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I really have no idea what I want you to do with this gif. I just want to see what happens XD
(deleted by Cedertree because it was rather unnecessary for me to make this post, will change this to an actual RP post when the group picks up again)
Karl smiled. All well, just because it wasn’t a challenge didn’t mean couldn’t have fun. He took the pool cue from her. “Alright, breaking is pretty easy. The balls are already set up so you just need to worry about the actual break. Simply take this pose” he leaned slightly over the pool table. “And you hold your cue like this.” He drew the cue back and held the front end in his fingers to steady it. “Ok. Now you try. I will help you if you need any help using the cue.”
Karl smiled. He was expecting another Alpha, a Beta sure was a surprise. It wasn’t everyday that a Beta would approach him. Or maybe it was the other way around. He spends most of his free time warming up to higher up Alphas and making sure the ones below him knew who was boss. He hoped that a beta would be better at playing pool than most Alphas were. They generally tried to show off too much and lose the game because they were trying to pull off trick shots. “Do you want to break?” He said to the beta.((Not my best writing for him but I am posting it anyway))
Karl was getting a little more drunk than he should be. Starting to loosen up a bit. Loosing up too much, or at least that is what the rational part of his brain was screaming at him. He decided it was time to get away from the bar. Karl got up and walked over to one of the pool tables in the club. “Anyone up for a game?” he asked to no one in particular. Anyone will do, as long as it keeps him away from another drink.
Aydin was dragged into Bell’s office by the guard. His arm was really starting to hurt from the pressure the guard was putting on it. The guards never liked him, from day one he had been nothing but more work for them. The guard let go of him. Aydin stood there absently rubbing the spot on his arm where the guard’s grip had been. Rather than look anyone in the eyes, he surveyed the room, taking in the many details that were now screaming at him.
Aydin had to work fast. He knew they’d show up at any moment. He was running out of time. Tick-tock tick-tock, went the clock on the wall. Aydin needed to focus. He needed to stay on task. Once they showed up the chance to get this done will be over with. But that damned ticking. Tick-tock. That was it. Aydin scooted away from the computer and went over to the wall where the clock was. He reached up and took the clock down. He took a screw driver and removed one of the cogs. Why did such a high tech lab have such an old fashioned clock anyway? Aydin started to ponder this and then quickly remembered where he was. He put the clock down and ran back over to the computer. On the screen was a complex mathematical formula which mathematicians had deemed unsolvable. Aydin was about to crack it. It had been bothering him for weeks. Ever since Bell shown it to him on purpose, she knew it would mess with him. He spent countless hours trying to solve it. Either in his head or on a computer. His lab however did not have enough firepower. The downstairs lab did. He had requested multiple times to be allowed down here. Max each time politely declined. Hacking past the security was pretty easy. It was child’s play really. But it was only a matter of time before they noticed and everything he had worked for would be for not. He had to solve this, he just had to. Tick-tock. This he knew did not come from the clock. It was his own head starting up again. Tick-tock. Aydin typed furiously as he tried to get the ticking out of his head. The ticking was persistent. He shook his head. He NEEDED to focus. Any moment now, the door will open. Any moment now, security will show up and take him away before he can finish his work. He calculated how much time he had left in his head. Less than he needed. Aydin lowered his head and counted. 5…4…3…2…1… Right on cue, the door opened. In stepped one of SUF’s guards. “You are not supposed to be in here.” the guard growled. Aydin didn’t respond, just continued to hang his head. The guard dragged him by the arm, out of the lab and up the stairs. The guard was going on about how he was in trouble, but Aydin didn’t hear him. There was only one sound in his head. Tick-tock tick-tock.
MemberFebruary 11, 2014 at 2:39 am in reply to: Rules and Tools for character creation as well as plot.Name: Aydin Ghanem
Age: 25
Appearance: Dark brown skin. Slightly smaller than average height. Very skinny. Dark medium length hair and very dark eyes.
Skills (Pick </= two please): Intelligence, hyper observance
Weapon of Choice: His mind -
Karl was very annoyed. Other alphas were rarely appreciative of their status. When he was cast out on the street as a child he was almost certain to die, if a family of omegas hadn’t taken pity on him. It was unheard of that omegas would be living together, but these were considered undesirable. They only had each other. They should’ve hated him. He was the literal embodiment of everything that hated them. Instead they showed him kindness. Over time he gained a great respect for omegas. Whenever an alpha smiled, it had a purpose. Whenever an omega smiled, it was genuine. There was no motive, no reason, just happiness. Still after all that he had learned, Karl found himself being a typical alpha. Fake smiles, agendas, and living life just for gain. He didn’t dwell on these thoughts too much. He knew it was pointless. It was in his blood. He was an alpha. This is who he was. However, being an alpha did not give an excuse for behavior like that. Karl stood up and walked over to the two other alphas near by. “Excuse me gentlemen, but some of us are trying to enjoy our drinks. Keep your talks of your ‘escapades’ down or I will have you thrown out of the establishment” Karl said, adding only just a hint of hostility to his voice. Normally exchanges between alphas could get very messy, but Karl had a name for himself around here. Even if you won a fight against him, it was doubtful that you would leave the club walking. The alphas recognizing him, started mumbling a response. Karl didn’t want to hear it. He walked away before the stumbling alphas could finish. Sat back down at his seat and ordered a drink.
