away from the town,” he directed, “more humans more zombies.”

    Which was correct, but sooner or later we’ll be at another town, maybe even a bigger more populated town, I look around.

    “okay,” I nod, “Now where do we go?”


  • Johnathan Raven

    November 28, 2014 at 2:01 pm

    I would look up to the sky, at the innocent blue sky as puffed clouds passed over us, towards the horizon. On any other normal day, someone might be able to enjoy this. But not anymore. No one has time for that.

    I would turn my attention towards the sun in particular, which was fairly low considering it was morning, making it easier to get a heading. “Alright,” I would point due south, “South. The town. Obviously dont want to go there. North,” I turn, pointing the opposite way, “I know of a few suburbs. Shouldnt be too bad. East and West, Im not sure.”

  • lovexxit

    November 28, 2014 at 6:17 pm

    I look at him patiently.

    “East is pretty bad, my Aunt lives there and it’s a big city, and I do not want to shoot her brains out,” I commented as we start walking north.

    “Do you think we’ll see more survivors?” He asks, maybe wanting another guy or someone to be in here, because I’m guessing we might be annoying each other, but he is barely annoying me.

    “Yes,” I nod, “And I know there’s more than 5.”

    we walk in the forest, often shooting some zombies here and there, we then look at the sun, it was probably noon, and maybe we were both starving.

    I can’t tell.

    “Don’t slow down,” he urges, I didn’t slow down, did I?

    “I didn’t,” I protest looking at him, he just raises his eyebrows “Sure.”

  • Mischief

    November 30, 2014 at 2:24 am

    Lucianna knew the place in the palm of her hand and could easily pin point where the man was by the noise he mad uuurrg first visitor and it had to be a noisy one she piked up her katana and moved to where the npise originated “tell me your name and you can go to the 5th floor, look for the biggest restaurant, there is a industrial freezer where i kept most food and water” she said with a katana rested on her shoulder “don’t even think about picking up any fire arms or you’ll get one of these tapped on for forehead” she said showing the throwing knifes on her belt, “the name is Lucianna by the way, and you have something around 30 seconds before the undead came rushing in because of the noise you made” she said shaking her head, i would probably take something around a day or two to properly dispose of all the undead on the second floor again

  • WinkAndGiveDoubleguns

    November 30, 2014 at 5:57 am

    For a reminder Mai is called Bird, so I’ll refer to her as Bird.


    Bird was alone, her tanned face streaked with dirt, her short hair slowly fading back to red. The girl crouched on top of a branch in a tree, her feet nimble as she readied her bow, and aimed up. She took out a pigeon with a swift arrow, climbing down the tree and darted to the fallen bird, picking it up and darted up a tree again. “Just enough for breakfast.” She thought quietly and plucked the bird, keeping the feathers for other arrows she may need to make.

    Bird used her knife and gut the bird and scrambled down the tree to burrow the remain of the bird and darted deeper into the small forested area. She gathered small twigs and branches, with dried moss for kindle and stuffed it in her back pack, wrapping the meat in a news paper. She new it’s not the most cleanest thing in the world, but it’ll do. So off she went to the city, dodging zombies and climbed to the top of a abandoned building.

    That is where she started a fire, the smoke was faint and barely noticeable, and plopped down to cook her pigeon on the fire, stabbing it through with an bad arrow, which was made of metal and rather steady against fire.

  • Whatsyourface

    November 30, 2014 at 6:00 am

    Raptor wasn’t too far from where he landed and had obtained his things. Then he was spotted by the resident of this mall, likely the one who wrote the note. Raptor was very close to cover but he didn’t draw. If she attempted to throw anything at him or shoot him, he was prepared to dive before she could throw or draw to evade it…

    He expected this to be a blatant trap, as his eyes scanned the area. However, he would likely be surrounded if this were true. And so raptor slowly came out as she spoke and started walking up to her. He put down his crowbar, took out a pen and paper, then started to write on it quickly.

