The Basics

Display Name

Basophil Hans Sakatashi * WehrmachtWolfmanSucreSpiritus



My Information






Skyrie Universe / Sugarview Medical Center

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Name: Basophil
Human FullName: Hans Basophil Sakatashi

Nickname Baso / Bas
Member of the SugarSpirit Unite of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: WehrmachtWolfmanSucreSpiritus
Filed BirthDate: Sept. 24th
Species: White Blood Cell / Human Werewolf (Demon) / semi-vampire

Adoptive twin brother: Rey (Brandon Reijiro)

Personality: Baso is mysterious, “often appearing to speak through philosophical and metaphorical language.” He’s loyal to Leukocyte King and Queen Tama. Leukocyte being his cousin.
He’s well known for wearing a rain coat and being covered from head to toe and only showing his eyes. When he isn’t covered up, he has dead lime/white hair and looks a bit menacing because he wears face masks with skull designs. He’s silent, stoic adjutant and a bodyguard to his clan. He’s able to transform at will and fight in either human or werewolf form.

Basics: Basophil is a type of white blood cell, specifically Basophil. He is capable of triggering the release of histamines when encountering an antigen. He also can allure eosinophils and neutrophils when they are needed. His story in SkyrieVerse begins when he’s transfused into another human body but was instead transferred through a dimension into the borderlands with new abilities into a stronger physical body. He understood his mission was to find Leukocyte King and Queen Tama and inform them of what had occurred. As he met with them, he pledged his loyalty to them. As there was no way to send him back, he was to learn to make a life in the new world.

Hobbies: He likes to read poem book on a sampan boat.

Superhuman Senses
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Reflexes
Toughened skin
Advanced combat
Sharpshooting Skills

Note: Alt. Character of Leukocyte King

Images: Basophil (Cells at Work)/ Sakuya Watanuki (Servamp) / Hans Günsche Wolfman aka The Captain (Hellsing)