Kit Apparently
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Kissa walks over to Max and Rei or whatever his name was. “I’ll take him. It’s my fault he’s in this state anyways….”
Kissa blinks in surprise. “Really? You’re gonna complain about that?”
She thinks. “Hmmmm…. I think…….that thing.” She says, pointing at Max.
Kissa gets out of the bushes, having now given up on not making a scene and shifts half out of her animal form, her tail bristling and her ears twitching in irritation. She pulls the sword out and points it towards the one who annoyed her, silently hoping he won’t know she can’t use it. She doesn’t know the name. HE never told her, and so she can’t use it, only draw it. Plus, she promised HIM she wouldn’t try. And she has her own weapon anyways.
“YOU!WHO ARE YOU!! AND why aren’t you running?” Asks. Then she cocks her head and sniffs, making a face. “ugh, you smell.” -
Kissa shoots forward, ignoring the others and breaking into a full sprint. It would take more than a little run to tire her out, even without augmenting her body with animal strength and speed. She could probably run the thing twice, if needed, not at her current speed, where she would be nothing but a blur to the untrained eye. Moments later, she stands at the doors to the training room once again, surprised at her own breathlessness.
Did I overestimate my own ability?
She shakes her head. It doesn’t actually matter. She shifts into a black kit fox and runs over to some bushes, settling down to wait for the other cadets so she won’t stand out or be conspicuous. -
Kissa jumps at the sound of another voice and sees a man in a trench coat and a mask standing behind her. HOW LONG HAD HE BEEN THERE?
Kissa smirks and watches many of the other cadets gape at Miss Bell in a mix of apprehension and excitement. So far, not a single one had noticed her slip silently into their midst as they made their way to the training center.
Kissa stands outside of the building, pacing back and forth. She hears yelling from inside, and her hand strays to her neck, where an obsidian cross hangs. She stops and rocks on her feet, wondering if she should go in and face the screaming woman there.
Name: Kissa
Appearance: Very long hair, sometimes pulled back but not usually, tawny gold eyes, average teenage girl build with a bit more muscle. Usually has some sort of animal quality about her.Traits/info: Kissa seems a little feral, but it’s just an act to push people away. She is fairly rude in general, but is actually quite nice if you can tolerate her for long enough. She uses her shifter status as a wall, and an excuse to be unfriendly. Adept at hand to hand and knives. Also has a sword that’s always with her in a sheath.
I should mention that the sword is not actually hers, her weapon is a set of chakkrams glamoured into a black obsidian cross around her neck.
Hopefully group 1 troop 2…..