The Basics

Display Name

AkutoSosuke Zero Sagara Kondo (GrimSugarDemon)



My Information






Skyrie Universe / SugarLand Empire

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FullName: Akuto Sosuke Zero SaiSagara Kondo
NickName: AkutoSosky / Zero
birthdate: July 7
Species: Human/Demon/ Vampire
Nationality: Greco-Bactrian / Japanese
Member of the Sato Naphalem Branch / Leader of the Whispered Demon SubBranch of the SugarDemon Family of the GrandSugarClan.
ClanNames: GrimSugarDemon / DaimaoUpyrGrimSugarDemon
Adoptive Father: Isao Kondo
Step Mother: Miyuki Otsune Asano (Kondo)
Wife: Kaname Rinatoki Chidori OkumuraSakata-SaiSagara
Sons: Koga, Ryuugi and Ouzou. (The Triplets Devil)

My brothers (adopted by Isao dad) are Kiyoshi, Bon, Tsumugu and Hinomaru
Distance cousin: Sano (Sanosuke Sagara)

Bio Basics: Originally, I was an orphan that was abandoned outside a church. I have been adopted by the loveable gorilla, Isao and I call Helena my mother because she has treated me no less than as a son. I also call Gintoki pops out of respect.

I first attended the Constant Magick Academy. There I realized my powers to control and manipulates mana (magical energy that resides in the body of living things and and in my surroundings). I have been able to absorb the mana of large demon dogs transforming it back into a harmless pups. My powers are highly volatile so I attempt not to use them often to keep control of them.

In an attempt to learn to be more disciplined, I joined the Mithril Organization. I became a Sergeant within the paramilitary counter-terrorist force and a member of the SRT (Special Response Team) of the Western Pacific Battle Group.

My commander is Captain Teletha “Tessa” Ginger OkumuraSakata-Elric (ClumsyGreySugarDemon). Whom I would later learn is a sister of Kaname.

My call sign is in Mithril is Uruz 7 and my ID is B 3128-666
I’m the only only Mithril pilot able to use the ARX-7 Arbalest.
I operate as a team pointman as an arm slave specialist.

Once day, I was assigned as Kaname Rinatoki’s guard and protector. I did my best to protect her everywhere she went. It was a difficult task since she wished me to fit into regular life as a civilian and I only knew how to live as a paramilitary specialist. It didn’t take long before we fell in love and I ended up marring her. Together we have triplet sons, Kota, Ryuuji, and Ouzou.
Like my brother-in-law Rintoki, I’m a very good cook. ( We learned from the best, mother Helena and grandfather Ranma.)
I had dormant vampire blood from ancient times that awakened when I was among my family who also have strong vampire bloodlines.
I was among the chosen to be a Demon King but gave up that choice for the life I treasure now.

Personality: Normally highly serious but not without some humor and very dedicated. Sometimes short-tempered and unwilling to hold back in a fight and at times violent. Otherwise, respectful, loyal and displaying a strong sense of justice. A gifted hunter who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted. Very hardworking and protective of the clan.

Abilities: Immense amount of magical powers. Able to increase muscle mass at will. Hair turns snowy white in vampire form and possesses the standard abilities to sense vampires from a far distance, accelerated healing and in spite of being a part-vampire, is also able to wield anti-vampire weapons.

Other Affiliations: Hunters Association

++Admin notes++
My Character is married and has a family. Not looking for any other partners.
My character uses images of my IMVU avatar, Sousuke Sagara of Full Metal Panic / Akuto Sai of Demon King Daimao  / Zero Kiryu of Vampire Knight