Karl walked into the establishment. He was exhausted from filming all day but he was not going to let that show. He strode confidently across the room, taking time only to give a few glances here and there. He knew better than to keep such an important “friend” like Gregory Taylor waiting. Taylor had on more than one occasion hooked Karl up with very well paying roles and with the current movie he was shooting being almost done, He could really use another recommendation. As Karl went into the Alpha’s lounge, he made sure he was wearing his most charming smile. The Alpha’s lounge was the most well furnished room in the joint, and sitting in a chair that was more like a throne was Gregory Taylor. Gregory was surrounded by a couple of beta females. There was only two ways a beta could hope to get into the alpha lounge. They either had to be staff serving the alphas or get a personal invitation from Gregory himself. Gregory’s eyes lit up when he saw Karl. “Karl, my boy! It has been too long! Come here. One of these fine ladies will fetch you a seat.” Taylor nodded at one of the betas and a few moments later she arrived with a chair. Karl took it and sat across from Taylor. Taylor was wearing an even more friendly smile than Karl. Even though Karl thought of him more as a means for work, he still had to admit, he had a soft spot for that man’s persona. Taylor had a way of making everyone feel welcome in their respective classes. He had to. This establishment wouldn’t survive if the usual tension was at full strength. “Tell me Karl, where on earth have you been? I’d thought you had fallen off the face of the earth.” Gregory said. Karl laughed. “Filming has been eating up most of my time. I promise, old friend, I will try to come by here more often.” Gregory smiled. “Be sure that you do! None of these other alphas know how to be as good of a drinking partner as you” Gregory said while laughing. A staff member brought over a bottle of red wine. “I am afraid I cannot drink that much tonight Greg. I am shooting the final scene of my movie when I leave.” Gregory poured himself a glass. “Ah, that is fine. I cannot wait to see it. You are always so great in your movies. It is like you become the character!” Karl laughed again. “Please. You flatter me. Shame the movie is almost over. I have been having a blast with it.” Gregory was looking off as he drank his glass. “You know Karl, I think I remember another friend of mine saying that he needed an actor for a role. It is very well paying. I will see what I can do.” Karl’s smile became more real. “Thank you. That would be wonderful.” Gregory gave a playful glare. “Just don’t get lazy in stopping by this time!” Karl chuckled. “I promise Greg.” The two men laughed, talked, and drank for a while. Eventually Karl managed to get himself away from Gregory. He slipped out of the Alpha lounge and sat at the far end of the bar. He had a few more other contacts to check on before the night was done.
Name:Karl Lawrence
Appearance:a bit taller than average, skinny, slightly muscular, grey eyes, and dark hair. His hair is always slicked back Artemis Fowl style. His usual attire is very formal, only dressing casually in private.
Personality:Noble but still in charge. He views his Alpha status as a privilege not a pleasure.
Other important information:He was cast out of his family when he was younger for not going into the family trade. Living on the streets he had to climb his way back up to wealth and power. He is now one of the most powerful Alphas in the area. Having many friends in the highest circles of society. He hangs out at the club to make sure that his influence is still strong. -
Arron raises an eye brow as Bell leaves the room. He looks to the insane looking girl at his side. “Just so you know, if you do lay a hand on me I will respond. And I can guarantee you wont see it coming. It will probably involve you vomiting up your own organs” Arron heads into the mess hall without another word.
Barnable hadn’t been on the king’s army for more than a week. He was a short, wiry fellow, with pale blond hair, and light blue green eyes. Needless to say he was very out of place among the rest of his patrol. They were all men of stature, proper soldiers. He was not made to be a soldier. He didn’t even really want to be one. But while wearing the uniform and preforming his duties, he felt closer to his brother than ever. The war stole his chance to patch things up with him. He had managed to get through the training by just the skin of his teeth. Now he was proving what the others say about him true. He was failing to keep up with the rest of his patrol. He was only a little bit behind, but it was enough to where if the commander looked back, he would have his ass for sure. Barnable’s equipment was heavy and too large for him. This made it difficult to move. All of his requests for new armor were denied. This just made his fellow soldiers laugh at him more. Barnable would bare it though, he had too. He would do this till his older brother could look upon him from the afterlife and be proud. Barnable in all of his wheezing and panting did not notice that his party had come to a stop. He almost bumped into one of the soldiers in the back. They were all staring at something, Barnable could not see over them. All of the sudden, the soldiers in front of him took off in a dash. As they moved, Barnable could see what they were chasing. It was…a disembodied head of a little girl… Barnable fainted.
((As for the rest of you, I’ll wait to post until you guys progress a little more. You guys have great interactions going and I’d hate to get in the way of that. Great job everyone. I look forward to seeing more posts from you all. I really do enjoy reading them. =) )) -
Arron deciding that he has spent enough time out in the woods. They will probably be looking for me if I stay out any longer. He silently walks out of the forest. As he walks out he notices some commotion. His pace quickens. Once he reaches the end of the forest, he sees the others rush into the building. He quietly follows them inside, though he is a bit behind them. He loses sight of them for a minute, but quickly finds the door to the infirmary. He enters the room. Seeing Bell give Kissa a syringe. “What happened?”