Kit Apparently
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Miru cocks her head, considering. “I suppose I’ll take you up on that answer. Although… define asshole.” she smirked, crossing her arms.
Miru laughed a bit to herself. “Clans are an interesting thing for a game that wants us to kill each other. I suppose, any alliance is.” she stretched and stood. “Anyways, I should be going…” she made her way towards the door.
“Friends of yours?” Miru asked, walking and leaning over the chain link fence. “Huh. Maybe following you isn’t such a safe idea.”
“It certainly was one of those, wasn’t it?” She replied, grinning. Miru leaned against the wall, closing her eyes. “I have some scores to settle, some money to make, and some fun to have. So- I guess I’m dabbling in all the fields. Hands in more than one pot of honey and all that.”
Miru waved slightly, smirking. “I’m a stray. He told me I could come along.” Her eyes sparkled with amusement. “Beyond that, I suppose I’m the same as any of you. So desperate for something that I was willing to participate in a death game and not enough of a people person to be in a clan.”
“Miru!” Miru piped up startlingly loud. “Great, lovely that we all know each other. That way we’ll feel twice as terrible when we ultimately kill each other.” She crossed her arms, waiting for the two to recover from whatever ridiculous shock they were currently experiencing.
Miru smirks. “Noted. I won’t teleport behind you.” she followed behind him, humming and running her fingers along the wall.
Miru crept around behind him and made her copy disappear, giving herself a few seconds before appearing and speaking again. “It’s something like teleportation. I sort of shift everything for myself and move on a separate plane of existence- it’s why I disappear.” she says, shrugging nonchalantly.
“Just my mind and my knives, dear.” she opened her coat to reveal an array of knives, from switchblades to one nasty looking chef’s knife. “I don’t suppose you could, I dunno, not shoot me?” she concentrated on his phone screen, and pulled a bit of a switch. She wove an illusion that she remained standing in front of him, holding the image of the ring’s location in place while her real self stepped to the side, hidden from his sight. Miru crept forward, staying out of the area where he had the gun pointed. The illusion let go of her coat and it dropped with a small nose as the knives were slightly jostled. “Perhaps we can work some sort of truce?” the illusion asked.
“Hey now, no need to act hastily.” Miru flickered into veiw, holding her hands up as if in surrender. “I’m not here to cause trouble.” Not yet, anyways. “Are you on your own?”
Miru ghosted along on a higher floor, grumbling to herself. She hadn’t run into a single other player- how boring…She had hoped that wandering the floors of the hotel would bring more folks to her, but apparently not. She activated her sigil and appeared to vanish, creeping towards the blinking dot on her phone that denoted a ring. It was hanging in the hallway, and she cautiously took it, glancing surreptitiously around.
Name: Miru
Age: 15Sigil: Vulpes Sylph, the power of the trickster. She is able to create minor harmless illusions by way of brainwaves. Despite its harmless nature, it is Royalty.
Abilities: Her Sigil is most effective for general mayhem, as she can ‘signal boost’ if there is a large enough concentration of minds surrounding her. This wears her out quickly, however, and her mental state can deteriorate rapidly if she overworks herself. Fairly skilled in cloak-and-dagger or hand-to-hand, no long-range capabilities.
Personality: Miru has a very strong personality, and can become quite annoying. Even so, she tries to make friends, if nothing else to make things a bit more interesting. She is almost always looking for trouble and has a bad habit of wandering hands, and some lying. Not really likeable… but if you give her a chance her friendliness will surprise you. loyal to those she considers friends, good luck telling who that actually is though.
Appearence: Wild red hair, purplish eyes that always seem to be lit up mischievously. Average height and build, on the muscular side, not very tan. She wears loud clothing and clashing colors, as if to fit in with the mad hatter and his crew.
Bio: B-4, clanless
Rea stepped backwards, her eyes wide and bright. She let out a low growl and had to concentrate very hard not to change form right there in the hallway. Evil. That’s evil! Her instincts cried for her to hunt, fight, and kill the threat, but, she reminded herself, she was not a wolf. She was a witch, and she should act as such. She backed inside, clenching her fists. “What do I do? No magic, can’t bite it. I’m a sitting duck, the others too I think.”
She finally yelled “Screw it!” And gave up, transforming and dashing into the halls with a savage growl. There had to be something she could do.
“I was only joking.” Kate grumbled. “Don’t you think we should…. I dunno, stick together?” she called nervously to Windy as she walked away. “Y’know, at least until we figure out what’s going on?”
“YeAH, this is great!” Kate exclaims. “We could be like, superheroes!” she throws her arms up and points to Zach. “He will be our Glorious Leader, since he knows the most about this place!”