The Basics

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Argon Heinrich MochamazziSakatashi (Arcareafact) * SwiftGhazāllianSugarSoul



My Information






Midi City / Skyrieverse / GrandSugarClan Empire

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Name: Argon Heinrich MochamazziSakatashi
Proud Member of the SugarSoul Faction of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: SwiftGhazāllianSugarSoul
Species: Sonic Gazelle Myumon
Birthdate: March 29
**Adoptive Family**
Father: Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat
Mother: Asuna Haribella Mochamazzi
Little sis: (Tori) Retoree Reyna MochamazziSakatashi

Band: Arcareafact
Instrument: Drums
Drums named: El Dorado Dance
Bandmate: Titan, Selen, and Orion

Basics: Gentle, light and bright personality, so much so, that it sometimes annoys his bandmates but he’s oblivious to it. He has high stamina and loves to exercise. When he had a great fortune, he flaunted it. Constantly argues with Selen. He loves music and dancing and before arriving in the new world. He was the CEO of a company. He’s easily influenced by evil. Arrives at Skyrieverse the same way the rest of his band does.
Thankfully, he as adopted by a lovely family that got to know him and his quirks and accept him just as he is.
Likes: Dancing, Muscle training, Corporate acquisition, Parties
Occupations: Musician/ Student / Oddjobs at Sugarverse Organization