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“I could either print it out or, if you had a device like a computer, I have a connecting cable.” he said. “Right here,” Alex stated, tapping the back of his neck very lightly. “I can connect the cable and then connect the other end into a computer. Whatever I have access to at that moment will show up on the screen, which you can print out. Is that alright?”
“How did I know? Oh, well it’s more like I’ve just learned.” Alex replied, rubbing his neck sheepishly and smiles awkwardly. “You see, my database chip here,” as he said this, he pointed to the back of his head. “Downloads any information I want to access via brain signals and electrical impulses. I can have access to any written on paper or put into code so it’s very useful. Not many people on my planet were able to have these. I even had to implant it myself.” Grinning slightly he nodded. “No I’m not human. My appearance is right now, though I don’t actually look like this. I’m from Kalkov.”
“You as well Miss Asami. Or is it Mrs.? Earth customs are so weird.” Alex replied, crinkling his nose slightly before smile. “I must ask, what brings you to this school? I don’t actually know exactly what it’s for yet. It’s very much different from my home planet’s learning establishments.”
“Demon business?” he asked, tilting his head slightly as he brought his hand back down to his side. “Well, I don’t know much about demons right now. Mostly that they normally have peculiar eye colors and certain abilities. I could download the information though if you like.” Alex smiled at this and nodded, playing with his hair. “Like right now, I’ve just learned that there’s a certain line of demons considered very powerful, almost to the point of royalty. And…there seems to be a database for criminal demons. I don’t know if any of this helps but that’s about 2% of the information I’ve received. The other percentage has yet to download without frying.”
Alex noticed that there was another person standing at the front of the gate like he was. Turning to look at them, he noticed she had red eyes and black hair. Was that normal for people? The database chip hard-wired to his brain told him that a certain type of species had many characteristics like that. Demons? He had never heard of them before. Hey! Maybe he could learn something new, and maybe even make a friend. Putting a smile on his face, he walked over to the girl and held out his hand, just like his chip told him.
“Hello. My name is Alex.”
“Hm?” Alex hummed in question as he suddenly heard a voice. He stood unfazed as a man suddenly appeared next to him and he turned to face them. “Oh, hello there.” he said with a smile, before his database chip sent him the signal to hold his hand out. He did so for a handshake before speaking again. “My name is Alex.” Technically the name Alex was true though his birth name was Kryscis. That was probably how it translated into the language of English.
Name: Kryscis Syno = Real Name, Alex Petrikov = Human Name
Age: 472 (looks 17)
Grade: Third Year Junior/11th Grade
Gender: Male
Appearance: He’s an average male height, with brown shaggy hair and purple eyes. In his alien form his skin is actually light blue (almost white) as well as his hair (which is dark blue). In human form (his cover) he’s a golden tan color and wears glasses. He’s almost always bundled up since his planet was much, much hotter than Earth is (making even he hottest summer day feel chilly for him) and also to cover up some strange tattoos he has that glow when he uses his powers/abilities.
Gift or Talent (Power, Demon, Animal person etc.): He’s able to change the way his eyesight works (normal, thermal, infrared, and so on) as well as shoot energy beams that change depending on his surroundings or mood. Alex also has the power to alter his appearance and voice for disguises. He’s an alien.
Backstory: Kryscis lived on a planet called Kalkov as part of a middle class family in the system. When he grew up, he was supposed to be a gem miner like his father, but Kryscis wanted more than just mining. He was actually an avid learner, much smarter than his fellow classmates. In fact, Kryscis is considered to be a child genius, but sadly no one ever really took notice. Though they didn’t Kryscis continued his secret studies. Just like every other child, he was early trained with his abilities, as well as learning how to attack and defend, which is why he has complete control over his powers. Everything was going alright in his life before the genocide of his people because of another planet. Kryscis was the only want to escape because after his parents died he escaped to Earth on a broken teleportation disc. Right after he landed, the disc broke completely and now he’s stranded on Earth. He first landed at this school, where he is now residing as Alex Petrikov, a human with unnatural abilities.
Goal(s): To fix his teleportation disc and find out if his planet is still in space, as well as learn the cultures of all the different beings he’s begun to meet upon entering the school.
Subjects You Study: AP Science, AP Math, Psychology, & Art
Live in the school: No
Other: He lives in a dimension bubble.
He can get angry (in which he’ll revert to his more powerful alien form) and will hurt people who are mean/hurt those he loves.
Since he doesn’t know about other races and cultures (plus loves learning) Alex is very curious and nosy, but does so with good intentions.
Also, the courses taught at the school are too easy for him, even the AP classes, which is why his nose is almost always stuck in a book.
Oh, and sometimes his power cells shut down and he’s powerless for some time.
He has a database chip in his brain and it feeds him information and other things, also keeping him connected socially.
There’s a chip in his neck as well, and if damaged or destroyed, he may very well be injured for life or die. -
(I agree to the rules. ^-^ OTL I should have done this first. T^T)
Alex read the rules and nodded slightly. “Weird…but okay.”
Um, this is Alex. ;; Alex Petrikov is his human name (his real name is Kryscis Syno). He’s an alien with certain powers and abilities from the planet Kalkov. Since he lived on such a closed off planet before the genocide of his people, he doesn’t know much about others which makes him sometimes very curious and nosy. But he’s a real sweetheart! And, he can get pretty angry so you might want to watch out then, but that’s just when you’re mean to people he likes. 😛
“Oh,” he said. “Well now this is quite peculiar isn’t it?” Alex stared up at the building in front of him, tilting his head slightly. The young alien was still unfamiliar with the culture of all these beings. Mostly due to the fact that he had once lived on a very closed off planet.
He switched his vision to thermal, noting that there were quite a few people within the school already. “Why am I here anyways?” he asked himself again, scratching the back of his head as his eyes went back to their normal vision and he walked past the gates and onto the grounds. In all honesty, this was the first place Alex had even landed when he fell to Earth, so it was the best place to start. His database chip had already created an identity for him so he could mingle among others without being too suspicious.
It’s not like he was a bad person, it’s just that he wasn’t technically supposed to be alive.