    He then picked his crowbar up again, lowered and walked up to her. Holding the paper up to her. The paper read “Raptor.” As Zombies came, he was ready to fight but would simply follow this woman to wherever she went or where she directed. Ready to take on whatever gets in their way.

  • Mischief

    November 30, 2014 at 9:45 pm

    a piece of paper: well at least this will not going to be noisy she taught and gave the man a half smile “well raptor go to the restaurant and treat yourself, while i get my hands dirty over here” she said pointing to his handgun with disgust “if you even think about using one of these without a silencer i am fucked, so go, go take this thing away from me” she said hiding herself of a corner

  • Whatsyourface

    December 1, 2014 at 3:43 am

    Raptor looked at her from underneath his mask, his facial expression difficult to tell from under it, and he makes no visible movement or response to her scolding him for possessing firearms. He saw her hide behind a corner and then turned to leave. However it was rather clear that he wasn’t going to go to the restaurant yet.  Raptor went into a near by a women’s hair care store.

    Raptor snatched up a few aerosol cans from shelves, found a dry washrag, and took out an empty bottle he found on the side of the street as he went over to the register. He removed to the tops from several of the aerosol cans with his knife, leaving only one. As the tops came off, he emptied the content of the can into the empty liquor bottle. He then put a rag inside of it as he then walked out the store with a makeshift molotov.

    With this he walks forward and sees a male zombie walk towards him, and Raptor walks towards it without stopping. The zombie lunges him mouth open to try to bite Raptor, and he shoves an hairspray can into the zombies mouth and down it’s throat. He makes sure to lean forward as he overpowers the zombie, pushing it up against the rail as he grabs it by it’s throat to shove the aersol can deeper into the shambling thing’s mouth as it reaches to grab and claw at Raptor.

    Raptor the grabs the zombie around it’s waist and under it as he begins to lift it up off the ground. He then takes the roughly 165 lb zombie and throws him over the railing down the first floor as he makes a loud thud as it lands on the ground below. Raptor takes a lighter then, and lights the molotov as he throws it down and lights the zombie on fire.

    *BOOM* There is an explosion as the aerosol can after 5 second explodes. Making a loud noise on the bottom floor of the mall. Not a loud explosion to be heard a distance away. There is a small fire, though it doesn’t spread. The smell is horrible, but it does serve to distract the zombies below and attract some to the lower floor. Though that is mostly the noise and the fire that attracts them.

    Raptor stares at the fire and then walks by as he takes out a Tomahawk and throws it at one zombie. It lodging firmly into it’s skull and causing it to fall over dead. Raptor takes out another Tomahawk as he retrieves the one he threw, and then moves on to scan the area quietly now. Quietly for a man of his moderate size.

  • Unknown Member

    February 28, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    Jack walked alone in the rain, on the side of the road in the country. He sighed deeply, reaching into his pocket to pull out a dirty water-damaged photo. He stuffed it back in roughly, walking and playing with the straps of his backpack. To his side there was the bark of a German Shepherd. 

    “I know, Donny. A bit further.” Jack muttered to the complaining dog, soaking wet and displeased with the long walk.

    “Then we can get food! And other…things.” Jack trailed off, stopping and seeing a lone zombie circling the road.

    “Come on, Donny. Dinnertime.” Jack reached behind his back to pull out the wooden baseball bat halfway out of his backpack.

    Jack whacked the bat against the road, drawing the attention of the stupid creature in the deafening rain. It looked through them with dull eyes, shuffling forward. When the corpse got close, Donny snarled, bounding at the thing and launching onto it, sinking his teeth into it’s neck. Jack hustled towards the two, braining it with his baseball bat. The zombie’s neck was snapped out of place with a loud thunk, and it stopped moving.

    “There you go, Donny. It’s dead. Dig in.” Jack wiped the blood off of the baseball bat with his jeans as Donny began to eat the dead zombie.

    “Too bad animals aren’t the only ones unaffected. I could really go for some zombie meat at this point.” Jack joked.

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