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Pokémon and Dragonnball Z were my fav things to watch when I was itty bitty, then it wasn’t so much as I grew up
Mirna sighed, figuring it wasn’t very becoming to be in a corner for the entire time she was there, so she stood up from her little corner and made it to the middle of the main room she was in, looking around to see if there was anyone she would be comfortable enough talking to, she fiddled with the hem of her sweater, flushing red from this and almost deciding that this was horrible idea and maybe she should just go home.
Dude, Digimon was awesome when I was growing up! I do not regret watching all that skiddly-doo
Mirna slipped in carefully, keeping her gaze away from anyone else’s, not wanting to make herself known to any of the others that took up the place. She only peeked up from the ground to make sure she wasn’t going to bump into anyone, as that would be rather embarrassing and rude if she were to do such a thing. She shuffled all the way to a small sitting place near one of the corners of the room, taking refuge there and sitting, and legs placed in a proper manner.
Her thumbs were twiddled while she looked at her lap, keeping the collar of her sweater under her chin for now, her thoughts buzzing around while she sits quietly in her little corner.
Name: Mirna Horvat
Age: 23Caste: Omega (Female)
Occupation: Volunteers at the library a few days a week, unemployed though.Appearance: Light dusting of freckles over the bridge of her nose, mid-length auburn hair that is usually tied up into a low ponytail, short (5″3), Usually found wearing a size too large sweater and long skirts that sort of flow out. A little pudgy, but not too much so. blue eyes and thin lips, placed on a rounded face.
Personality: Caring, soft-spoken and easily made nervous. As a tick she often covers her mouth into the neck of her sweaters or looks to the side in a nervous manner. Tries to be polite, and rather sensitive, taking everything seriously even if it doesn’t need to be.
Other important information (illness, family, secret motives, etc): Has a normal medical record. She only lived with her mother, being as her Father left some years ago with no real explanation, she is an only child. She wishes to live a peaceful life, caring for those she adores. When down or in a confused mood, she resigns herself into the kitchen to bake her troubles away, feeling calmed by the scent of baking goodies.
Well Dirty Harry is my all time fav, Rock It is pretty cool too though :B
A young lady shakily sits down, looking around and not too sure what to do at this moment. Gently she sets down her bag that contains any items that she deems necessary to keep on her person, none of which would really be deemed useful if anyone were scavenge around in it’s depths, but oh well. Blue eyes move back and forth, slightly nervous, why she decided to board a cruise ship was beyond even her understanding, it was just a decision made on a whim.
She wrung her hands in the fabric of her hoodie, lightly biting down on her lower lip to try and calm down a little bit.
*coughs into fist* Well I guess I could participate in this, though I’m not all too sure what to do once I get done with introductions…
Well, I’ll use my Homestuck OC, which is basically just me, hope that’s okay!
Appearance: Dark brown hair that comes down to her mid-back, blue eyes that have tired looking shadows under them, freckles dotting around the cheeks, sort-of round face, pale skin colour, Average bust size, slightly pudgy, short (about 5 feet). Prefers comfy clothes like hoodies and baggy jeans. Usually carrying a medical satchel bag containing various things, none of which are the medical variety
Personality Suppose shy and motherly…? I mean it’s just me so you’ll figure out how I act as time goes on…sorry.
Likes: Old gaming, Reading, Writing, sketching and so on, though not good at it, cooking is pretty cool too.
Uhmmm I’m not sure what else to put…
I usually played the Gamecube or N64, those were my favourite things…I dabbled in Mario mostly, or those little fighting games. I just played whatever was available for the sake of being able to play x3