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Done. Pulling away, Ava retracts her fingers from the woman’s neck. “How does it feel I wonder?” Delicately touching the woman she feels no change in temperature. “Good. She is cold. She will be a fine ice creature.” Picking up the limp body and slinging it over her shoulder she goes to find Isen.
Standing in the doorway she notices him standing over a hot stove. “What are you doing?!!” She shrieks at him.
Ava kept her right index finger in the old woman’s throat while holding her down with her left hand. Slowly she uses her powers to freeze what little blood was left in the shriveled form of the old human. Not enough. If I do not add some of my own she could just die from blood loss, and everything would be for naught. Realizing this she bits the tip of her left index finger hesitantly allowing her cold blood to spill forth. Jabing her left index onto the other side she allows her blood to merge in the woman’s blood stream.
Idiot. You know that this probably wont work. With a mental shrug she tells the woman. “This wont hurt. Very much. Ok that is a lie. This about to hurt alot. But if you stay calm it wont hurt for long.” With a quick stride she steps over to the woman and plunges her finger into her neck.
“Where did he go?!” She hissed at the poor woman. Despite Isen wanting her to stay quite Ava couldnt help herself.
Hmmm the kids got a point. I probably would just kill her. “Fine.” She tells him grumpily. Stomping up to the door she knocks gently just barely scraping off the paint from the frame.
*Knock, knock, knock, knock.* One, two, three, four.
“Go.” She tells Isen pushing him in front of her. “You said you wanted to talk.” -
“So basically we are on a wild goose chase.” She moans. “A human with fing teleportation skills. Oh great.” But wait. He only seemed to have one “Hey Infant! I dont think that he has any of those teleporters left. He only had one or two. Or so it seemed…”
“I dont need a horse” he says…”Keep up” he says…bossy, little, noisy, prat… Jogging after him, she jumps up onto his ice platform. Forming a small sleigh of ice she takes a seat down and lets it do all the work for her. Putting a little more power into the runners she takes off until it becomes level to Isen, keeping pace with him. “So infant, how much of a head start do you estimate that he’s got on us?”
Keep up?! You walk like a snail, you infant. Slowing down her pace so as he might keep up with her she tells him. “It will be faster for both of us if we ride you know. I can go much faster than this but you might want a ride if we ever want to catch up with our prey.”
I have to wait this long… Grumbling under her breath she mutters “You’re late”. Louder she tells him disdainfully. “I am Ava. That is all you need to know. Are you ready to leave?”
Sleepily she wakes up a hour before the sun. Stretching and rubbing her eyes blearily. Noticing the dawn starting to break over the horizon in the east she starts to grumble to herself. “Damn day, damn sun, damn full-of-himself-infant, damn early, damn tired…”. Continuing to mutter angrily to herself Ava makes her way back to the meeting point. Standing conspicuously in front of the town hall, she ignores the questioning glances from the humans moving about her. Crossing her arms over her chest she she waits for him to arrive.
Smirking as she climbs out the window she leaves with a parting shot. “Why? Afraid the warm monkeys will think you welcome hussies to your room?”
Thinking to herself she strides softly and swiftly through the shadows of the buildings before starting to run as she reaches the edges of the town. Twenty minutes later, she is ten miles away with the town a bare shadow on the horizon. Diving into a snow drift she burrows herself in, cocooning herself in a blanket of snow to sleep until dawn. -
“Fine. When will you be ready to leave?”
Surprised that he would even think about it she contemplates what she has to offer him. “I have many things that might interest you. Coin, Frealen or Sunbeasst blood.” Well at least enough for one conversion. “Half kin blood”, She continues. “Or, maybe.” No. He wouldn’t…But he is a boy after all, and a young one at that… “The location of the last shipment of Ben&Jerry’s ice cream…”
“No, no you are right. Your master would be the obligated party to assist me in this, not the babe himself.”
Stopping to think for a minute, she realizes that this would probably not be the best tactic.
“Alrighty then. You are a bounty hunter are you not? How much will it cost me to get you to fetch the human?” -
A girl like me?!! Who did this male believe that he was talking to?! She is now furious
“You are extremely naive arent you?!”, She hisses angrily at him. “I suppose that you just look at me and see a mere child?!! I am no little girl. I have been ice for nearly a hundred years. You are nothing in comparison”.